Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues


Tribune Staff Reporter

CHURCHGOERS should admonish their pastors to focus on issues like providing relief for people affected by the city dump fire - not on the United States’ “benign” policies concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, an activist said yesterday.

Erin Greene’s comments came after The Tribune’s report that several Bahamian pastors, along with scores of their regional counterparts, petitioned US President Donald Trump to revoke any US policy implemented under his predecessor that promotes same-sex marriages in the Caribbean region.

Grace Community Church Pastor Lyall Bethel and Pastor Allen Lee, president of Teleios Theological Training Institute, were among 17 Bahamian ministers and nearly 300 Caribbean church leaders who signed the letter that was sent to President Trump in January.

Among other things, former US President Barack Obama issued a presidential memorandum in 2011 directing federal agencies to ensure that US diplomacy and foreign assistance promoted and protected the human rights of LGBT people.

Under President Obama’s tenure, USAID, a US government agency responsible for delivering international aid and assistance, was also empowered to make the promotion and protection of LGBT people a fully integrated part of its work.

This involved creating a new position: a special envoy for the human rights of LGBT people.

So far, President Trump has retained that envoy, Randy Berry, a gay career foreign service officer who was appointed by President Obama two years ago.

However, there has not been any specific US policy that pressures countries in the region to embrace same-sex marriage.

Ms Greene said yesterday that pastors should therefore focus their attention elsewhere.

“I think it’s obvious to everyone that there are far more important issues for the representatives of the Christian church to be focused on,” she said. “Bahamians should see it as their obligation within their own faith to have continuous dialogue with their pastors and help them focus on issues that are more important to Bahamians at this time. Tell them that perhaps focus on providing services for people suffering from the (landfill) fire, or bring calm and reason to our communities during the election season. Focus on providing opportunities and safe spaces to our young men and other real priority issues like food security. I would respond to their parishioners and tell them to help them refocus on the Christian message right now.”

Another LGBT activist, Alexis D’Marco, said last week that the tone of the pastors was “vitriolic,” and she accused them of wanting the country to become a theocracy.

Pastor Lee knocked these accusations in a letter sent to The Tribune on Saturday, and took issue with being portrayed as homophobic.

He added that the pastors’ position springs from their belief that a “marriage between a man and a woman is best for an ordered society.”

He said their concern is with the same-sex marriage, not individual LGBT people.

Pastor Lee said: “We well understand and respect the response of Ms D’Marco – and we say that with the utmost sincerity – however, we are extremely disappointed in the manner in which she has chosen to express it. She, unfortunately, takes on the same ‘tone’ with what she charges us. Due to the importance of the issue and the hope that perhaps a foundation can be laid for ongoing constructive dialogue, we are compelled to respond in some detail to her remarks . . . and we do so in a spirit of love and genuine concern for the spiritual and sociological welfare of our people.

“As mentioned, Ms D’Marco begins by describing our letter as ‘vitriolic.’ First, if this is so, we humbly apologise on part of all signatories. That was not our intention. We can truly say, in a sincere attempt to follow our Saviour, and as good Bahamian Christian citizens, ‘we love you,’ and believe that, since He died for all people, we are all similarly ‘precious in his sight.’

Pastor Lee added: “ . . .Also, she, as well as most of those who responded to (the initial) article on your website, have inappropriately broadened our focus on same sex marriage to include all those of the LGBTQ community personally. This is an inaccurate, judgmental conclusion. Our concern in the letter is with the issue of same sex marriage, not the individual per se.

“That is also why we avoid name calling or judgmental accusations of individuals. Something that most of the respondents on (The Tribune’s) website unfortunately appear so eager to do, thus diverting our attention away from the issue itself.

“Ms D’Marco also charges us with being homophobic. Again, it amazes me how such unfounded accusations are made by those who hold the contrary view to ours. Name-calling and personal attacks against one’s character are almost automatic. Again, I direct you to the respondents to (the) article on your website. How often, if at all, do you see us ‘take the low road’ and retaliate with such terms as “heterophobic” or “Christian-phobic” against those of who hold a contrary view?”


licks2 says...

Ms. Greene. . .how the heck you want to "be free". . .but everybody else must "adjust" for you to have your maximum freedom? Persons who knows me know that I am very tolerant to citizens of the LGBT community. . .however, the same persons will also tell you that I am hard as heck of intolerant persons. . .persons who have become over sensitive that they are attacking others by using the same "offenses" against offenders that she/he accuses the offenders of committing against he/she.

Posted 27 March 2017, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Why should 99% of straight Bahamians bend over backwards and accommodate a wicked, demonic, morally twisted and medically-risky 1%??????........... these LGBTI need to all move to a remote, isolated island .......... Just give them Samana Cay and let them live happily ever after

Posted 27 March 2017, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I thought that I had you and licks pegged as the sensible ones here. The idea of same sex, man-to-man intimacy is abhorrent to me - just trying to imagine it makes me want to gag and vomit. ( if its a couple of lesbians going at it -- different story -- I could watch that). But that is no reason to discriminate against it. Why don't we just let them be. If you don't like homosexuality, don't do it. You een gern turn sissy by having dems around. There are no homo ninjas attacking people and converting them. The enlightened view is to live and let live, and don't deny anyone their human rights.

BTW - in some populations, the percentage of homosexuals can reach as high as 23 percent according to Gallup.

Posted 27 March 2017, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...


Posted 28 March 2017, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

kairosmatt says...

How does a straight person have to bend over backwards to accommodate LBGT? It's much harder to discriminate than to just let people do what they do with each other (as long as its done consensually of course).

If gay people want to love each other, hurray! The Bahamas is so filled with petty stupid hate right now (Pastors to blame plenty). Let em love! Let em marry! More happiness all around.

Stop the hating. Stop cherry picking from an old nonsensical book of myths and open your eyes and heart to the people around you NOW.

Posted 27 March 2017, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

If gay people were satisfied in peacefully living their immoral lifestyle behind closed doors ............ but they want to IMPOSE their lifestyle on the 99% ......... HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!........... THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is just like the 300 super criminals who have the whole damn city scared shitless ............ THE SISSY DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 27 March 2017, 8:28 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

How is Erin Greene imposing her lifestyle on you? Did she come to your house with the Licktower magazine, like the Jehovah's do to convert you? Did she preach the benefits of man love (toilet seat always up)? Did she use high pressure used car salesman tactics to make you touch another man intimately? Did she make you wear pink shoes and a ballet tutu?

They een imposin' anything. Do you know what is being imposed on you? Perpetual taxes for a kleptocratic, corrupt government. You are being imposed upon to support Shame Gibson's teifin'. You are being imposed upon to support that sub-human Mad Brad. You are being imposed upon to pay for the luxurious lifestyles of the PLP. You are being bent over to empty your pockets. But gays ... pheft! Nada. They een harming you.

Plus ain't 99%. More like 75%.

Posted 27 March 2017, 9:16 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Who is imposing their lifestyle on you? More like you are imposing your lifestyle on everyone else you sanctimonious hypocrite!

Posted 28 March 2017, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This is the same benign attitude that led Lot to go to Sodom ...... be careful who and what you endorse as "acceptable"

Posted 27 March 2017, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

Why do I need to know if a woman sleeps with another woman or a man, for that matter. They make themselves a target when they insist on flaunting their lifestyle. I don't expect the sexual acts of a man on woman nor a man on man to be on display.

Posted 27 March 2017, 8:39 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Unless you are watching porn, how are peoples sex habits on display unless of course your a peeping tom? Those who make an issue out of a non issue are frequently in the closet!

Posted 28 March 2017, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Election season and the gay distraction is back.

Posted 29 March 2017, 6:50 a.m. Suggest removal

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