Biggest ever round of promotions for the RBDF


Tribune Staff Reporter

TELLIS Bethel has been named commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force following a massive promotion exercise of 427 officers announced yesterday, described as the largest ever for the law enforcement agency.

The revelation came a day after Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade announced promotions in the Royal Bahamas Police Force for 851 officers and less than a week after Prime Minister Perry Christie said that, despite years of insisting the government won’t make overtime payments to police officers, his administration has now decided to do so.

The promotions are seen by some as the Christie administration’s attempt to win the officers’ vote. Law enforcement officers vote in the general election’s advanced poll today.

“This is what I would refer to as a poor governance and not only poor governance, this is a political tactic on behalf of the government,” said Marvin Dames, the FNM candidate for Mount Mariah and a former deputy commissioner of police.

“There is no way in the world, in any country where a government, one day before law enforcement officers are about to cast their votes, rolls out a promotion. Whenever a party decides to use the government’s servicemen and women as political tools, that calls for great concern. What you are essentially doing is tampering with democracy.

“Whenever you promote people, that means you have a plan for those persons. How can you have a plan when you don’t know whether you will be the government tomorrow? They just confirmed a commodore. What craziness is this? We have to get serious about what it is we want from our elected officials. If we are going to continue playing games, and that is what this is, it’s frightening, using our government departments and the power entrusted to us by the people to advance your own personal ambitions.”

Mr Dames added: “I’m not taking anything away from these people who would’ve gotten promoted, but the point is when are we going to stop playing games? This government has hired more people in the last week than they have hired in the last five years. They are in a state of desperation.”

Commodore Bethel’s confirmation comes more than two years after he began serving as acting commodore of the RBDF.

His position was made retroactive to March 2015.

He is among more than 400 men and women in the force who were promoted.

In addition to Captain Bethel, Captain Samuel Evans was appointed deputy commander of the RBDF.

The promotions affect more than one quarter of defence force officers, a press statement said and are in effect from May 1, 2015.

The promotions comprise 66 officers, 17 warrant officers, 77 non-commissioned officers and 284 enlisted personnel.

Senior officer promotions include Captain Adrian Chriswell, who was promoted from commander. Other senior officers promoted from the rank of lieutenant commander to commander were: Clarence Dean, Michael Saunders, Raymond King, Chapell Whyms, Henry Daxon and Frederick Brown.

The RBPF also announced promotions of senior officers in early April.


MassExodus says...

Well muddo sick! THe biggest round of promotions for the RBDF 1 week before a general election. Talk about attempting to buy votes. With what funds will the government provide all these promotions to the RBPF and RBDF, when our deficit is on the brink of disaster? Where will these treasury funds come from. Why are we giving promotions to agencies that, let's face the facts, have failed us. The murder rate is through the roof right now. The RBDF really doesn't defend our waters very well. Can anyone spell p-l-o-y? I hope they die a slow death.

Posted 3 May 2017, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

That is great congratulations to all of them and may God's blessings be upon them . Especially
Mr: Bethel

Posted 3 May 2017, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

MassExodus says...

Don't tell me you are that naive, and believe this P-L-O-Y... ???

Posted 3 May 2017, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

birdie is not naive he/she head is just stuck up the plp ass

Posted 4 May 2017, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

I really smile at this and the police exercise. As a former law enforcement officer that was enough promotion for four different exercises. I guess it was the same way with the RBDF. Sooo now looking down the road years ahead they cant promote again for at least 4 or more years.. or until persons retire, no way it will work. Officers who miss this round is in the dog house. It is always a disadvantage.

Posted 3 May 2017, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

Big government my friends.. this will continue the financial ruin of this country which by all evidence is already an absolute success... one of the few successes of the government...

Posted 4 May 2017, 5:17 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

A shameful political stunt ........ this is not right in the Bahamas in 2017 ........ The RBDF should not be pawns of the State (like the RBPF has already been made)

Posted 4 May 2017, 7:03 a.m. Suggest removal

kdlrrl says...

More of the same - buying votes right before election.
The sad thing is that people too stupid to notice, or even care.

Posted 4 May 2017, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The trouble is that this sort of crap works.

Posted 4 May 2017, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

That's it!

Posted 4 May 2017, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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