Mitchell calls Fred Smith an ‘ass’ for capitalising on fears over bill


Tribune Staff Reporter

IN A night which saw sharp comments against political adversaries, Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell on Monday described attorney Fred Smith as an “ass” for capitalising on the public’s fears about the controversial Interception of Communications Bill in a bid to rebound from racial remarks he made in January.

Mr Mitchell, who has long engaged in a public war-of-words with Mr Smith, insisted that the activist had retuned “from under his rock” to build a base around the supposed “spy bill”, hoping that the public would quickly regret his assertions that black Bahamians possessed a level of hate for white foreigners.

“Ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters, there is no spy bill except in the imagination of Fred Smith,” stated the Fox Hill MP at a branch meeting for the Fox Hill, Marathon and St Anne’s.

He added: “But I (will) tell you a story, stick with me here. It begins with a quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. And Juliet says of Romeo, ‘What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.’

“So the point is, brothers and sisters, no matter what you call something, it is that same thing. Stick with me another minute.

“Remember as we approach Lent, that Jesus told his disciples, this in the Bible in Matthew 21:2; he said ‘go to the village ahead of you, and he told them that once you would find a donkey tied there with her coat beside her, untie them and bring them to me.’

“The disciples went and did as Jesus said. And in the Bible it says, ‘and then they brought the ass and the colt and put them there and sat Jesus thereon’.”

He continued: “My point tonight brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, you may call it a donkey sometimes and sometimes you may call it an ass. But by whatever name you call it, even if you call the donkey Fred Smith, it is still an ass.”

He added: “Charles Dickens wrote, ‘the law is an ass’. And since, ladies and gentlemen, we are in the middle of carnival, Harry Belafonte use to sing this song, ‘the jackass will dance and bray; let him bray, let him bray.’”

Mr Mitchell’s comments came just before Prime Minister Perry Christie shocked the nation with an offensive hand gesture, sticking up his middle finger in response to claims made about his ownership of a condominium.

The allegation was made in a video posted to Facebook.

Mr Mitchell, who started his address with the salacious sentiments directed at Mr Smith, softened his stance later, claiming that the nature of the meeting and the presence of people like Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin did not permit the tone and vitriol expressed.

He said if he were anywhere else, he would take Mr Smith and members of his organisation even more to task over their actions in recent weeks.

According to the controversial bill, interception would be done in the “interest of national security,” which is defined as protecting the country from “threats of sabotage, espionage, terrorist acts, terrorism or subversion.”

Mr Smith, who has had his past troubles with the Christie administration over the right to privacy, expressed concern over what the term subversion could entail over time.

He said subversion could be perceived as any simple form of “political dissent,” adding that this can be construed to mean anyone openly disagreeing with the government.

Mr Smith said last month: “So they will accuse anybody who doesn’t toe the line, who doesn’t agree with everything every politician is going to say or do, whatever the government proposes, as being a subversive, as being a destabiliser as the person trying to bring the government down.

“That is the job of the Opposition, that is what every Opposition does in any democratic society. They try to change the government. And that can be defined as subversion.”

The government last week announced plans to delay the bill, with a view to hold public consultations ahead of its debate in Parliament.


John says...

So are you saying Fred Mitchell dug the ditch and invited the PM to climb down into the gutter?

Posted 1 March 2017, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> ‘What is in a name? That which we
> call a rose by any other name would
> smell as sweet.’

Agreed. the spy bill would be a spy bill even if given any other name.

Posted 1 March 2017, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

So is MP Mitchell saying persons can now start referring to gay men in our community as sissy, Batty bouy, Butt buddy, Boongy bandit, Girly, Bitchy, fairy, punk or soft man . . . just as equally as we call some others ass? Just asking. . .lol!

Posted 1 March 2017, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Is it a full moon? All kinda PLP's getting vulgar now.

Posted 1 March 2017, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Stop being silly! Fwreddy Boy Mitchell's entire life has been steeped in vulgarity of the worst kind. For him to get so excited over Crooked Christie's flipped finger says it all!!

Posted 1 March 2017, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...


Posted 1 March 2017, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

So ever since Leslie spoke of beating that woman so she loves him, this is the Modus Operandi for the PLP? While in office, curse, put up your middle finger, joke about beating women, joke about how corrupt you are, withheld information about benzene in the water, Nolle cases that are info sensitive, screw over unions, lie about BAMSI, lie about that LOI and blindly overspend like no tomorrow?

Only one group of people are more brazen and stupid than this administration, that is the Bahamian people that vote for this kind of leadership. These leaders are an apt representation of this country and more than 46% of those that inhabit it. We are morally bankrupt. While the bodies hit the floor, child molestation rates go up, rape skyrockets and we vote no on referendums sighting some imaginary claim that we are a christian nation... pioneering some alternate reality? Mr. Christie isn't the disgrace. The complacency, the duplicity and rampant stupidity of some of our own people is what should be considered the disgrace.... because it is us, the people, rich, middle class, poor, educated, highly educated, dumb, genius, stupid, tall, short, medium height, black, white mixed etc. that sit and allow this foolishness to perpetuate.

Judging by the way I see things shaping up, a lot of people better be ready for another 5 years of this.

Posted 1 March 2017, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Alex Charles,

You are spot on.
Excellent comment.
So sad and true.

Posted 2 March 2017, 5:46 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Very statesman-like from both Fweddy and Crisco Butt. Maybe this is the Trump effect. Next thing that you know, is that there will be a spate of genital-grabbing (I don't mean the ones already that happen in the cabinet room -- I mean with the public.).

I bet you that Crisco Butt and Fweddy have tee shirts that say "F**king Classy!".

Posted 1 March 2017, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Are those two children under the age of 6 standing next to Fred Mitchell? I'm starting to believe that this tone, inclusive of the gesture, were preplanned but flamingly flopped , just like Loretta's coup.

Posted 1 March 2017, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

perry knew what he was doing with that fake outrage. he just did not the backlash that he got. On another note that finger was a code for fweddy boy

Posted 1 March 2017, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Naughtydread says...


Posted 2 March 2017, 9:31 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Can the Supreme Court overturn a law that is deemed unconstitutional?

Posted 2 March 2017, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I t will not overturn. . .it will order it repealed (un-gazetted) . . .the government can either repeal or appeal. . .the PC makes the final decision. . .ruling for means the law is current. . .ruling against means the law is repealed!!

Posted 2 March 2017, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

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