'Black people breed too much' says Anglican Archdeacon


Tribune Staff Reporter


ANGLICAN Archdeacon James Palacious said on Tuesday that “black people breed too much”, adding that Bahamian women “should stop having babies” they cannot afford.

Addressing a crowd of supporters at the end of a march to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Majority Rule on the Southern Recreation Grounds, Archdeacon Palacious said unless “we find a way to control our reproductive processes” The Bahamas will be stuck recycling poverty.

The archdeacon said while Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn’s proposal for state-sponsored sterilisation of women was “most unfortunate,” he agrees with the principle of what Mr Lightbourn was trying to say.

While speaking at the Free National Movement’s (FNM) televised convention last July, Mr Lightbourn proposed that the country adopt legislation that mandates unwed mothers with more than two children have their “tubes tied” in an effort to curtail the country’s social ills. His comments drew the ire of many people, with some parliamentarians, local advocacy groups, and others swiftly condemning him for his statements. He has since apologised for his comments.

“We live in a society where the rich gets richer and the poor get children,” Archdeacon Palacious said on Tuesday.

“What I mean is this, unless we can control our reproductive process we will always be recycling poverty. My member of Parliament Richard Lightbourn made some most unfortunate remarks at the FNM convention, which he later apologised for, and that is important. Having said that let me say this too: the principal of what he was trying to say I agree totally.

“Black people breed too much. We have too many children we cannot afford and as a result of that we digging ourselves more and more into poverty. If we can’t see that then something is radically wrong with us.

“You have children on the lunch programme right now mothers, and you going having some more, come on man. Give me a break, give yourself a break. God didn’t put you here as any baby machine, he put you here to be a productive citizen of this country. That is what we need.”

Archdeacon Palacious also criticised the Bahamian people for “relying too much” on the government and not taking “responsibility” for their “own lives and actions.”

“We blame the government for our own failures ...We complain about what the foreigners doing to us, what the white man doing, what the Chinese doing. Unfortunately, many of us are doing it to ourselves. The Chinese don’t have our girls pregnant over the hill,” he said.

“They aren’t robbing us, they aren’t killing us. We are the ones who are doing it to ourselves. We need to take personal responsibility for where we are right now. (Sir Lynden) Pindling already dead. Sir Roland (Symonette) already dead. They dead. We are here. We are the ones here that have to make sense of all of this. This day would mean nothing if we cannot show that we are better off. We need a zero tolerance for the bunch of excuses we make. There is so much more to be done, that mission of Majority Rule is accomplished but the struggle goes on.”

Archdeacon Palacious also said he is “dismayed” that the 2016 gender equality referendum did not prevail and he is disappointed that on the 50th anniversary of Majority Rule, that the “majority of the people in the country still do not have some fundamental rights under the Constitution”.


justthefactsplease says...

Shocking!!! How different from Lightbourne's comment is his? They are both saying exactly the same things in a different way. Will there be an outcry against him or is it OK since he is black? I note that the people cheered his comments while Lightbourne was vilified. Don't get me wrong...Lightbourne should have been treated exactly as he was...all I want to know is why are we not treating this comment with the same level of disdain.

Posted 11 January 2017, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...


Posted 11 January 2017, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

athlete12 says...

This is very true

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

All race are racists...not just BAHAMIANS !

Posted 11 January 2017, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

In this country you hear a black man calling another black a nigger at whim in conversation and no problem but let a white person call a black person the same and they wanna fight, so no one will carry on the way the did when lightbourne said what he said.

Posted 11 January 2017, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Possibly because Archdeacon Palacious is right, to a point. He has, however, forgotten that it takes two to tango.

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

Another " SELL OUT "...In America they are call House Negroes. Unfortunately, Palacious is playing right into the hands of white racist who want to control the black population. He is just as wrong as the Conkie Joe Lightbourne. Population control is the goal of unenlightened leaders, whether they be religious or political. Palacious and Lightbourne need to go preach their message of planned parenthood to the Chinese, not to a small developing country like the Bahamas. No religious or political person has the right to tell, judge and condemn any one about how many kids they should or should not have, that's between them and their partners. I agree with The INFINITE: " Be fruitful and multiply." The population of the Bahamas must grow in order to met the demands of the future. Therefore I agree with The INFINITE instruction : " Be fruitful and multiply."

Posted 11 January 2017, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Yeah be fruitful and multiply then accept the social consequences of single parent upbringing, unemployment and uneducated children. And stop blaming the white man for every mistake that Bahamians have made since independence. Just look at Zimbabwe and many other countries that went downhill after independence. People like you are like kids who want to leave home then screw up and blame everybody else when you leave.

Posted 11 January 2017, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

And God O Mighty, creator of the heavens, said to them, "Go on to the Earth and Multiple", just another Pastor in PLP yellow who's hands smell like little boys ass trying to tell me what I already have been taught by God's book.

Posted 11 January 2017, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Holy shit Tribune242.com, I can't believe you put my comment for all to see, where the fuck is the phone number for the three wise men; my Hebrew lawyers....LOL! This is without the best newspaper in the Bahamas!

Posted 11 January 2017, 10:51 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Without a doubt the best fucking newspaper in the Bahamas; I can sense the YOUTH, YOU ARE THE FUTURE!

Posted 11 January 2017, 10:52 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...


Posted 11 January 2017, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal

athlete12 says...

People not just blacks have the right to have as many children as they want. However, if one does not have the have the ability to care (feed,clothe, emotionally engaged, educate) for a child on a daily basis then they should not be having children.

Yes the men are just as responsible as the women but our culture just does not work that way because women end up carry the weight of the responsibilities. Women must take control of their sexual interactions.

If a man can have sex without a condom, he will and wont think twice about it until after the fact.

Our schools must also educate children from young on an annual basis on protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Preaching for them to wait until they are married just doesn't cut it anymore

Parents talk to your kids about sex and make sure they always have condoms and are aware of contraceptives . It's not taboo but very natural actually and they will thank you later for it

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

The "problem" is that Lughtbourn is WHITE. Having babies is an African inheritance based on survival instinct .

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

I wouldn't say that Bahamians are racist.........
What I would say is that Bahamians are aware of racial issues that affect them.
While I disagree with the archdeacon, his comments should not be considered racist because it doesn't reflect the element of hatred accosiated with ethnic divide. In other words, cultural etiquette allows blacks to criticize other blacks when all parties involved are black.
However, when someone of a different race criticizes another race, one has to wonder if that person's motives are genuine or predicated upon racial bias (whether they're speaking the truth or not).

The archdeacon is wrong for his comments. He took a cheap shot at black Bahamians at a time when morale is low.
Not only is the Bahamas still considered a small country, but the generations of Bahamians before us conceived many children as well.
Our population has become a melting pot of illegal immigrants merged with disenfranchised Bahamian citizens all confined to one small island simply because successive governments have failed to enhance the success of our country.
The archdeacon should have addressed the real issues... not blow smoke.
The simple truth is.... our governments have failed us, and we as Bahamian people have failed one another.

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

It is best to leave race out of this discussion completely. It is inflammatory and diverts from the central issue. The better way to state the problem of unwanted and uncared for children is that the poor and uneducated have many more children than any other segment of society. High school dropouts have a higher number of children on average than high school graduates, who are higher than the college educated etc, right on up to graduate degrees. So as with so many intractable problems in this country it comes down to improving our educational system. This will take a long time and requires a sea change in our Bahamian way of thinking.

In the short run govt can make quick meaningful changes. Most importantly is to increase the consequences for these deadbeat fathers who refused to support their children. Laws need to be amended to increase the child support deadbeat fathers must pay. It must have teeth and be enforced. Have a court established exclusively to deal will this problem, have it open 24/7. Wages and assets of these deadbeats must be garnished and then perhaps these men will think twice about wanton procreation. At the very least children will benefit from increased material support that they deserve and will not suffer as they are now.

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Well said.

Posted 11 January 2017, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Hallelujah! Preach it brother!


Posted 11 January 2017, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades what's interesting is it took just 50 years Majority Rule to throw wide-open the closed doors once reserved exclusively for the Bay Street Boys boardrooms to meet to thrash out repressive colonial mentality political and social strategies.... Before the couldn't be more straightforward, not so gentle comments could be aimed squarely at poor black woman's could make their way into the public domain by its messengers Montagu's Richard and the Anglican Archdeacon.
Montagu's Richard's party took immediate steps deal with him....what will "WE PROTEST" do to separate themselves from the Archdeacon?


Posted 11 January 2017, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Nice shoes, Italian?

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:20 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

The Archdeacon "hit out at the peoples dem" as a pissed and angry PLP who saw his party "dissed" by them bunch of poor blacks. . .instead of "mashin up" his party who created such disaffection among the masses. . .in his frustration. . .he "jook up" the black people for having alla dem chirrins dem who now dissin his party! Now this is my interpretation of his nonsense statement. . .I know him to be a sensible man. . .I can only say he and he boys dem are mad as hell for dem buncha dang black ingrates marching in such numbers against him and his PLP party! His stupid statement makes no sense for this very smart man. . .one that I never heard made such nonsense statements before! Either heem drunk or just a "mad" PLP for alla dem black peoples dem gern ta march wid them We March Bahamas PEOPLES DEM! Just think now. . .this the first time I found that the Police dem is reluctant to "estimate" a crowd to say that only lil bit of peoples dem been there (we measure success by how many peoples dem caome out to ya protest). . .the PLP was clearly shown that the people will kick they jiving tails out of office. . .Arch deacon and all! Lol!

This dumb talk is not over for the Archbishop. . .just like that foolish statement came back to "bite" MP Lightbourne in his backside. . .the church will discipline him publically for his attack on the poor and black Bahamians. . .he is not fit to be their Archbishop for disrespecting the so in public!! His statement suggests a classist, elitist who is so self-absorbed that he attacked his "flock" for the benefit of his political cronies dem. He will rue that statement. . .if not locally. . .international pressure from his church hierarchy will "call for his head" from local church officials. . .HE WILL PAY FOR THAT DUMB STATEMENT!

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

athlete12 says...

Though he may be protecting his PLP his point is still valid. We cannot blame government for our actions as sovereign individuals.

I accept the fact that there is correlation between poverty and the inefficiencies/ corruption within the government but we CANNOT give people excuses for committing actions that are harmful to themselves and society.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

What point? Black people having too many chirrins dem? World stats show that black peoples have 12% as compared to white peoples 25%. . .as for the Bahamas. . .Black persons live birth has fallen since 1967 in the Bahamas. . .also BLACK Haitian WOMAN GIVE BIRTH 2 TIMES COMPARED TO BLACK BAHAMIAN WOMEN! So what is the good gentleman talking about. . .world blacks, Bahamian blacks or Haitian blacks living in the Bahamas? He has no valid point. . .the data says he is "talkin fool". . .as for talking about sovereign individuals. . .THEN HOW IT GETS HIS DANG BUSINESS IF "SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUALS" CHOOSE TO HAVE PLENTY CHIRRINS DEM? You must be consistent in your reasoning. . .you are making the government the culprit for creating the mess with poor governance but you want the masses to pay the "costs" and carry the blame for the government slackness. . .yoon making much sense there nah! You too reasoning from the position that the government is a mutually exclusive class with it's own money apart from the masses. . .when in fact the government is the people and uses the peoples monies to further their causes. . .to solve their problems. . .not deride them for creating problem for themselves. . .you can blame the masses for their actions when it comes to your own house and your money. . .not tax payers monies. . .we give it to government to take care of our social policy needs and requirements! Beyond the social obligation of the government to meet the help needs of other in the society who cannot do it for themselves. . .the constitution says it een ya dang business what they do with their lives or how many chirrins they have!!

Posted 11 January 2017, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

athlete12 says...

The point that you should not have children if you cannot care for them because you burden yourself, the child and society. And if you cannot care for them and still want to have children and raise them poor, fine but that is no blame to the government because you know the consequences.

It's common knowledge that the government isn't going to help you with your child so why put yourself in that position?

What percentage of young women in this country you beleive intended to get pregnant? Or wish they hadn't gotten pregnant.

You are misunderstanding me. I started by saying people have the right to have as much children as they want as long they can care for it. When you cannot care for the child you are putting strain on everyone including yourself and the child. Continuing the cycle of poverty when you know the government will not assist you. Now you will be poor and so will your children.

To your points comparing Haitian women and Bahamian women. Haitian women purposely over breed when they get here. And even if the fact reflects the same in Haiti, I do not beleive that is a trend the Bahamian people want to follow because it obviously is not helping their society, just breed more poverty.

And it is all our business because this falls on the taxpayers. So like i said we must educate our young men and women on UNWANTED pregnancies.

Posted 12 January 2017, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

I understand and agree with most of the above mentioned comments.
But we as Bahamians need to take an objective look at the nature of things when we assess what's going on within the Bahamas.

Most of the social ills that we're experiencing right now is directly correlated to a failed economy. It is the direct result of the domino effect that began with our so called leaders. The government has failed at enhancing our gross domestic product. They have failed at the business of selling our brand to the world. They have failed at investing in their citizens and nurturing new ideas. The Bahamian government has ushered the people into poverty.
To sum up the past 45 years....... all we've done is trade a white slave master for a black one.

Posted 11 January 2017, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Hats off to one statement here who seem to want to be honest about the reason for "alla dem black chirrins dem runnin round the place. . .the Archbishop and his corrupt, classist and elitist political friends created a society of "all for we baby". . .now he wants to blame the masses for acting like an "abandoned masses" left to fend for themselves by an elitist group, which the Archbishop is "creased right up into" that "block" every move to improve themselves. . .and give all the gravy to their friends, families and lovers! Let him just wait. . .when his girl bring one of them home to him as boyfriend. . .or his son bring one of them "blacks" and they too start having plenty "Pinckney" and full up his elitist house!

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

The difference being that when Whitey was running things there was a thriving economy and most Bahamians had more than one job. The social ills that plague us now were nonexistent then because there was law and order, swift justice and at least a semblance of accountability. People say the UBP's were a bunch of tiefs but in reality they were boy scouts compared to those who came after majority rule and this crew in particular.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

When Blacks were slaves they were forced to breed. Many times women with men other than their husbands and men with numerous women. Sometimes even the White slave masters would forcefully impregnate slave women. When black slaves became free they continued to farm and so having many children was an asset, not a curse. Health care was poor or non existent so many families had 10,11,12 children. The Bahamian family was reduced to average of 5-6 children in the 1970's-1980's, and 2-3 in the 2000's. Many families have only one or two children today. With the massive assault on young, black men where over one thousand have been murdered in the past decade, and with the infiltration of foreigners into this country the Archbishop is wrong for suggesting Bahamians are having too much children. Many of the Family Islands are unpopulated or underpopulated, to say the least.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Even White Bahamian families living of the family islands have more children than ones living in New Providence. Check Spanish Wells where they do a lot of fishing, Long Island with farming and The Abacos. The bishop needs to get his facts straight.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I believed Mr:Lightbourne had a point. But I disagree with the Government being involved
In how many children any one has. And the priest has a point. I am so tired of seeing black
Young men in handcuffs and I am tired of women complaining about being single parents.
It is important that all people take responsibility for their actions. The homes are in trouble.
And it spills out into the Country.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Sometimes the only joy in life, especially in the Bahamas, is the act of reproduction. Like the Bahamas, it is a messy, unsanitary act and it involves loud and unnecessary appeals to a deity. However, in the end (no euphemism intended in spite of extreme temptation to mock PLP practices), it is highly pleasurably. Unfortunately, babies are not prevented enough, when one endeavours to pleasure the nether regions.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades if you bump into the Archdeacon, gently asks him - why he never spoke out at the WE PROTEST about Super Values Rubert's comments about how paycheques intended to go for groceries are being gambled away on Numbers and other gambling devices. That a single Numbers House, handed out "$100,000" in groceries certificates over the Christmas Season.

Posted 11 January 2017, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Its a common problem through out the region of the birth rate outpacing GDP ,,Haiti ,Jamaica . Then the mothers and fathers beat the snot out of the children in anger teaching them that force and violence is how you solve problems ..Please don,t give me that nonsense about spare the rod .In the Nordic countries corporal punishment of children is frowned upon and in some Nordic countries Illegal .These countries have the lowest crime rates world wide both in violent crime and theft and white collar crime .

Posted 11 January 2017, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade ConcernedCitizen, if you just happens bump into the Archdeacon, do educate him that the birthrate for Bahamalander's woman's have in fact declined by "50%". The foreigners birthrate on Bahamaland's soil, have more than "doubled" during the same time period.
Some nurses will joke that when a native baby is born at the PMH, it's such a rarity that they call in the hospitals official picture taker to photographically record the birth.

Posted 11 January 2017, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Sigh ... why must I be the one to catch your number lies? Just like when you said there were 437 marchers at the first march. Now you say that the birthrate has declined by 50%. Why do you do that? Do you have the PLP lying gene?


As you can see, the birth rate in the Bahamas has indeed declined .. but by 50%? It has gone down from 19.54 per thousand to 15.65 (latest figures). Hardly 50%.

And how does that compare to Nordic countries? Actually birthrate is declining around the world. (I figure that fertility is decreased by the chemicals in the plastic of a bag of bread). But really, our birthrate is Wayyyyy too high, compared to Denmark:


They are just at 10.22 per thousand births.

So the arch-thingie is right. Too much copulation results in too much population. And never trust a number that Tal quotes -- or any PLP for that matter.

Posted 11 January 2017, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Thank you Banker . I live on a small family island and I see the Bahamian gals w 5 or more children for numerous dead beat Dads .Plus Tals we have been selling our country to the Haitians for years .Old man Stubbs had a soda box full of work permits for Haitians on potters cay ..15,000 a pop he get them straight .All the PLP generals made good money getting "indentured servants " straight .Then they kick back weekly .We waste money rounding them up while you can buy farm labour permits out the back door at immigration ..As I type there are Bahamians down the road from me that just got a new load hidden in the bush to get straight

Posted 11 January 2017, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

meant 1500 ,,he get them straight

Posted 11 January 2017, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker, shocked it would be you spread fake facts.

Posted 11 January 2017, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

You've been exposed.
You're just another PLP folly. It's best you keep your mouth closed.

Posted 11 January 2017, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

THANKS BANKER, TOTALLY AGREE. ===) banker says...
Sometimes the only joy in life, especially in the Bahamas, is the act of reproduction. Like the Bahamas, it is a messy, unsanitary act and it involves loud and unnecessary appeals to a deity. (===

(1) IS ABORTION LEGAL IN THE BAHAMAS (aka women's rights to choose )
We are now living in the residual effects of our past actions and/or in action, we have a highly indoctrinated society that knows political colors and colonial writings (bible) by heart, but don't know 2×1=2 or how to plant a hill of beans to feed themselves. The Archdeacon and the politician comments is like the man (if I can call him that) who been having sex with his teenage daughter, but when he found out she was pregnant beat her mercilessly in front of to family to please them, all the while hoping she have a miscarriage. RESPECTFULLY, ARCHDEACON, YALL CREATED THIS BED TOO, SO SLEEP IN IT, WITH YOUR SHOTGUN AND YOUR BIBLE NEXT TO YOUR WIFE. WELL, IF IT'S THE BAHAMAS CHRISTMAS COUNSEL PRES. THEN IT'S NEXT TO HIS B.F.


Posted 11 January 2017, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! For all those engaging in the "Fake Facts" statistics.
According to an 2016 overview data collected by Bahamaland's Department of Statistics, births in the Bahamaland over a 40 years period shows that the recorded birthrate fell by almost "50" percent, from "28.8" births per 1000 persons to "15." births per 1000 persons.
Conclusion by the government's own Department of Statistics on births, was that woman's who were previously having an average of "four" babies - were now only having an average "two" babies.
In fact, 32% baby products shop & services businesses went out business during the same period of a sharp newborn babies decline.


Posted 11 January 2017, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

Hard to believe because Tal for the most part is a very confused individual, but depending how far you go back he is basically correct. The bahamas birth rate has declined 50% from 1965 (29.87) to 2015 (15.04), so it has taken 50 years not 40. In 1975 the birth rate was 25.92 per thousand.


Posted 11 January 2017, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

Yes, Tal is pretty much correct about the 50% declination, our birth rates are not as high as one might think, there’s other stuff going on with our population however.

It’s not necessarily a problem of “black people breeding too much” as it is more a problem of the limited economic capability of The Bahamas. That’s how I see it.

Posted 11 January 2017, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I stand corrected. I was speaking of the modern era - post 2000 AD. I apologise to Tal on this occasion.

Posted 11 January 2017, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker, I'll give you that births to "unwed mothers" have increased from a low of 29% to 62% during the same time period and that by itself should sound off alarm warning bells that needs urgent addressing through better educational programs for both the females and males.

Posted 11 January 2017, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The other big problem is consanguinity among the "illegitimate" births. The statistics are frightening. I spoke to a person whose work was funded by the Clinton Foundation. Although the primary study was the transmission of the AIDS vector, the genetic material was assayed for the breast cancer gene and consanguinity. As a result of the study, there was a huge genetic sample set and the odds of a newborn Bahamian child born out of wedlock, have a 50-50 probability of both the mother and the father having a common ancestor within the last three generations. This may explain why Bahamian women have breast cancer at much higher rates than the rest of the population, and why Bahamians have a higher incidence of diabetes and hypertension.

There is a huge socio-economic problem in the Bahamas.

Posted 11 January 2017, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

I listened to singing for supper Jones today and he did not go near what the pastor said, wanted to call and ask him what he thought.

Posted 11 January 2017, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The problem with "dead beat dads" in this country is a political. Firstly the politicians pander to the women and bypass the male population. So while the women become economically empowered by getting a government job or a lil extra income coming in from her politician, who may also be her seeetheart, young men bounce from job to job just trying to make ends meet. Most of them are not willingly to do the favors many of the politicians want so that they can get straight so they fend for themselves. The masculinity of many Bahamian males is something he will defend with his life. He is just as proud of his virility. Unfortunately when relationships that involve children end, the children's mother decides to make life a living hell for the daddy, usually after he gets involved with another woman. Then the new spouse also gets involved and many will stop the father from seeing or taking care of his children. Sometimes young men experience economic hardship and because there is hardly anyone else in the family to help them out they are repeatedly dragged before the courts. This makes a bad situation even worse because even if the father supports his children financially he will not be a part of their lives. And yes there are some young men that have 5,6,7 children with the same number of mothers. They are young, ignorant and have become obsessed with the act of making rather than being a responsible father. When they realize the responsibility it is too late because they do not have the financial capacity to care for the children. When Bahamians had extended families this would not be a problem because when one eat all would eat. Someone in the family would go look for the children and put "lil something in dey hand." Today is different. Family members go buy dey fast food and eat before they come home or go lock up in their room and It it themselves.

Posted 11 January 2017, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**. Everybody Purposely Ignoring The Fact Haitians Are Intentionally Breeding Like Rats .**

Acknowledge the elephant in our country being 50 years of illegal Haitians "breeding for status" element, and we can begin an honest dialog.

James Palacious was a PLP jackass apologist with the equality referendum and even more of jackass now!

Posted 11 January 2017, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

thephoenix562 says...

Totally agree.

Posted 12 January 2017, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

My2cents says...

Thanks for your honesty SP. Only a couple of folks here touched on this truth. Since 2005 officials have known that foreign births outpace births to Bahamian mothers and it was never addressed. Not sure how 'black people breed too much' can be discussed by anyone who does not acknowledge this fact.

Posted 11 January 2017, 7:06 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Someone please post the birth rates for the three main breeding groups in The Bahamas:
1. The post-1950 Haitian/Jamaican/Filipino/Cuban/Dominican immigrants ....... 2. The native/Loyalist blacks ............... 3. The native/Loyalist whites .......... I bet the group in #1. has contributed at least 70% of the live births since 1967 .......... That is the "black people" referred to by Fr.Jimmy

Posted 11 January 2017, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

SP Haitians are not breeding like rats so stop with the degradation and ignorance. Haitians here have two or three children to establish right of claim. If they are deported they use the children to get back here when the children become adults. But many Haitians are trying to get to the US and no longer want to stay in the Bahamas. Life is too hard and because of crime they feel unsafe. So many try to get to Miami. Father goes first then sends for wife and kids.

Posted 11 January 2017, 10:46 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Well, if you don't know how to solve a problem from the supply side, solve it from the demand side. If you don't know how to create conditions for sustained employment and growth which would gainfully employ your entire population, the answer is simple: reduce the population. It is what it is: an admission of abject failure and cluelessness.

Posted 12 January 2017, 6:21 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

So to reduce the population. . .how about we start with everybody who lives in Montague. . .then Killaney. . . yamacraw. . . followed by any other elite people living area. . .then elevate some middle class areas. . .using the lower classes as the labour class for a new socio-economic paradigm for national redevelopment! This model is right out of Karl Marx' Communist Manifesto. . .he removes the national leaders class (intelligencia) whom he see as the generators of all social ills with the poor. . .or labour class! Also, the French Revolution used this national cleansing method as well. . .would you endorse this method?

Any kind of population reduction method always begs the vital question of. . .who will be first!

Me, you, the man on the Conner who begging for a hand-out. . .or will it be the politicians? You travel down a dangerous road that history always show that the elite and the lower classes are first for ethnic cleansing (the elite generates the problem and the poor is trapped in the worse of it). . .because that what your thinking will amount to. . .get rid of people but not "my" peoples dem bouy!

Posted 12 January 2017, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

My2cents says...

@John, while SP may be ranting, you are being politcally correct and therefore, not completely truthful. I believe the average is more like 5. Even the few Haitians who have made it as a story line in the tribune have no less than 5, including a 21 year old woman. If Haitians made there way to the US as cleanly as you state, by having one or two children and returning upon adulthood, there would not be the massive backlog of applications there is today.

Posted 12 January 2017, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Haitians disproportionally Increase Population By Status Breeding, Illegal Entry Of Minors **

It is common knowledge Haitian births far outnumber Bahamian births, and have done so for decades.....Sounds like rats to me!

Adding insult to injury, Haitians also routinely send children illegally to Bahamas with/to friends and family....More rats!

Compare population growth of Bahamas vs Barbados:

Bahamas 1960 population was 100,000+, compared to 1960 Barbados population of 200,000+
Bahamas 2013 population was 390,000+, compared to 2013 Barbados population of 290,000+


Where did the extra 200,000 people in Bahamas come from over the same time period? Of special note is the unmistakable rise in crime which coincides with the disproportionate population growth.

Successive governments totally failed to protect the country from these invaders who's numbers now equal that of Bahamians.

They are a major expense to the government/citizenry because they utilize a disproportionate amount of public services and take jobs away from Bahamians.

***Special rant for John:*** We don't need illegal Haitians, the PLP or the FNM. All three have done more harm than good to Bahamas!

Posted 12 January 2017, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

We sell the country to the Haitians ,,the old PLP generals all had permits for 20 to 30 indenture servants that had to kick back to them ,Shit Frank Hanna build an empire on the backs of Haitians w/ permits ,,they cleaned banks ,airports businesses and would not steal or their permit was yanked ..Couple of dollars and anyone can get there indentured servant straight ..Funny though they worked hard ,now are the carpenter ,the mason ,the corner shop owner ,

Posted 12 January 2017, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

QUESTION ................... How many women has Slick Mouth Jimmy breed???????????

Posted 12 January 2017, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

As a messenger, Shepherd and Priest of our Almighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we are all a part of his flock including you and I.

Posted 13 January 2017, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

As indelicate a way to describe the situation the good priest is correct. The situation has many facets first being what is the role of the church or Bahamas Christian Council being doing for years as they preach to their congregation, Sunday school for the kids on growing up, being sex before marriage, advise couples on being wed, marriage and on 'breeding'. Its not the women but the 'wutless' no good men wid suga on dey tongue also or perhaps the male first being responsible. Somehow it appears the children are given the Holiest of blessings with the adults standing and making even more vows. Collection is of course taken. Oftentimes the some 3,000 Church entities appear to be more focused on their own financial well being urging members of the needs of the Church buildings. Where is the Bahamas Christian Council on advising their members on what is is to be a church?, what has been going on? On another level govt officials have urged that illegals having babies are not to be used as passports or citizenship on turning age 18. Hilariously, we often see persons also seeking citizenship with public ads to inform the govt/minister in the papers claiming they live on Carmichael rd, East st etc or in some PO Box. Mind you the Banks will demand that one opening an $10. saving account need to provide two photo ids. On the other topical $10 bank fee for cashing a cheque, our good priest does sit on the BoD of the Central Bank and should also be speaking on this matter where customers face this unjust charge.The much admired liberation theology priest has a serious point in Economics 101 in that strategic planning involves the age groups in govt planning in health care, schooling needs etc and provision of skills to get the economy rolling. However there are many more challenges that can be readily addressed fron the govt pulpit to guide towards growth and stability like having public investigations into various areas like the Bank of the Bahamas and other entities where financial challenges seem apparent. On a strategic forward level perhaps with the stronger controls on the 'wall' between Mexico and the US be it physical or layered it will mean more Bahamian resources diverted to stop smugglers seeking alternate ways via the other porous borders, land, water and airspace of persons and drugs entering the US. This 'breeding' would not have an issue if the Church was really doing its job. Recommend the good priest go back in the pulpit or enter the political arena.

Posted 12 January 2017, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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