DNA chairman: I don’t expect to be punished for gambling in Atlantis


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Chairman Andrew Wilson yesterday said although he remains steadfast in his recent assertions that he “ought not to accede to being discriminated against in my own country”, he will seek legal advice from his attorney before attempting to gamble in the Atlantis Casino in the future.

Mr Wilson, in an interview with The Tribune, said he does not anticipate any punitive action against him from the Gaming Board for an incident on Sunday, which reportedly saw him escorted out of the Paradise Island-based casino and subsequently asked by officials “not to come back.”

He added that he is “firm in my conviction” that this country’s Constitution “provides me with protection from discrimination and the pursuit of happiness”.

Although he did not directly confirm whether he would adhere to those warnings, Mr Wilson stressed that he has gambled in the Atlantis Casino at least once “every other month” for “well over a year” and that he is “known to the staff of the casino.”

According to reports in a local daily, Mr Wilson was escorted from the craps table at the casino on Sunday night after being approached by a Gaming Board representative who asked him to produce identification, which he refused.

The main reason he was escorted out of the casino was because the country’s laws allow for visitors to gamble legally in casinos while Bahamians and permanent residents cannot.

Mr Wilson told The Tribune that despite him being a regular patron in the casino, he was informed by officials that “someone said to them that I’m a Bahamian.”

“Basically they told me that you know that what you were doing is against the law, and at one point there was a question as to whether I would be able to keep my funds which were the chips that I had in my possession, that would have been about $1,200 at that time,” he said. “And I asserted my right to keep my funds. And so they escorted me to the cage where I was able to cash in my chips for which they paid me in US dollars and asked me not to come back.”

When asked if he would return to the casino to gamble, Mr Wilson said: “I’ll have to take advice from my attorney on that, but I am firm in my conviction that I ought not to accede to being discriminated against in my own country, and that the Constitution provides me with protection from discrimination and the pursuit of happiness.”

He added: “…I am not new to the Paradise Island casino. I have been going there, I would say for well over a year, on average every other month, once every other month or once per quarter. I am known to the staff of the casino. I gave them (funds) that they accepted and sold me the chips with which I played, and they did not have a problem with that. Certainly I was not gambling by myself.

“I saw some prominent persons that I recognised in the casino, and like I said the only thing that differentiated me from them was the complexion of my skin.”

In December 2015, a Bahamian caught playing blackjack in the Atlantis Casino was given probation by a magistrate after he pleaded guilty to illegal gambling.

Trevor Thompson, 21, of Sea Beach Estates, was faced with a fine of up to $5,000 for the illegal gambling charge.

In January 2013, a gambling referendum was held to determine if Bahamians supported the idea of regulating and taxing web shops and the creation of a national lottery. The question of allowing Bahamians to legally gamble in casinos was not put on the ballot.

Most voters said no to both questions on the ballot, although less than 50 per cent of the country’s registered voters showed up at the polls.

However, the Christie administration went ahead with the regulation of web shops in spite of the results of the referendum.


sealice says...

being discriminated against? So Atlantis has a sign up that says no black gamblers? Wonder how that would go over?

Posted 4 January 2017, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Not race discrimination dummy. Discrimination based on nationality.

Posted 4 January 2017, 11:41 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

If you don't agree with the law, then petition to get the law changed...but don't think it shouldn't apply to you just because you disagree with it. I hope the gaming board DOES fine him and use him as an example. It's that very arrogance in the current political arena that has everyone so pissed off, the law applies to the lesser folk, but not the privileged politicians. F*** O**!!

Posted 4 January 2017, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Right on my friend!

Posted 4 January 2017, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

"Basically they told me that you know that what you were doing is against the law, and at one point there was a question as to whether I would be able to keep my funds which were the chips that I had in my possession, that would have been about $1,200 at that time,”

Is this man the best the DNA has to offer as Party Chairman???

Posted 4 January 2017, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! What be's the "high net worth" DNA Chairman Andrew Wilson?
Back on July 5, 2012, Robert “Sandy” Sands, senior vice-president of external and governmental affairs at Baha Mar, said Bahamalanders are not “disciplined” enough to be able to gamble in casinos locally.... that while he supports regularizing number houses, he is not an advocate of Bahamalanders being allowed to gamble in casinos.... that he is a strong advocate of limited relaxation for Bahamalanders gambling in casinos. I believe the government should examine the opportunity for "high net worth for persons who can verify their ability to sustain gambling for limited periods like over a month or something like that".
Anyways, if they decide charge or fine the DNA Chairman, he can always take his net worth financials to court and theres no question he should asks "Sandy" be his character witness, before da Judge.
I seriously doubt the DNA Chairman, faces jail time?

Posted 4 January 2017, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

So he gambled.. How much did he win?

Posted 4 January 2017, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

And this is the conundrum the PLP have created,
a form of segregation. Bahamians can gamble over there, but not here.
Or is it really we can still gamble no where?
Asinine people in positions of authority beget asinine laws and rules, and Carnivals celebrating
the sorry state of the country.
Let them drink rum.
Ain't no cake left.

Posted 4 January 2017, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

It's a good thing the Bahamas doesn't have public drinking fountains: one for visitors and one for Bahamians.

Posted 4 January 2017, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! The DNA Chairman admits to intentionally doing something that he should have known was illegal and could still result in a charge of illegal gambling which carries a fine of up to $5,000.
If found guilty, his conviction would be placed on his Police Record and could impede his obtaining a Visa to travel several countries.
The smart thing would be for Andrew to set a good citizen's example to quickly act by setting an example for the Youth of our nation that we all must abide by the laws of the land - even the ones we disagree with - Apologize and move on... This is not what Andrew wants to be remembered for as his best Paradise Island Nelson Mandela moment!

Posted 4 January 2017, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Naughtydread says...

And you see why our country is in the state it is currently. Our leaders are a bunch of low life degenerates who sweetheart and gamble like feigns, but put on their sheep costume for church on Sunday. Make an example of this fool, people gotta learn the hard way sometime!

Posted 4 January 2017, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

So many of you "commenters" miss the REAL issue here. The REAL issue is that BAHAMIANS are NOT allowed to carry out an activity in THEIR country that others are permitted to. If that is not discrimination of the worse kind then what is. In case you have not realized...we are all second class citizens in our own country...SAD!!!

Posted 4 January 2017, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

But did he do it to send a message. . or did he tried to "sneg" one lil game in. . .like he used to do long time[sic]. . .without yinna in mind. . .and he "get catch"! I believe he is cool if he did it to send a message. . .but "snegging in one lil game to win lil bit of money" ! Bran said he will discipline anyone of his officers if they go astray. . .watching and waiting for his moment!

Posted 4 January 2017, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

The key word is "NOT" allowed. . .at present! I feel you. . .but his leader was all over the place one week ago saying that the seven did what they were allowed to do in constitution. . .they break no law. . .the law is the law[sic]. . .now the law is still the law. . .no matter how reprehensible for you or for me. . .the DNM leader said that law must always be held up and be carried out. . .the law is the law. . .he must act!

Posted 4 January 2017, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

We do get that. But if this is a cause he wishes to fight for, he automatically accepts the penalty while fighting. When slaves revolted, they didn't say this is a just cause so don't punish us. They fought, they ran away, they spoke up **despite** the threat of penalty, **because** they **believed** in the cause. He sent an extremely bad message to our young men with his I don't expect to be punished statement.

Posted 8 January 2017, 3:58 a.m. Suggest removal

MassExodus says...

I can't stand it when black people get caught doing something illegal, and suggest they are targeted because they are black. YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL YOU ASSHOLE. Using skin color as an excuse for everything is ignorant, immature, and just plain uncalled for. On top of this we have the government mentality that the law does not apply to him. Furthermore, what he suggests is nonsensical. Where is the violation in the constitution? Anyway, just another example as to why we are fu*ked as Bahamian voters. Our options are basically, which method of execution would we like as citizens?; lethal injection (fnm,) firing squad (plp,) or lethal injection (dna)

Posted 4 January 2017, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Brand must now fire him. . .all his talk about doing the right thing. . .he now have a chairman that has clearly broke the law. . .Brand has to fire him of he himself resign. . .according to his reasoning last week when commenting on the FNM/UBP rebel seven case! Bran defining hour is here. . .put-up or shut-up! LBT and his chairman have decided our DNA problem for voters. . .he must act or be seen as a typical say one thing and do the next politician. . .end of story!

Posted 4 January 2017, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Why worry about this fella gambling at Atlantis when we have had Perry and his thugs gambling with our collective livelihoods for 5 years????? ........... SMT

Time to vote the thugs out ............ gambling in the ghetto is killing Bahamians

Posted 4 January 2017, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Because he broke the law? The question is not what happened with the PLP for the last 4 years. . .DID THE DNA CHIRMAN GAMBLED AT ATLANTIS. . .AN ACT THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS? THAT BE THE QUESTION. . .

Posted 5 January 2017, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Bahamians should be allowed to gamble anywhere in their homeland. The day you send these PLP Devils back to hell, will be the day I show you how to beat the casinos at french roulette every time. It's a game of math, the only game you have any chance at really winning in a casino. I have mastered it where I'm not even allowed in many casinos because of it. Anyone with a brain can be taught my method.

Posted 4 January 2017, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

But you can not be a gambler, gamblers don't know when to walk away. I am not a gambler, my passion is math. The more time you spend in a casino, the time you upper their odds. If you use my method, you have to have the lower to walk away and not get greedy; can you do that?

Posted 4 January 2017, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Power....not lower; f.....g computers!

Posted 4 January 2017, 9:48 p.m. Suggest removal

sengli02 says...

There are people being killed each day in Nasseu, and you are worried about gambling. What a poor excuse for leadership? Get a life.

Posted 4 January 2017, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

sengli02 says...

Poor excuse for a leader.

Posted 4 January 2017, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

We understand that the law is silly and many people dislike it. But doing what you did was asinine. But this is the Bahamas so logic and common sense doesn't apply.

Posted 4 January 2017, 11:24 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

At least in a casino you have somewhat of a chance to win something. But in a numbers house you're lucky if you win anything; the odds are in their favor. So who is really the criminal, the man who wants a fair chance at winning, or the crook at the numbers house with the odds in his favor?

Posted 5 January 2017, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

What a surprise; a politician who doesn't expect to pay for their wrongdoing and believes the laws of the land do not apply to them. Who knew.

Posted 4 January 2017, 11:31 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...


Posted 5 January 2017, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The government is busy trying to legalize same sex marriage but yet a Bahamian cannot gamble in his own town. A case of Kalik that is made here costs $44.oo compared to $24 in Miami, Heineken's cost $46 and guineas $55.00 twice the price in Miami. Bahamians still does not still have the same beach access as foreigners, and foreign businesses are given concessions, tax breaks and crown land.. I don't gamble but it took a while feeling comfortable in Hard Rock Casino in Florida when Bahamian friend s go there to play the slots. That being said someone who is aspiring to become a law maker should not be s law breaker.

Posted 4 January 2017, 11:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Required says...

"Pursuit of happiness"? The DNA chairman now thinks that, because he's gambling alongside American tourists, he *is* American? (And even there, the phrase is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.)

Posted 5 January 2017, 6:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

So very typical eh! This guy shows himself to be a moron in his public utterances though, so that comment and others came as no surprise really.

Posted 5 January 2017, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Hahahahahahahaha. . .I thought only me noticed that he spoke of the Declaration of Independence . . .

Posted 5 January 2017, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Funny thing how known be loyal greens/quasi reds bloggers rushed to these hereto Tribune pages unanimously throwing rocks at the speedy firing of the DNA's Chairman Andrew over his fun night out casino gambling... But when Andrew and his green party leader Bran, bowed before and sang the praises Loretta's Coup against Minnis, not a single pebble was tossed at Andrew's or Bran's resignations.
The green party has get out the dilemma of how it plans to change the 2017 government to green whilst running as undercover red shirts!


Posted 5 January 2017, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Andrew is a liar. No white Bahamians gamble. I tried. Spent a night in Cable Beach station for my efforts.

Andrew is a liar...

I want to know why I was arrested and he was not....

Posted 5 January 2017, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Required says...

I've seen plenty white kids from Lyford Cay gamble at Atlantis. Sometimes, I was with them, while they were allowed to do so by the staff, I was told that I couldn't even sit there and watch my friends gamble.

Posted 5 January 2017, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

athlete12 says...

I support the DNA however the fact is every Bahamian is aware of the law no matter how just or unjust it may be. He broke the law and should face consequences.

If he can break the law now he can again once /if the DNA is in power. He should be removed.

Posted 5 January 2017, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

On Monday, January 2, 2017, I happened pretty much by accident to witness at the Cherokee Air Terminal just west of the Leonard Thompson International Airport in Marsh Harbour, the arrival of Senator Branville McCartney and a delegation of DNA party members who were met by two small cars, one of which displayed two green DNA party flags. What the purpose of the trip to Abaco was is really none of my business but I was almost pained to see the strained efforts of the party faithful present to enlarge upon the occasion if you know what I mean.
I wonder if these party faithful truly entertain hopes of attaining even one seat in the upcoming general election.
Apparently egos continue to stand in the way of a way toward a united opposition to present to the voting public.
I have a feeling that the DNA and the FNM are going to regret many lost opportunities once the election results are announced.

Posted 5 January 2017, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Had DNA Chairman Andre stayed gambling at the casino's game of chance, he likes any other casino player, white, black, native or foreigner - would eventually have been resigned to the fate of losing his $1200 in chips. It's called the House, always wins the suckers moneys!
My dear friend now a well-known about town Holy Ghost Preacherwoman's, some years back was also caught by security gambling over on Paradise Island and she told security that, “It is not me who owns these casino chips, they is God's.... We church is struggling financially.... I just pushin them chips across line, trying multiply the church's offerings". A true story that she (now a Bishop, and I have retold and laughed at our night out at the casino, so many times over years... and thankfully, unlike my other Comrade ProudandStillFNM, she didn't have spend the night inside policeman's station's lockup cell.

Posted 5 January 2017, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This thread is so nonsensical ............. casinos vs webshops???????? ........ none are Bahamian assets anyway (do you really think Island Luck etc are Bahamian-owned?????)

Posted 5 January 2017, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Avidreader is correct. They need a coaltion of some of Minnis people LBT people, bran and greg moss people. All four stand on camera same time and announce their slate of candidates. Even coalition. Let Bran be PM, but he will know that the Loretta-effect will be waiting for him if he steps too far out of line (ie. a number of them get together and write the GG again, and he gone).

Teamwork. Coaltion. OR we get currency devaluation. Every single person voting PLP in this election needs to prepare themselves for their dollar to be devalued to 20 cents by September.


Posted 7 January 2017, 11:36 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Oh, and yes, Bran does need to fire the chairman. Sad, but true. Unfortunate. Otherwise, great ammunition for PLP on the campaign trail - and trust me they know how to use any ammunition to get ten times its normal firepower.


Posted 7 January 2017, 11:38 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's weird that someone who rails against the PLP for lack of transparency, cronyism, favouritism and circumventing the law, would tell us he doesn't expect a penalty for breaking the law. I get the point that he thinks this is his right, but if the protest breaks the law, expect the penalty of the law. If a protest blocks the road expect a ticket. His message should have been he would gladly accept the penalty fighting for something he believes in. But that's if he really believes in it or he was simply there for personal pleasure and to shoot craps.

Posted 8 January 2017, 3:49 a.m. Suggest removal

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