FNM chairman expresses concern over Nottage’s health


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Chairman Sidney Collie has expressed concern over the medical condition of Progressive Liberal Party Bain and Grants Town representative Dr Bernard Nottage following his worrisome performance during an appearance at a recent campaign rally.

In an interview with The Tribune on Sunday, Mr Collie said he was “surprised” at the level of competence displayed by Dr Nottage during his address to a crowd of supporters at last Thursday’s PLP rally at R M Bailey Park.

Mr Collie said he and members of the FNM were concerned by what appeared to be “a major and pressing matter.”

He told The Tribune: “Based on reports, we are now aware that he is unwell. He has been told by his doctors to remain on bed rest. At this time, we just want him to get as well as possible.”

Mr Collie continued: “Despite political differences, Dr Nottage is a man who has given a great deal of his life to the governance of this country. His career is a career of note and we pray that he return to good health in the shortest period of time.”

Asked if Dr Nottage’s current condition should remove him from contention in the upcoming general election, Mr Collie said he wasn’t in a position at this time, to comment on such a suggestion.

He stated: “His political future is not the focal point at this time. His health is. We in the FNM remain focused on seeing his medical condition recover to a point where that discussion could be had, firstly by him.”

Dr Nottage, 71, was examined by a doctor at his home on Thursday night for “dehydration”, according to PLP chairman Bradley Roberts, shortly after slurring and stumbling over his words during his speech on the rally stage.

Dr Nottage’s wife came to his side near the end of his presentation, during which the veteran politician mispronounced words and had to constantly correct his sentences.

Visibly flustered as he spoke to the large crowd of supporters, Dr Nottage was attempting to praise members of the various law enforcement entities and plot the course ahead for the PLP and its fight against crime.

However, his dazed demeanour and incoherent speech led many in attendance to question his overall health. Dr Nottage was forced to wrap up his speech as the DJ played loud music to drown out his words.

His performance has sparked rumours that the senior MP’s behaviour suggested a much more serious health condition or signalled his need to retire from frontline politics.

When asked whether the party had given any consideration to an outcome that would see Dr Nottage unable to contest the seat, Mr Roberts told The Tribune on Friday that “nothing has occurred to consider that”. He also said on Friday that Dr Nottage was “resting comfortably” after the difficult experience.

When contacted yesterday, Mr Roberts insisted that Dr Nottage’s condition had improved considerably, according to him, to a degree where Dr Nottage could address the media on his own behalf.

However, all attempts by The Tribune on Sunday to contact Dr Nottage directly were unsuccessful.


birdiestrachan says...

Sidney should just get over it. He could not care less about Mr: Nottage health.

Posted 1 May 2017, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

hmmmmmm mmmmm

Posted 1 May 2017, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Dr Nottage should not be subjected to the stress of election night. At this point I could care less whether he wins or loses his seat despite his poor performance. He needs REST. May 11th may be too late to talk about what he shouldn't have done. If the party cared about him AT ALL Bradley Roberts would have said the same.

Posted 1 May 2017, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

birdie your beloved plp really don't give a rat's ass about people. If there was any decency in your people,someone would have had that mike cutoff and remove him from the stage. To have him go through that for more than 10 mins is disgusting and vile,but who am I kidding that's how y'all roll

Posted 1 May 2017, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If Nottage is not healthy enough for office he needs to make the judgement call and back out of front line politics. No sense in getting elected then having to step down after a short while due to failing health. A by-election is expensive also.

Posted 1 May 2017, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

What is most alarming is that he seemed to be unaware of his condition. He was incoherent, he babbled and he couldn't read his speech.

Posted 1 May 2017, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

You hit the nail on the head. He doesn't have a clue as to how seriously he malfunctions during these episodes. He probably doesn't even believe his wife. I hope that he is not in denial of his condition, like Bradley Roberts is.

Posted 2 May 2017, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

BJ just needs to go and crawl under a rock and DIE ....................... He is part of the stinking, rotten PLP Mafia as well ............... Our last images of him is his muffled tone when addressing the Speaker and arrogantly dismissing the Opposition when they cried for justice from the Speaker ...... he has NO sympathy from me

Posted 1 May 2017, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

Dr. Nottage has been around and made a great contribution to the medical profession in this country. i dont give a sh#t about his politics but i do feel sympathetic about his plight as a bahamian. i hope he gets well and if he has issues, i hope he doesn't let politics take him to his grave.. he is bigger than that IMHO...

Posted 2 May 2017, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

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