UPDATED: Boys, 13 and 15, found executed


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO boys in their early teens were discovered shot to death early yesterday morning on a dirt road off Graham Drive, Yellow Elder Gardens.

Police did not identify the victims last night; however, The Tribune understands they are 13-year-old Keishon Williams and 15-year-old Davante Lindsey, of Knowles Drive, Bozine Town.

Sources close to the matter have also confirmed that the pair were found side-by-side and appear to have been shot execution style.

The bodies of the boys were found around 9am by persons who were walking in the area.

The murders brought the country’s homicide count to 36 for the first three months of this year, according to The Tribune’s records.

Officer in Charge of the Central Detective Unit, Chief Superintendent Clayton Fernander said police have no motive for the killings and appealed to families who may not have seen “their teen relatives in a while” to come forward.

He said police will continue to saturate “hot spots” like Yellow Elder Gardens in an effort to prevent or curb homicides.

“Shortly after 9am the lifeless body of two males who appeared to be in their early teens were found shot to death,” Supt Fernander said.

“They were discovered by persons in the area. As you can see there is a number of officers on the ground and we are doing door-to-door inquires to find out exactly what happened.

He continued: “We don’t have any motive, we don’t know who these individuals are and they appear to be two youngsters in their early teens. We continue to be in these communities, we know this is a hot spot, the Yellow Elder Gardens area. We continue to saturate these areas and we continue to check these areas.

“We are charging a number of persons, we arrested a number of persons who were found in possession of illegal weapons on the weekend, who will be going to court.

Supt Fernander said: “We are also following lines to determine if anyone went missing in the past 24 hours. So we are appealing to members of the public who may have some loved ones they have not seen in the past 24 hours to please come forward.”

Supt Fernander also questioned why no one had reported the teens missing, adding that parents need to play a larger role in their children’s lives.

“We also want to ask where are the parents? These appear to be young teens, at this time no one has alerted us that their loved ones are missing or did not come home overnight because it appears as though this happened less than 24 hours and no one has come forward,” Supt Fernander said.

“Where are the parents? And we continue to say this; parents have to pay attention to your kids. Know who they are with and know where they are going or we will continue to lose our young men on both sides of the coin, deceased persons and also as accused persons.”

Anyone with information on this homicide is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


ohdrap4 says...

how young?

Posted 19 March 2017, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Yes ........ what are we describing as "young"??????? ....... 10, 15, 25????
Were they sexually abused????? ........ Were they kidnapped?????? ....... Were they drug mules???????? ........... Were they gang sacrifices??????

Posted 19 March 2017, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Did it look like a murder-suicide?????.... Were they reported missing?????....Were there any witnesses??????

Posted 20 March 2017, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Both apparently under the age of 15...Now wait for the police report that will probably go like, "they were two prolific offenders (school age kids) known to the police.."', may their souls rest in peace. And may God flush out the killers from their hiding places and expose them to the world in such a way that they run through the streets naked and confessing their sin, unlike Adam and Eve who covered their nakedness because of their sin and their shame, and may the killer cry out publicly exposing everyone else that is behind these UNGODLY killings.amen

Posted 19 March 2017, 10:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

> Supt Fernander also questioned why no one had reported the teens missing, adding that parents need to play a larger role in their children’s lives.

Same thing I wondered.

Posted 20 March 2017, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

Don't worry -- their parents will put on a great display of wailing and screaming and moaning once the TV cameras arrive.

Posted 20 March 2017, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Are the PLP going to erect large billboards showing the murder rate----Oh no that was before the last election.

Posted 20 March 2017, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If you go to report a person missing, police require that they are missing for at least 24 hours before you can report them missing. And according to police only a family member or legal guardian can report someone missing.

When you put a predator on "lock-down" and stop them from doing battle (their perception) they will seek a 'softer' target to focus on. Not in any way pretending to be an expert, but when the police announced that they were going to lock down the crime (especially murder) hot spots on New Providence, it was strongly suggested that they not do this without taking with them the much needed necessities into these communities. Namely job opportunities, food assistance, drug and family counseling and an effort to restore broken communities. Gang intervention. Not that the police should do these tasks, but have qualified persons go in to do it. A few weeks after they started their 'assault" on crime hot spots, they(the police) boasted in the media about the success they were having and progress they were making. Then the shootings and killings started again. And now in the middle of all else that is going on, two young boys, who have barely tasted life have been head shot, executed, murdered, lives snuffed out,even before it barely begun. And so now very young and underage boys must fear for their lives, parents are now expected to monitor them 24/7 and the country's murder count continues to grow. Let us hope and pray that this is just an isolated incident and young boys have not become the target of the stupid warfare that has plagued this island for over 10 years. Both the government and the police force have failed in this matter of crime, especially murder, and can any of them, police management and government in a clear conscience continue to hold on to their jobs..seek another term even?

Posted 20 March 2017, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

@Clamshell in the absence of facts you shop stop displaying ignorance and insensitivity.

Posted 20 March 2017, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

... and you may continue to make excuses for parents who do not know where their young children are at night, or do not notice they are missing, or bother to inquire. Yes. That makes a lot of sense, indeed.

Posted 20 March 2017, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I think that anyone who doubts that these children were in a gang, are naive and willfully blind. Gang participation is coming at a younger and younger age, and it is as a result of the fraying of the socio-economic fabric -- single mothers, kids having kids, poverty, marginalisation, no prospects, etc.

There are several generations of people who need to be re-socialised, and I think that the job is impossible. It is impossible to remediate several generations of damaged human capital.

Posted 20 March 2017, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Did you speak with the parents or any family member to know they did not notice the boys missing or even report them missing? There were the Carifta trails on Saturday with several other activities that involved young people.Sometimes if you report an incident at one police station it does not necessary be relayed to all other stations. You both demonstrate prejudice, especially to say that these boys were gang members.in the absence of facts.

Posted 20 March 2017, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

I did not say the boys are gang members. The police superintendent said nobody had reported them missing -- even after the bodies were found at 9 a.m. on a Sunday morning. And, Carifta trials do not go on all night.

Feel free to make all the excuses you like. Making cheap excuses for bad behaviour is one reason the Bahamas crime rate is so high.

Posted 20 March 2017, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The police said no one came forward...I had a friend who had a pretty normal routine, they would call as soon as they left work, one day two hours went by, I called road traffic to see if they'd been in an accident, called central police station to see if they'd been arrested, called the hospital, called family, everything I could think of. I cannot imagine a parent not doing the same and missing a child overnight. I'm hoping they did, and that this police spokesperson just didn't know about it. Otherwise it's pretty sad statement for the lives the kids led

Posted 20 March 2017, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

really the shit of the whole matter is the police - they talking like they are actually doing something here but the reality is nothing is being done, if it's being done it's not working. Carifta Trials, dog show, mommy was sick, all bullshit excuses for not knowing or caring where your children are and still no one has come forward.

Posted 20 March 2017, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker, here you go with your standard blame it on single mothers having kids raised in poverty.
Tell me something, Banker, had the media reported that the two murdered children were Conchie Joe's - would you still have connected the dots to blame their murders on their unfortunate place in life to have been raised by a single "white mother" in poverty?
Your ability to tell stories that belittle single mothers living in poverty, should upset the sensitivity lots people.

Posted 20 March 2017, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Sounds like you know several, if not many, single white mothers who don't give a shiite about their young children. I gotta say... I don't.

Posted 20 March 2017, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

I am really tired of the "single mother" blame. Where is the evidence that crime is the result of having a single mother? We have always had single mothers in our society but we have not always had this level of crime. Also, it takes two to make a baby, yet no one mentions the men who create these children and then take no responsibility for them. No, the blame is always on women. So tired of the misogyny in our society.

Posted 20 March 2017, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I'm sorry. I apologise. I broke the cardinal rule. I shall never do it again. I did a dastardly deed. I told the truth to those who are unworthy of it, and cannot accept it.

I threw a stone into a pack of potcakes, and we all see who howls.

Of course it takes two to tango in reproduction. But the simple matter of fact is that if two people engage in an act, and that act has different consequences for each person, do you not think that the responsibility of dealing with the consequences is incumbent upon those who the consequences impact the most? I'm not misogynistic -- not by a long shot. The sex act is not equal.

It is like the pig and the chicken walking down the street. A man sees them both, and says "Aha, there is the source my favourite breakfast -- ham and eggs". The pig just runs off, and the chicken just strolls on by. After an hour, the chicken catches up to the pig. She asks the pig why he ran off. The pig says "Did you hear it? He likes ham and eggs! For you, his breakfast is just a contribution. For me, it's a commitment!". Sex and procreation, unfortunately is the same when it comes to men and women.

Posted 20 March 2017, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Fitmiss says...

Nice analogy. You do have a way with words.

Posted 21 March 2017, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Tal, talk to Richard Lightbourn and Arch Deacon Palacious they'll give you a few pointers on single mothers living in poverty.

Posted 20 March 2017, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

And, Comrade TheMessenger, you're prepared to rely on Montagu's Richard, as your source inspiration?

Posted 20 March 2017, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

On the whole "Conchie Joe" Mothers do the best that they can to prevent their offspring from running wild in the bush---It's a shame all Mothers don't.

Posted 20 March 2017, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

y'all continue to snicker ...y'all judgement soon come.

Posted 20 March 2017, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

John--Everyone's Judgement will come one day.

Posted 20 March 2017, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Well another one murdered.. go snickers some more den

Posted 20 March 2017, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

Nobody is snickering. We just take exception with your belief that parents have no responsibility to monitor their children's behaviour.

Posted 20 March 2017, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yeah, Comrade Gotoutintime's, nothing worse a sight if all of a sudden we had a rash of
Conchie Joe's children, running wild all through the neighbourhoods bushes.

Posted 21 March 2017, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal

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