PLP must stick with Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune

My sentiments are more about common sense than personalities.

The PLP has been the party that rescued the Bahamian people and forced the playing field to be levelled. The naysayers would have you to think that the party never did any good for the country, and that they have not acted in the best interest of all Bahamians. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The first thing that anyone who has eyes to see is that the party has prized itself on being tightly glued together. Yes there are dissension in its ranks, but the maturity of the party has always prevailed.

On the other hand, the FNM has been unable to handle how it dealt with contrasting points of view in its ranks. The leader has banished all and sundry who differ from him, so much so that the backbone of the party has been painfully and surgically removed with much lost of blood.

Because democracy was not welcomed and paranoia set in deep, the opposing voices was ostracised, thus a mass exodus has crippled the once alternative party. We now have an opposition on crutches, each one trying to devour the other. That’s not politically healthy.

Never have we seen so much half baked, ill informed, poorly led and totally insincere political parties, all with leaders who show no signs of patriotism, but only advancing their own personal agenda. Narcissism is the order of the day.

Fast-forward, the challenge to the position of leader of the PLP is democracy at its best, and no one should question the exercise, BUT, and I say BUT, the plan has been set for the upcoming Super Bowl of elections. It would be asinine and inconceivable to change the experienced, able, qualified quarterback for a player who never threw a ball in his life.

The PLP would find itself in a tailspin if it dared to tamper with the leadership of the juggernaut as we know it. It will only weaken and confuse the party and concede the win to the FNM who seem to be on life support. What a dilemma, the possibility of two wounded and confused political parties, offering the Bahamas nothing to choose from.

Timing is everything, and succession is a must, but certainly not at the risk of “killing the possibility of a victory.

The Bahamian people deserve stability. They need an experienced, strong, compassionate, humane, caring leader. This is no time to gamble, the stakes are simply too high.

Laser focused!




January 18, 2017.


banker says...

This ex-FNM is now doing some rear-licking to get into the graces of the PLP so that he can join the gravy train.

Posted 23 January 2017, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

You took the words right from my fingertips. To the author of this letter: Seriously now: you would really rather have us under this geriatric, inept christie than see real change? I would honestly seriously consider the PLP if Alfred Sears is at the helm, but not the present 'leader'. You could try to diminish all you will, but the points of fact are that not all and sundry are eloquent speakers, but rather better at planning and executing plans. In going from Bain town to becoming an excellent physician and competent and successful business man, I think Minnis is that. He has assembled a credible, worthy team of candidates; not to the liking of some FNM party members, but necessary for the good governance of this country. Jeff Lloyd. Marvin Dames. Peter Turnquest. Duane Sands. All quality, and all experts in their various fields. He has put it together. Good with vocals he may not be, but putting together and implementing a good and sound plan? He is; and he has back up. Perry is a speaker, but look at what all his lovely words have gotten us. Four downgrades. Poverty gone to bed. Crippling taxes that they cannot account for: anyone know where the VAT dollars gone yet? Unemployment and crime at all time highs. Conflicts of interest, i.e. Bahamar. MPs who have become millionaires and very rich civil servants in the past four and a half years, and yes, civil servants are what they are. They are government workers, employed and paid for by us, the Bahamian taxpayers. The FNM needed a change in the status quo. Some just can't take it. Do not tear the whole party and ultimately country down because of your personal grievances. Those people in government today are straight, at least until government changes and investigations begin into their conduct and acquiring of much wealth while the rest of us suffered. Stability? Caring and compassionate leader? You cannot be serious. Put your personal grievances aside. Do you honestly think, with the state our country is in under these people's stewardship, that we are better off? How could you? Country above self, sir.

Posted 23 January 2017, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I have an inkling of the plans of some of the FNM candidates. Minnis supports them all, seeks consensus widely and gives subject matter experts their head in formulating reasonable policy. I am blown away by the policy and plans that transformative candidates are putting together to save the country. The only issue that I have, is that they are either bad at communication, or they are holding off announcements until the election writ is dropped.

Posted 23 January 2017, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Any respect I had for Mr. Ingraham just vanished, for him to attempt to sweeten his sour grapes by throwing his "support" behind the Great Deceiver shows he is not as rational as I once thought.

Posted 23 January 2017, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Always thought this jackass was a fake! After calling out the PLP on all their wickedness, Ivoine will now have us believe that all of a sudden, this inept party is what the Bahamas needs? Taking a page of banker's book, it seems as if this man must have come across some crisco lard and has now joined the greasy butt club!

Posted 23 January 2017, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

This gal musse HAF on dat PLP kool aid ... listen to her, bad typing aside it sounds like she genuinely feels / means it. She musta got one good good crony payback for this letter....

Posted 23 January 2017, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

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