Inmates to start making licence plates in May


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE manufacturing of vehicle licence plates by inmates at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services (BDCS) is likely to begin by the first week in May, Transport and Aviation Minister Glenys Hanna Martin announced yesterday.

Several inmates at the Fox Hill Road facility have already been identified as suitable candidates to participate and be paid for participating in the programme, according to officials, with 15 to 20 inmates expected to man the operation in its initial stages.

Particulars such as the wage scale for inmates, as well as policies to govern the operation, are still being discussed by government officials, according to BDCS Commissioner Patrick Wright.

Additionally, Mrs Hanna Martin said the Fox Hill Road compound does not yet have all of the necessary equipment to start the manufacturing process, and as such, US company John R Wald Inc, which has 92 years experience in the business, will continue to produce plates “on a temporary basis” until such time as the BDCS can transition into being able to manage “full production” of the plates.

The decision to allow inmates to manufacture vehicle licence plates, similar to the US prison system, is a key element of the government’s strategy to equip inmates with marketable skills during their sentences, thus improving their prospects for obtaining a job or starting their own businesses when they are released back into society.

Yesterday, Mrs Hanna Martin, supported by Road Traffic Department (RTD) Controller Ross Smith and National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage, moved to assure observers that the BCDS “is about as secure as it gets,” and that it will have “added security features to make it more secure.”

She also lauded yesterday’s announcement as a step in the right direction for the RTD.

“We are a department that was antiquated, that had vulnerabilities, that has been controversial. It is also one of the chief revenue earners for the Public Treasury and these (steps) are building the integrity of the system, interfacing with other agencies, so it’s cutting off avenues that may have previously existed for irregularities,” she said. “So this is a critical second step of the modernisation of the Road Traffic Department.

“Out of this we expect that we will no longer have shortages and other unusual occurrences with licence plates, and this will be very helpful. Because regular licence plates are sometimes attached to strange things and horrible things in our country, and also car theft, etc.”

She added: “These tightened security systems, the integrated electronic nature of it and the interfacing, will make the RTD secure in a way that is totally unprecedented and takes our people forward.”

Mrs Hanna Martin also highlighted the programme’s significance with regards to reducing inmate recidivism, something she said also compliments the government’s plans to introduce a parole system.

“A lot of people don’t understand why the language being used towards offenders is being used, because we tend to have a sort of retributive type of mentality towards offenders, which is natural I think,” she said. “But what we’ve learned though, that if you bring someone into an environment like this, and you don’t make efforts to turn that person around ... and they come in here and they go back worse, you are actually unleashing on our people, your neighbours, communities, someone that is a menace.”


B_I_D___ says...

Of course they that 99% of the plates are manufactured through a contractor at great expense instead of using cheap prison labour to save the tax payers money during this total overhaul of plates.

Posted 31 March 2017, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Wouldn't it be great to see Perry Mayonnaise Gibson, Shame, sticky fingers bwave,and the rest of them making those plates. I would pay big bucks to see that, I would take out a loan for that

Posted 31 March 2017, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

The mess and confusion at The Road Traffic Department (RTD) continues and could have being remedied; had the Minister taken party politics and cronyism out of the decision making process.

Considering the countries financial constraints, a proposal by a local provider and the offer by the Bahamas Auto Safety; should have being a wiser choice - had the Minister and her advisers not being so petty. The interest of the Bahamian Public should always be about the interest of friends, family and lovers. ...the result is a continuous waste of the public funds and a perpetual frustrated system when licensing vehicles.

Bahamas Auto Safety's proposal offered the latest in High Security Vehicle Plates Manufacturing Services - AT NO COST TO THE GOVERNMENT and The Bahamian People, and we would have plates manufactured here in the Bahamas by Bahamians and not foreigners.

Bahamas Auto Safety offered to provide the technology, training and the facilities to operate and train staff and (inmates) as agreed.

This generous offer to assist with the modernization of the Department was a two year effort and should have created many high paying jobs for Bahamians.

But bad choices and petty party politics will continue to kill us ...but who cares.…

Posted 31 March 2017, 11:28 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

Mrs. Hanna-Martin, THERE ARE NO PLATES at the Road Traffic Dept. Drivers are being told to put any plate on their vehicles, or just drive without plates. You say a foreign company is manufacturing the plates. Did you not give them the correct amount to manufacture? Getting stopped by police officers on a regular basis when you have done nothing wrong is deplorable.
Did anyone tell the police not to stop cars without plates, that have a current disc on the wind screen.
After waiting almost eight hours to get served and have to be embroiled in this massive cock-up is inexcusable.

Posted 1 April 2017, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Prison labour is state sponsored slavery.

Posted 1 April 2017, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

Dear Bahamas 'Leaders',
keep mimicking the ways, laws, and rules of colonialist, racist governments next door and around the world, the BLOWBACK (the unintended adverse results of a political action or situation) WILL BE THE SAME TO OUR NATION! #StateSponsoredSlavery

Posted 1 April 2017, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

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