Minnis says 'Cotton Candy Christie' has failed Grand Bahama


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FREE NATIONAL Movement (FNM) Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government has consistently failed Grand Bahama, the island suffering the most job losses under Prime Minister Perry Christie’s administration.

“The PLP under Cotton Candy Christie presided over the loss of more jobs in Grand Bahama than any previous administrations,” he told a huge gathering of FNM supporters on Friday night in Freeport. “I know you in Grand Bahama are tired of the broken promises on jobs and our economy.”

Dr Minnis said that while Mr Christie brags about spending $100 million in Grand Bahama, little has actually been done in terms of jobs creation.

“Imagine that, $100 million and unemployment still high, the people still suffering; and businesses and hotels still closed; $100 million and little to no hurricane relief. Despite all that big talk very little was actually done."

He stressed that Grand Bahamians are tired of all the broken promises and excuses by Mr Christie and his PLP government. Dr Minnis compared the Prime Minister’s speech at the recent Grand Bahama Business Outlook to cotton candy.

“The Prime Minister was brazen enough …in Grand Bahama to once again put together a bunch of words saying absolutely nothing. His speeches are like cotton candy: big, beautiful, colourful, sweet but full of air and lacking substance."

He was referring to an announcement made by Mr Christie about discussions with the prospective buyer about plans for the Grand Lucayan Resort, which has been on the market for some time. Two thirds of the hotels on the island are closed and hundreds of hotel workers are unemployed.

“Cotton candy Christie told you about a conference call that he had with some investors that promised that they are evaluating, considering and contemplating doing some comprehensive things in Grand Bahama. Mr Prime Minister: Just a piece of advice. Your failures now speak so loudly no one is listening to anything you have to say,” said Dr Minnis.

The FNM leader highlighted a number of failed investments in Grand Bahama under the PLP, including the massive Ginn development in West End, which he described as a “total failure.” He added that after the loss of approximately 1,400 jobs Mr Christie failed to deliver on his promise to reopen the Royal Oasis.

Dr Minnis also noted that the recent closure of the Treasure Bay Casino and Memories Resort on Grand Bahama resulted in the loss of hundreds of more jobs.

The set up of a Ministry of Grand Bahama by Mr Christie is a complete failure, he said. “The PLP consistently, completely and utterly failed Grand Bahama,” Dr Minnis said. He said the promise of a new school in West Grand Bahama and a new hospital have not been delivered in the five years the PLP has been in office.

Dr Minnis stated that under an FNM administration they will bring more industry to Grand Bahama as it has done before.

He said the Grand Bahama is FNM country. “We have come to take our country back. Grand Bahama, we are taking all five! We want West End and Bimini! We want Marco City! We want Pineridge! We want Central Grand Bahama, and we want East Grand Bahama,” Dr Minnis said.

He thanked Grand Bahamians for their continued overwhelming support of the FNM. The hall was filled to capacity, with an overflow outside the building at the Social Affairs compound off East Sunrise Highway.

FNM candidates for the five Grand Bahama seats all addressed the crowd: Pakesia Edgecombe (West Grand Bahama and Bimini), who was bombarded by supporters on stage; Michael Pintard (Marco City), Fred McAlpine (Pineridge), Iram Lewis (Central Grand Bahama) and sitting MP for East Grand Bahama Peter Turnquest.

Travis Robinson, the young candidate for Bain and Grants Town, also stirred the crowd earlier in the evening.


John says...

An independent survey says barely one million tourists overnight in the Bahamas's. The rest can come on cruise ships. Has government released figures recently to show what the tourists numbers are compared to when they came to office? And with Christie giving a major cruise line the green light to build a port offshore this will not only put more downward pressure on hotel properties but all others, taxi drivers, straw vendors, tour operators will be negatively affected. They always talk about 'fear of crime ' in the Bahamas using it as excuse to isolate the country's guests and hogg the economic pie. But The Bahamas is more safe for tourists than some of the cruise ships. They have their incidents of crime including rape and robbery.

Posted 18 March 2017, 7:38 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

That is why our tourism product is not growing ........ cruise tourism is a waste of time for our country to invest in ...... what can we get out of giving Ocean Cay to a cruise line (except departure taxes?????) ....... the way to grow tourism is through small eco-friendly boutique hotels owned by Bahamians with all the attached services being provided by Bahamians ...... the foreign plantation-style hotel chain approach is a waste of time for building tourism outside of the urban centres

Posted 18 March 2017, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Another problem is our prices are so high b/c our electricity is double the rest of the region and our service sucks . I dated a Costa Rican teacher that taught here for 4 years and had taught all over the world .I asked her what she thought ,she said are high school students lack a good foundation and are too arrogant to teach .She tried to talk to a parent about a kids behavior and a Bahamian teacher told her be careful or the mother will try to scare you and hurt you ,,for to long we have been giving shitty education and telling ourselves we are special ..We do 1,3 million stopover a year ,DR is doing 4 mill ..

Posted 18 March 2017, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Millions go to France and the USA every year ........ get bad service and discriminatory experiences and face high prices ................ we are not unique

Posted 19 March 2017, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

We are not Europe , I deal w / tourist on a Family island as a boat captain ,,The new thing is home away ..They want to rent homes/villas ..When you realize a room in a boutique hotel runs nearly 300 a night they all tell me they rather rent a villa ,,Problem is all the home rentals are foreign owned ..These people spend ,tip ,bring in Bahamian chefs to cook ,,they just don,t want shitty ass service at a high price in a little hotel ..To compete w DR etc we need all inclusives w good service at a reasonable rate ,our electricity cost and low productivity make this next to impossible

Posted 19 March 2017, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Soooooooo, if foreigners can come here, build houses and rent them out to "tourists" ....... what is friggin wrong with Bahamians doing the same thing?????? ........... or are our MOT reps on the islands in cahoots with the illegal foreign second home owners/renters?????? ........... Stop selling out, man!!!!!!!

Posted 19 March 2017, 9:19 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Bahamians can't do the same because we can't afford to get into the second home market. We can't even get into the first home market!

Posted 20 March 2017, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

You are exactly right.
Tourism can be a very clean industry.
And, small Bahamian-owned hotels are the way to go.

Posted 18 March 2017, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Economy of scale ,,you can hardly cover the fixed cost w/ 16 rooms ,,water ,light, restaurant ,,,etc

Posted 19 March 2017, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Totally agree!

Posted 20 March 2017, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Cotton candy is tasty, but it rottens your teeth ............. that is the PLP ......they have attractive slogans, t-shirts, funtime rallies, but it left us poorer, frustrated and unsafe for the last 5 years ........... I concur with Minnis ............. Perry is the Cotton Candy-in-Chief of the PLP ........ BOL

Posted 18 March 2017, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Unfortunately for Grand Bahamalanders, pre election emphasis to involve the electorate at the local level by both the two major political parties is an false attempt to engage and show appreciation for the very Grand Bahamalanders - you quickly leave behind and have forgotten - once the General's ballots are counted - regardless which of the two parties had this crack at improving the lots of Grand Bahamalanders.
I mean, how many times can you outright tell untruth stories to Grand Bahamalanders - before they expose you for what you really are. Wolves showing up just in time the 2017 General Election, all decked out in red and yellow sheep's t-shirts - politicians who come pretending to be something good for Grand Bahamalanders, that they are not

Posted 18 March 2017, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

They say Grand Bahama is FNM Country. but for some reason GB is going no place
very fast. FNM nor PLP seems to be able to change the situation. Perhaps if they change
their name to God's Country some hurricane just may pass them by.

Posted 18 March 2017, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Well Birdie, every time PGC starts feeling "God Like" catastrophe strikes!
Aside that he only persons who have benefited from the "Ministry of G.B. is D'arville and all those who have been awarded contracts worth a fraction of the actual money budgeted.

Posted 18 March 2017, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Those who despise any form of a peoples socialism government are not being served by the Port Authority - the closest thing to communism - but under capitalism communism.
Time to not just break the back that Hawksbill Act- but to toss the SOB's off the entire island of Grand Bahama.

Posted 18 March 2017, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

I hate when these politicians play the blame game!
Both the FNM and PLP have failed Grand Bahama! As a matter of fact..... both of them have failed the Bahamas all together.

Its time for these politicians to present the electorate with solutions to our economic and social problems instead of pointing fingers back and forth!!!

We already know that the PLP is a failed government!!! The question is...... what are you going to do about getting our country back on track Dr Minnis??? What realistic ideas are you presenting??? This is what sensible Bahamians are asking and want to know!!!

Posted 18 March 2017, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The state of the country is so dire, that I for one, do not see the need or use for balloons, cheerleading, slogans, songs and the stupid "Roc wid Doc" tee shirts. This is serious business. We are in dire straits, and there een nuttin' to celebrate.

Maybe its just me, but if I were the leader of the FNM or PLP, I would stand up with a powerpoint presentation and show exactly what policies that I would enact to fix the country. I would show the decision trees, the risk factors, the Plan B's in case ting 'n tings happen and then invited criticism and critique of what I was proposing.

But I think that on average, Bahamians do not understand those nuances, and would think that my approach would be boring and have no sizzle. Thanks to the PLP and their education policies, we have perhaps the dumbest electorate in North America. The very fact that we still have people who subscribe to the PLP notion, means that we have a massive population of thick, doltish, simpleminded, moronic, stupified people who need exactly one more brain cell to keep them crapping at will where ever they are -- even while eating, like the surrey horses. As long as we have that rampant brainless stupidity wild in the population, there is no hope for advancement.

The retarded PLP mental pygmies don't need Jesus. They need new brains.

Posted 18 March 2017, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Thank you, Banker!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats exactly what I"m talking about!!!!!

Posted 18 March 2017, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Nail on the head ,Banker

Posted 18 March 2017, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Exactly banker.
Issues, as opposed to personalities and mindless cheerleading.
The people get what they deserve.
Crap in, crap out.

Posted 18 March 2017, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You tink the dumb ones scary, I tink the intelligent ones who still support the teifin and other nonsense are scariest of all

Posted 19 March 2017, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

So,so true Banker!

Posted 20 March 2017, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, Minnis flew into Freeport making his campaign promises to Grand Bahamalanders - so your comments are thoughtful and would would be even that much more powerful if kept to - how can Grand Bahamalanders go about to improve the economics and governing of Freeport and Grand Bahama.

Posted 18 March 2017, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Lest y'all ferget, Grand Bahama has a Port Authority that is responsible for the day to day operation of that city, including the attracting of investors and the promotion as a tourist destination. But as it appears and most likely is Christie and his government seems to taken over the task of doing the job. The port authority appears to have become a dead log in the water with no sense of direction, especially after the death of the original founder(s). Yet they (through their lawyers) seem hell bent on getting every tax break and exemption they can put their claws on and not passing them on to persons who are investing in Freeport or trying to run a business there. Time for government to start reeling in these persons who get huge tax breaks, other concessions and crown land, including Freeport, the Ginn development in West End that has seeming come to a standstill as has the I-Group in Mayaguana. Then take a page out of Jamaica's book. Rather than spend billions to build huge monstrosities like Bah Mar, Jamaica spent just over half of what was spent on Bah Mar on *five* botique hotels. They are all very successful and Jamaica is promoring them by inviting tourists to come have a different experience on each property. Sandals has also caught on by allowing their guest to use the facilities at any of their hotels in Jamaica as long as they are bookes as a guest at any of the hotels.

Posted 18 March 2017, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Whose Freeport is Freeport anyway? Wake up. Haven't you noticed that it's been many years since you were able to smell the dollars in the air.
You know there are fewer dollars to go around when even the Lunch Vendors were not being paid to feed the children while attending classes at schools - Yet, the Cabinet decided to forget about collecting $200 million in taxes from the capitalists communists that run Freeport, under the guise that thing they hide behind - named the Hawksbill Act, a very long time ago by Sir Stafford and Wallace Groves

Posted 18 March 2017, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Whatever Freeport is, it is not working. It is supposed to be an economic development zone -- it is more like a stagnation zone. The Hawksbill Treaty has done nothing for the Bahamas. It built a modern city infrastructure 40 years ago, and now it is in decay.

Wallace Groves was a criminal, and he built Freeport as a private business haven for himself and his cronies.

While I am all for the creation of economic zones, this particular one is an abject failure. Instead of actively developing business, the Port Authority is merely a shop clerk, ready to collect exorbitant fees for non-services. There has been no significant re-investment into Freeport. Even the shipyards are not being utilised to proper capacity. The root cause is both the Port Authority and Hutchison Whampoa. But the answer is not to give Freeport back to the useless government. If there was a way to get new owners and/or new business development policies, it could be made into something good for the Bahamas. Unfortunately no one has the vision or the will to revitalise it.

Posted 19 March 2017, 7:43 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker, is it not fair comment that the only growing, profitable businesses to
Freeport, are the Numbers Houses - and after you figure out the configuration of what, if any, percentage of the millions being sucked out of the economy of Freeport and the rest of Grand Bahama are going back into the social and development programs of Freeport - will you as a Banker, come share your findings with rest us Tribune bloggers and readers?
Comrade Banker, give me hard dollars numbers the national/local governments are raking from the numbers millions being sucked hourly from the pockets Grand Bahamalanders - as I only understand bottom business lines.

Posted 19 March 2017, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I think that it is true that the number houses are the only businesses growing here. Unfortunately I cannot look up to see their deposits or even estimate, as I am a wealth manager who is transitioning to securities and commodities trading. Our book of business for wealth management is stagnant and deteriorating, and if I did not take this re-training, I would be out of a job. As it is, this career change is a ticket off the island, and within a few months, I will be a Bahamian expat working on the trading desk in an international venue. If the election bell is not rung soon, there is a chance that I will miss voting.

As an investment though (a long term investment) I may buy a property or two on Grand Bahama. It could go either way -- I could have a piece of property in a ghost town, not worth what I paid for it, or maybe the entire Bahamian economy will collapse and something new will rise like a phoenix out of the ashes, and my land will be worth something. I like Grand Bahama a lot!

What I do know, is that I play golf with clients on PI. Craig Flowers house off the 6th hole of the golf course is the biggest house there. There are usually nubile women sitting on the expensive patio furniture, sipping on drinks, living la dolce vita. If the ordinary Bahamians could see the Caligua-like bacchanalian opulence of Craig Flowers, there would be an uprising in the streets.

I used to frequent a drinking hole nearly opposite St. Agnes church that is closed now and Craig Flowers would march in occasionally (as would Hubigetty the odd time). The junglisses would cosy up to him, and he would slip C notes into their brassieres.

Posted 19 March 2017, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Regardless of what Wallace Groves was, he brought the magic to Freeport and changed no, transformed, Freeport into what it use to be 8 years ago. He had vision and foresight along with the ability to bring his dreams into reality. The people in charge of Freeport today just don't seem to have any spirit or vision or the ambition to maintain Freeport much less take it to higher heights.

Posted 19 March 2017, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Would our media stop reporting this trash and report on these Party's policies? This sort of shit does NOT move a country forward.

Posted 19 March 2017, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...




Posted 19 March 2017, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Dr. Myles Munroe - If We Want A Brand New "Freeport & Grand Bahamaland - We Need Brand New 2017 General Election Candidates "Whose Names Are ‘POLITICALLY UNKNOWN’ To The People" To Rise To Represent Da New Spirit Grand Bahamalanders.

Dr Myles Munroe - We Need A Brand New Freeport & Grand Bahmaland – We Could Never Find from Outiside!


Posted 19 March 2017, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

And when God, who created the entire universe with all of it's mysteries, glory, and complexity, chooses to deliver a message to all of humanity, He will NOT choose some huckster with a bad haircut, a cheesy expensive suit, and a Rolex to be the vessel of His holy word.

Posted 20 March 2017, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker, in Dr Myles case, you are powerless to kill the messenger - so pay attention to his message. However, your opinion of Dr. Myles is simply your perception, or judgment of a man, I'm going to assume that you never really got to know beyond looking at photographs him wearing them suits you yourself as a banker would never wear.

Posted 20 March 2017, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Doc Myles is dead ................ but his prophecy is but two months away from being fulfilled .......... Let us pray to God that we are still standing when that fateful day comes .......... the Philistines must be driven back into the sea (with the Egyptians, Sodomites and Amalekites)

This country is too precious to be sold to the Midianites (aka Chinese) for a few shekels ...... Tell the Farm Road Belteshazzar to read the writing on the wall .............. It's COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 19 March 2017, 9:12 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Who are the sodomites? BCC?

Posted 20 March 2017, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Yes, the PLP government has drastically failed Grand Bahama! BUT what solutions is Doc bringing to the table that would bring relief to these people??? Christ, I am so tired of the back and forth between these two parties!!! WHERE IS THE SOLUTION???????? Do we have children vying for leadership roles in the Bahamas? Seems so... Lord I pray that you send someone with a brain to lead us out of this wilderness!

Posted 20 March 2017, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

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