Passing baton 'not up to PM'


Tribune Staff Reporter

RESPONDING to Prime Minister Perry Christie’s assertion that he will “pass the leadership baton when the time is right,” Progressive Liberal Party leader hopeful Alfred Sears, QC, said yesterday that decision “is not up” to Mr Christie.

Appearing as a guest on “The Revolution” with host Juan McCartney, Mr Sears said “one man” cannot determine when it is time to change the leadership of the PLP. He said that choice is made by the “members, stalwarts and delegates” who have waited years for “the change they are asking for.”

Last week, after addressing a crowd of supporters at Southern Recreational Grounds after a march to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Majority Rule, Mr Christie suggested that there would be a leadership transition in the PLP at the “right” time.

“As one generation goes out a new generation come in,” Mr Christie said.

“...To those of you who aspire, we recognise that just as Sir Lynden Pindling passed the baton to Hubert Ingraham and then it was eventually passed to myself, the baton will be passed. The only thing I can tell you is, at the right time.”

Mr Christie has been the leader of the PLP since 1997 and plans to remain leader heading into the next general election.

“I have travelled the Commonwealth and been to about nine islands so far and just returned from a meeting in Bimini with the stalwart counsellors and delegates and I believe I have every assurance that within the PLP as in the wider community, there is a hunger for change and a recognition that the way we have been doing things is not sustainable,” Mr Sears said on Tuesday.

“In a democratic organisation it is not the leader, it is the constitution which controls the position of leadership. It is not to be given as a gift with one person passing the baton. It is the members and the stalwarts, counsellors and the delegates who will determine when and how the baton will be passed. For the past eight years, they have not had what the constitution of the organisation demands, that every year there should be a national general convention.”

The PLP has not held a convention since 2009.

Last week, Mr Sears said the PLP’s greatest chance at winning the next election is with him as leader.

In an interview on Hot 91.7 FM’s “Morning Madhouse” with host “C-Note”, Mr Sears said it is time to for the PLP to “bench” Mr Christie and put him “in the game.”

Mr Sears said he still remains confident, after meeting with stalwarts and branch executives, that he will be the next leader of the PLP and the country’s next prime minister despite the odds being stacked against him at the party’s upcoming convention.

The PLP’s convention will be held from January 24-26.

So far, only Mr Sears has announced his intention to challenge Mr Christie for the party’s top post.

Last year, the prime minister said he is “not at all” concerned about Mr Sears’ bid to challenge him for the leadership.


Emac says...

"The only thing I can tell you is, at the right time.” And by this, PG means, whenever the people fire him, which we all know will be in a few months.

Posted 18 January 2017, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Pindling did not 'pass the baton' to Hubert Ingraham. The baton was taken from Pindling.

Robert Mugabe is 92 and has not given up the baton yet.
Even Fidel Castro was gracious enough to drop dead at age 90.

We could have 19 or 20 more years of PGC. Be that as it may, he has chosen Fitzgerald to receive the baton, God spare life.

Posted 18 January 2017, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Granted the PM is lacking in the way he delivers his message...... which means we shouldn't judge the PM, on how he says things but on his record..... Perfect record of course not, there's no such thing as the perfect PM or party leader.
Comrades, few even among the splintered opposition outside the PLP party, and the three within the party who will challenge the PM at convention for the PLP's top post - can honestly question who's the "authentic" Leader of the PLP.

Posted 18 January 2017, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The Christie Administration is like a farmer milking a cow. He sits there and draws a full bucket of rich, high quality milk, but just as the farmer gets up to praise the cow it stumbles and knocks over the pail with his hoof spilling every drop.

Posted 18 January 2017, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Christie is acting like an African dictator.

Posted 18 January 2017, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Is this a thing about Black heads of state or something? From Jammeh in the Gambia, to Mugabe to Pindling etc. They never want to step aside nor would they allow for the constitutions to be amended to set term limits.

Posted 18 January 2017, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

I wish you all the best Mr. Sears!

You would be a breath of fresh air, especially if you clean house of many of those long "stealing" members of parliament, who've enriched themselves from the Public Purse to the extent that even they are too embarrassed to "declare" their ill gotten assets...sad!

Posted 18 January 2017, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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