Butler-Turner says she will run as independent


Tribune Staff Reporter


OFFICIAL Opposition Leader Loretta Butler-Turner yesterday confirmed that her bid for re-election in Long Island during the upcoming general election would be as an independent candidate, weeks after insisting that she was forming a “very powerful and bold” coalition with Senator Branville McCartney and the Democratic National Alliance.

When asked by persons on social media if she had decided to officially launch an independent bid to be re-elected, the former Free National Movement deputy leader said “certainly”.

This followed an exchange on social media with several persons in which she told observers that she was “independent.”

In one post, Mrs Butler-Turner wrote: “You’d know that l stand by my beliefs. How can l fight against corruption, incompetence and deceit, then join you? Hell No!”

The post ended with: “#ComingToKickButt.”

It is unclear whom Mrs Butler-Turner was referring to in the post.

When contacted by The Tribune for comment on the exchange, the Long Island MP would only confirm that she was moving forward as an independent candidate.

The DNA and the Progressive Liberal Party have not yet named candidates for Long Island. When asked if her announcement had anything to do with this, Mrs Butler-Turner declined to comment.

In December 2016, after ousting FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition in Parliament and obtaining the position, Mrs Butler-Turner appointed DNA Leader Mr McCartney as leader of opposition business in the Senate.

At the time Mrs Butler-Turner said the move was evidence that her team was willing to put the Bahamian people first to move forward to defeat the governing PLP.

Announcing the decision at the time, she insisted that she and the six FNM MPs who support her have not joined the DNA, but were working together for a “common good.”

Shortly after having her ratification for the Long Island constituency revoked by the FNM’s council, Mrs Butler-Turner said she believed persons are more inclined to vote for a “person” rather than a “party” in the upcoming election.

In December, the FNM ratified political novice and former Tribune columnist Adrian Gibson as the party’s standard-bearer in the Long Island constituency.

Dr Minnis said he was “more than confident” that the attorney would unseat Mrs Butler-Turner in Long Island.


banker says...

Instead of using the hashtag #ComingToKickButt she should say #ReadyToSlapFace. She has to learn that a sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind.

Posted 25 January 2017, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

She made her bed hard, now she must lie in it. Real talk.

Posted 25 January 2017, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Well I guess the gig is up. I wonder if the Fantastic Five have enough time to write a letter to the Governor General

Posted 25 January 2017, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Somebody should do Long Islanders a favour. Strap a early warning cowbell technology device to the ankle their MP Reheasa, to make some noise upon her landing anywhere on island. That Reheasa is fast approaching constituents.

Posted 25 January 2017, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

So what does this do to the "official opposition" if they are now individuals??
Talk about shooting in the dark! AT least they outed Key!
Closet PLP.

Posted 25 January 2017, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

so she gave a position to a man who stabbed her in the back, thats bran!

Posted 25 January 2017, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Not only did she fuck over the FNM, but basically hurt any opposition period. I'm no Minnis fan nor would I EVER support Greg Moss. Even Bran is too much of a populist for me

Posted 25 January 2017, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

LBT is history as far as Long Island is concerned ......... she needs to go and bury the dead

Posted 25 January 2017, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Let me tell you this. The history of LBT is in her roots and not only her size. IF Butler-Turner sees she is being left out in the cold like she is now, she will hop on the PLP band wagon and run on their ticket for long island. Bran cannot take too much of her breathing down her neck and the PLP will welcome her to undermine Minnis even more and make the FNM appear even more weak and disorganized. Butler will be at home with the PLP as her grand daddy was among the founding fathers. Of course many will argue that that was a diffferent PLP back then so the shrew may have to tame Perry dem.

Posted 25 January 2017, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

It doesn't matter what symbol LBT comes under ......... she is history!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 25 January 2017, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! If I read this correctly it appears that within but days of Government High School students fleeing from their school in utter terror following a student stabbing - what does Long Island's (Independent) MP "Reaheasa" do - She's promoting her twitter like hash tag with what has be more suitable to a "gang's" keyword phrase - “#ComingToKickButt".
Comrades, early out the gate once the Coup of the Seven-red MP's become public, I shared with my fellow bloggers and Tribune readers the contents my letter to The Queen, The Governor General and The House Speaker, in which I questioned where was your common sense in appointing "Reaheasa" as the official Opposition Leader.


Posted 25 January 2017, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

Like I said previously when quite a few pundits were singing her praises, the move was ill-conceived. All she had to do was wait. If the FNM lost she most likely emerge as leader. If the FNM won base on her forecast, Hubert Minnis would be disastrous for the country giving her the opportunity to again challenge for the leadership. Staying putt was a win win for her.

Posted 25 January 2017, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

what a shame.. the Bahamas on the verge of having an elected dictatorship simply because there is no cohesive group called the Opposition...

Posted 26 January 2017, 12:02 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

She is doubly screwed now. She has no party banner to run under, and the worst one ... her hand is still too big to get into a Pringles tube.

Posted 26 January 2017, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Mind you, over the years the colonial's have done a few dumb things to interfere with the way we're governed. The really important lessons we learn in this life come with a kick in the backside and in this case it's the red shirts who are being kicked by The Queen and Her Majesty's local agent The Governor General ..... But The Speaker of the People's "Honourable" House, looks on whilst this colonial twilight zone - starring Long Island's (Independent) MP "Reaheasa" as Offical Opposition Leader spins out control.
How could she not be embarrassed to continue to drive around Nassau Town in a "Crown" issued car with "Crown" issued license plates - knowing damn-well that she leads no party , much less the Official Opposition Party. It's no false-facts conclusion to say that "Reaheasa: leads no one - excepting "Reaheasa"?

Posted 26 January 2017, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

I have read all of the remarks, but if the truth be told, we will not know until its is over. The last election all kinds of polls suggested the FNM will win by a landslide, it never happen. In my policing days I work a lot of rallies and you could swear a particular party or individual will win based on the turn out, but nothing is what it seems. Save ya comments until after. Time will tell

Posted 26 January 2017, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

True dat. . .but the last election I told my red friends dat their party would lose the election because of the pervasive dislike for big papa. . .not the FNM party. . .as is in the nation now for the PLP and its leader Mr. Christie! This party is mud in this nation. . .toxic. . .and its leader is seen as delusional, dishonest, corrupt, tune deaf and is selling-out the Bahamas for benefit of his friends, family and lovers dem. . .not the people! This party is doomed for a sound cut-hip!!

Posted 26 January 2017, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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