Dame Joan Sawyer blasts Fitzgerald fuel leak silence

FORMER President of the Court of Appeal Dame Joan Sawyer has lashed out at Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald for his revelation earlier in this Parliamentary term that he kept quiet for more than a year on the contents of a report into an underground fuel leak in his constituency.

Her critique of Mr Fitzgerald was outlined in two letters sent to the MP on February 15 and July 29, 2016, to which she said she has not received a response. In the latest letter, Dame Joan advised Mr Fitzgerald that she would forward the documents to the media for publication.

Dame Joan said she is a constituent of Marathon, having moved into the area in 2011.

“At the beginning of the revelations about the (fuel) escape, you were reported in the press as admitting that you had kept the report of the escape secret for some 18 months, ostensibly because if you had revealed its contents you stood in jeopardy of being removed from the Cabinet,” she wrote.

Dame Joan said she did not think there was basis under the Official Secrets Act or the Cabinet code of secrecy for him to remain quiet.

“If it was because of the Official Secrets Act, then I think that position is untenable as the secret was not of any national/official or governmental business and the ill-advised apology by the Attorney General only added insult to injury.

“It also appeared to me that if it was because of the doctrine of Cabinet secrecy, it failed to meet the basic requirement for that protection to exist since the mere fact that a matter may be spoken of in a Cabinet meeting cannot in and of itself cause Cabinet secrecy to attach itself to what was said and done.”

Dame Joan also said the delay in disclosing the report may have deprived those persons who may have wished to sue over the fuel leak due to a statute of limitations.

“Further, the lapse of time between the actual escape and when that fact became known may have been sufficient to allow the physical evidence to dissipate so that the withholding of the information about the report would amount to obstruction of the court of justice ... not to mention the inhumane treatment of people that that failure to act evidences.”

Dame Joan also hit out at Mr Fitzgerald for saying in 2016 that he felt the government handled the ordeal properly.

“Did you really think that all the inhabitants of the Marathon constituency are illiterate or without common sense? How could you, as a lawyer, make such a statement in light of the common law of torts which applies in this country?

“Have you forgotten the duty of the Attorney General to act on behalf of the public where a public nuisance - which the oil leaks appear at first blush to have created - affects a significant number of persons in the particular area?”

In a letter dated February 15, Dame Joan said she noticed some young women in the Marathon area wearing t-shirts with the message that “Fitzgerald cares” and she wondered if they were serious, given his actions during the Rubis oil leak saga.

The fuel release of 12,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline was observed in late December, 2012, by former operator Fiorente Management, and reported to Rubis on January 19, 2013, according to the BEST Commission.

Black and Veatch was later contracted by the government in 2013 to investigate the matter. The firm’s report found that residents were exposed to potentially harmful chemicals, including cancer-causing benzene.

The report was completed on February 20, 2014, and only released in April, 2015, causing some observers to accuse the government of suppressing the document for more than a year.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Dame Joan Sawyer's comments apply even more so to Allyson Mayard-Gibson a/k/a the Evil Wicked Witch. She conspired (as Attorney General) with Toxic Fumes Fitz to suppress the release of the report that revealed the dire health consequences associated with the Rubis fuel tank leaks.

Posted 30 March 2017, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

On this issue alone I will leave this country if Fitzgerald gets reelected. This leak was a disaster for so many of his constituents and could have been (and may still be) so much worse. And, Fitzgerald does nothing but say that he didn't want to lose his $28,000 job?
If just one person votes for this guy it will be far too many.

Posted 30 March 2017, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

I kid you not, Marathon is the one seat I HAVE to watch in the upcoming elections. The only thing that would give me more joy than seeing Jerome Fitzgerald voted out is being a resident myself to help them do it.

The man has no shame!

Posted 31 March 2017, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

If this Arshole gets elected again it will prove that all our elections are fraudulent to the core, which we suspect pretty much anyways across the board?

Posted 31 March 2017, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I voted in Garden Hills last election and now suddenly I am in Marathon and have to see this man and his followers knocking on my door. He failed those constituents and now he coming over here in this area!!! We gat 3 gas stations near where I live, so Jerome needs to go take his secretive ass somewhere else. He couldn't leak the information about the gas leak, but he sure could go leak information about people's emails in the House.

Posted 31 March 2017, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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