UPDATED WITH VIDEO: Police hunt for arsonist after firebomb thrown at court

UPDATE: Police have released the following video of the suspect in the Magristrate's Court fire incident.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE are on the hunt for a man they suspect threw an explosive device into the South Street Magistrate’s Court complex early yesterday morning “in an attempt to burn it down”.

The incident took place shortly after 6am off Nassau Street.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean said officers were called to the scene after concerned persons alerted police to the blaze. When officers arrived at the court complex, they found the front of the building engulfed in flames.

The building sustained extensive damage to the entrance and a portion of the interior, but none of the courtrooms were damaged during the fire. ACP Dean said police are actively investigating the incident and urged the persons responsible to turn themselves in or be brought in by officers.

“Since the incident police have launched an investigation and what we can tell you is this was a deliberate attempt to cause massive destruction to this court complex,” ACP Dean said.

“It was an attempt to pervert the course of justice but we are following significant leads and we believe that we can bring this matter to resolution but the key is the members of this neighbouring community.

“We are appealing to members of the community who may have seen someone in the wee hours of the morning, walking in the area, anything that looks suspicious come forward with that information. We want to send a message out to the persons responsible for this act, come forward or we will find you. We have an idea who you are, so we are giving you the first opportunity to turn yourself in and surrender so that justice can be served. We cannot allow a situation like this to be happening in our country, the police will not allow this to happen. We will continue with this investigation.”

ACP Dean said business was “as usual in the courts” despite the incident and repairs to the building have already started.

“This act did not stop the running of the court. If those persons were determined to cause the court not to run today, they have failed in their attempts. I can tell you, because of the dedicated men and women of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, we immediately put a work crew here. What you see now is far in contrast to what you saw this morning. What we have done so far, we made it friendly for persons to come without fear of being injured.”

ACP Dean said because of the nature of the investigation, police do not want to reveal what type of device was used in the incident.

Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson said in a statement last night that her office would work with the authorities to increase security measures of the Magistrates Court and related justice buildings. “This act will not succeed in deterring the hard working men and women in the justice system from carrying out their duties,” she said. “Due to the swift police action Magistrate’s Court business continued. I am confident that the investigation will lead to the apprehension of the persons responsible - who will be swiftly brought to justice.”

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


Greentea says...

If these fellas would put 20% of the time they dedicate to mischief and mayhem toward something good and productive, they would be millionaires. But you can't buy wisdom.

Posted 31 January 2017, 7:04 p.m. Suggest removal

concerned242citizen says...

Details about the device should be released. Citizens should know the truth about weapons existing in this country. This should not be viewed as just an ignorant, ineffective crime. This is not something the regular Bahamian thug would do. Someone did this to send a message to law enforcement.

Posted 31 January 2017, 10:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Who says we don't have terrorists in the Bahamas????

Posted 1 February 2017, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

False reports of terrorists one day, and then the next day someone actually firebombs the court. You can’t make this up, what in the world is going on?

Posted 1 February 2017, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

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