Moore’s Island acquisition of land ‘not political move’


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday denied that the acquisition of more than 400 acres of land for the people of Moore’s Island was a “political move”, despite the tabling the resolution weeks before the general election.

In the House of Assembly yesterday, Mr Christie acknowledged that he promised more than a decade ago to bring relief to homeowners in Moore’s Island, a small cay in the Abacos, but said it “took time” and “years of conversation and consultation”.

He also said the comprehensive infrastructure upgrades that will cost around $5m will transform the quaint and tranquil fishing community, replacing 30-year-old infrastructure and preparing it for the 21st century.

Mr Christie’s comments were in response to member of Parliament for Montagu Richard Lightbourn, who accused the government of rushing the resolution to gain votes “right before” the impending general election.

“We spent years talking to the residents and gathering information,” Prime Minister Christie said. “We had to have surveyors go in and we worked on this for two years. Based on our preliminary investigation in 2015, a notice of investigation was published in respect to 807 acres of land.

“The Lands and Surveys Department went and they did an investigation and initially they advised me to move and acquire the 807 acres of land but a subsequent survey was conducted and based on the findings of the survey a declaration of intended acquisition and notice of possession was published for 464.408 acres.

“Meaning all we had to do, we did, and we are here now because we own the land ... So this is not a political giveaway of funds or land. The funding for the roads and water mains and harbour and for the dock, the airport runway and terminal building, all makes a strong foundation to boost the economy of the island.

“So it is my pleasure for and on behalf of the government to indicate that we are very, very pleased. Generations of Moore’s Islanders will see the modernisation of Moore’s Island, taking it into the 21st century.”

Housing and Environment Minister Kenred Dorsett also defended the government’s timing, saying: “It is never too late to do the right thing.”

“This resolution is long overdue. I recall standing on Clifford Park during the 2002 general election when the Prime Minister, in his speech to the people, spoke specifically to Moore Island and the need to address matters associated with the island community,” Mr Dorsett said.

“But now we have passed a resolution and scores and scores of people who have built homes on land that does not belong to them, they can finally get their conveyances and can finally get marketable title and build with dignity and with the assurance that they own the land.

“It may have taken a long time but like my mother said ‘it’s never too late to do the right thing’ and so whether it is on the cusp of an election, it took a long time for the surveying to take place on this island and to get to this point but I want the people to know and rest assured that their conveyances petitioning the land has already begun and so once the land is vested, the Ministry of Housing will move to ensure that titles to the respective plots are regularised.”

However, Mr Lightbourn said the government should not be patting themselves on the back for doing something “that was promised since 2002”.

“Because it is happening at this time it raises issues,” he said.

“The promise was made in 2002 and here we are 2017 and the government wants to feel proud that they are fulfilling a promise, I don’t know which promise it was, the one they made in 2002, the one they made in 2007 or the one they made in 2012 but it is really an abuse of the process to have this kind of thing happening weeks before an election.

“There are so many other areas that need to be addressed and the members opposite seem proud to point out that this community is a big supporter of the PLP. So what message does that send to the rest of the Bahamas?”

During Mr Lightbourn’s speech, several government members noted that the Christie administration was not in office during the 2007-2012 term.


sealice says...

SOOO.... we can expect a reduction in crime in 15 years, we can expect Bah Mar to open in 15 years, what else.... dump fires OVER in 15 years? Too bad we'll all be dead from the smoke....

Posted 28 March 2017, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Perry will refer to these people during the campaign like he does to his special needs son (Adam) ............ He is just an old scumbag desperate to hold on to the PM Office

Posted 28 March 2017, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

If this isn't political,the pope is not catholic. So he will spend all that money on a cay with a couple people and Andros Acklins and many of the larger family islands get peanut? Fuck you Perry you are still gone after elections Carry yer scummy ass and the rest of your corrupt fellas

Posted 28 March 2017, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Who owned that land before the government acquired it? How much did the government pay for the land? Why were people building on land they knew they didn't own? Since you and I helped pay for the land, shouldn't we be entitle to plots as well?

Posted 28 March 2017, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Moores Island was a deserted island before the Haitians settled there ....... Just like Salina Point (Acklins) ........... Now they are being regularized as landholding "Bahamians" ......... What a freaking joke!!!!!!!

Posted 28 March 2017, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Okay, we're warming up to a general election - but who would have thought Montagu's Richard, would find online red shirts blog operatives for his effort to block the prime minister's efforts to deliver "Clean Land Titles" to the good Residents of Moore's Island.
Luckily, for the long-neglected Residents Moore's Island - the PM is in this for their long-term interests - while Montagu's Richard, has but only days to a few weeks left to represent any set of Constituents.

Posted 28 March 2017, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

And... am I correct in assuming that these (probably illegal) immigrant squatters are going to get the land for free? If so, this is bloody outrageous.

Also, will our building inspectors go down to ensure that these illegally constructed homes are according to code? Because, I don't want no hurricane coming and blowing down these homes and then our government is asked to rebuild them.

Posted 29 March 2017, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

No, this is not the situation at all. Everyone who lives on Moores Island are Bahamian. The houses have also withstood plenty of hurricanes over the years; they are not mansions but they are not shacks, either. The land situation in Moores Island is very complicated and, in fact, this act doesn't do a darn thing to solve it. But you have totally the wrong idea about what has caused the problem and it's not the fault of the residents of Moors Island.

Posted 29 March 2017, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Quite so, Sickened.

Posted 29 March 2017, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

tell_it_like_it_is says...

Clear case of government stealing...from people too poor to go through long court battles.

It was brought to my attention that this is generation property in Moore's Island with heirs like the McBride's. Look up the court dockets to see how long they had this case in court. Now that a key challenger has died - it has suddenly been "acquired"!

Posted 30 March 2017, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

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