Religious leaders call for Christie to apologise


Tribune Staff Reporter

PROMINENT religious leaders yesterday demanded Prime Minister Perry Christie apologise for sticking up his middle finger at a community meeting Monday night, while addressing hundreds of Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporters.

Bahamas Christian Council President Rev Dr Ranford Patterson said the nation’s leader has a responsibility to children to apologise for his obscene gesture and explain why he did it.

Meanwhile, Bishop Simeon Hall, pastor emeritus of New Covenant Baptist Church, said while he understands the pressure that comes with the Office of the Prime Minister, Mr Christie should learn to curse “in private”.

During a community meeting in Fox Hill Monday night, Mr Christie stuck up his middle finger as he lashed out at allegations made in a video circulating on Facebook that he owned a condominium property obtained through political impropriety. He added that he would not let political lies of this sort distract him from the task of governance.

“It is very unfortunate that Mr Christie chose to do that,” Rev Patterson told The Tribune.

“He needs to apologise to the nation for him, it is not becoming of a Prime Minister. I have gotten calls from as far as the United States after the picture and the story went viral. Whether he meant anything bad by it or not, whether he meant to do it or not, it does not look good for this country.

“The Prime Minister has been in office for almost 40 years so I do not think it’s the pressure getting to him. I do not understand why he did it, but I hope he sees the wisdom in coming forward and apologising. He has a responsibility to the nation and to the young people who watch him. He should say ‘I’m sorry’ and we can all move on.”

Meanwhile, Bishop Hall said it is unfortunate that Mr Christie allowed his critics to “pull him below” the dignity of his office.

“The Prime Minister must apologise. He owes the critics and this country as a whole an apology,” Bishop Hall said.

“I refer to the photo in the paper. He has allowed critics to pull him beneath the dignity of his office. I call on him to apologise unequivocally. A leader sometimes needs to learn to cuss in private. It is most disappointing.”


licks2 says...

Damned if he does apologize. . .damned if he don't! I will wait and see how more relevant our leader is. . . . in the past he would have just told us to **"lump it"** . . .if he does now it will be his **"I'se a one man band"** speech that will further incense the people against him. . .if he does apologize. . . it will show how weak he has become.. . election is his best move now. . .or he may have another "slick" move up his sleeves!! For now. . .the chief is on the mat. . .

Posted 1 March 2017, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Interesting reaction from him. If there was nothing to it, he would have laughed. Instead he really emotionally invested into denying the statement. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Posted 1 March 2017, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

Come on preachers, you all know you have thought, you have said the same thing about or to members of your congregation...I know I have. The Word states, " IF you Think it, you are as guilty as doing it." I say to you so-called religious leaders a who are asking for the PM to apologize, " He that is without sin cast the first stone." In the heat of life's battle all of us have done and said things that we regret, so I say, if the PM feel the need to apologize, then, so be it, but none of us are in no position to " Call for the PM to apologize."

Posted 1 March 2017, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

You are absolutely right. Religious leaders have no moral authority to question anybody because they are human themselves. They are sinners. So why do they stand in front of people and pretend to be reciting the dictates of God? Let the sinners be. We are all sinners.

Posted 2 March 2017, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

And he gave his "miaculpa" in the HOA. . .he is weak and desperate. . .if seems. . .the once proud PLP is humbled and compliant!!

Posted 1 March 2017, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! The hypocrisy of some will lead them to giving God, da finger when they can't charm their ways out being sent straight into the raging flames hell.

Posted 1 March 2017, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

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