Christie denies treasury broke


Deputy Chief Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie denied assertions from the nation’s former leader, Hubert Ingraham, who said on Tuesday that no matter which party wins the May 10 election, the government will be unable to give officers overtime pay as promised because the money is not in the Public Treasury.

When asked if the treasury was broke, Mr Christie said: “No.”

He added: “Ask Mr Ingraham and I want to say it just like this: How was he paying civil servants when he was spending over $500m more than he was earning?

“How does a country do that? So if my treasury is broke and my deficit is nowhere near that deficit, tell him the same way he was able to run the country spending over $500m more than he was earning and keep on paying civil servants.

“Tell him that is why he knows when he uttered that statement exactly how I am going to pay the police officers on the 29th of May and they will be paid. He knows,” Mr Christie said.

Yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis accused Mr Ingraham of “spreading propaganda” on the issue.

Mr Davis branded Mr Ingraham’s assertion that “the money ain’ there” in the Public Treasury to pay the officers as a “red herring,” telling reporters that he had no idea where the former FNM leader got his information.

While disclosing the state of the nation’s treasury, Mr Ingraham also told supporters in South Abaco on Tuesday night that if the FNM wins the election, one of the first things it will have to do is “borrow tens of millions of dollars to pay bills that the PLP government is now unable to pay” and thus will not be able to fulfil some of its campaign promises right away.

He also repeated the allegation that more than $800,000 was recently stolen from the Ministry of Finance, suggesting that theft was widespread in the public sector.

“I don’t know where he got his information from and I think it’s just a red herring that was brought about to put fear in the officers,” Mr Davis told reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s disastrous advanced poll where members of the armed forces and others voted at the Kendal G L Isaacs Gymnasium ahead of next week’s general election.

He continued: “I guess it’s political season and he wants to inspire them to vote for the FNM by spreading propaganda.”

Meanwhile, incumbent PLP Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller agreed that he believed Mr Ingraham was spewing “propaganda”, as he insisted that in his view, the former prime minister’s comments about the status of the treasury or the missing money from the Ministry of Finance would not be problematic for the PLP.

Mr Miller said: “Mr Ingraham has come up with more outrageous statements since he got back about the money that was stolen. I was somewhat taken aback by a man who’s been the prime minister for three terms.

“If he knows that money was stolen from the treasury, the (former) prime minister knows exactly what to do. He knows the Commissioner of Police (Ellison Greenslade), he knows who to go to. Report the case and those people who are thought to be responsible should then be hauled before the courts. That’s what I would think he should do.”

Mr Miller added: “I mean he knows more about that than you, me and any other Bahamian in this country. People like he and the current prime minister knows what’s going on. So I don’t see it as a problem. I just see it as really propaganda. That’s what I see it as, political propaganda, between him and the PM.”

Mr Ingraham’s remarks have been viewed by some observers as a last minute bid to sway those who voted in the advanced poll in the FNM’s favour.

Mr Ingraham told supporters at a rally in South Abaco: “You know after years of fighting the Police (Staff) Association . . . and ignoring the court order, they finally agreed that they are going to pay overtime to the police.

“Unfortunately they ain’ ga be around when they say they going to pay. They said they going to pay on the 28th or the 29th of May, well they ga be gone long time by then.

“And so the police officers and the defence force officers and all others who are voting (Wednesday) be assured that the FNM will honour the judgment of the court.

“And speaking for myself, there is no way that either the FNM or the PLP going to be able to pay you on the 28th or 29th of May. The treasury ain’t got that money. They money ain’t there. Don’t let nobody lie to you.”

Mr Ingraham also responded to the Ministry of Finance’s statement issued Tuesday, calling on him to provide information to police on his allegation Monday that more than $800,000 had been stolen from the ministry.

The ministry has denied that this sum was stolen.

“They got the information,” Mr Ingraham said on Tuesday night. “They want know what I know.”

He added: “Do you believe the police will be motivated to investigate this allegation eight days before the general election when in the meantime they have yet to deal with the multiple reports on the allegations of abuse in government departments?”

He referred to several outstanding investigations or unresolved allegations from Auditor General Terrance Bastian over the past few years which have faded from headlines and questioned if anything ever came of these matters, including $700,000 in cash and cheques not deposited on the Department of Customs’ bank account in Abaco.

This matter was first reported in 2014.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The only reason Christie can deny the Treasury is broke is because he knows where a good chunk of the money that was stolen from the Bahamian people is hidden! Just look at him smiling away.....well, my oh my!

Posted 4 May 2017, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

Surely you don't expect him to admit it do you??

Posted 4 May 2017, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Nor you!

Posted 4 May 2017, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Is he on drugs?

Posted 4 May 2017, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Minnis hopes to soon be on the same drugs.....known as the people's tax dollars!

Posted 4 May 2017, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

And we all know Symonette and D'Aguilar would never be able to snort enough Bahamian tax dollars to satisfy their humongous greedy needs!

Posted 4 May 2017, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

He does look at little out there.

Posted 5 May 2017, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Treasury is sustained by IOUs ......... that is what Christie is trying to say
Broke means there is no money ........ but the MOF uses IOUs to pay bills (like payday loans)

Posted 4 May 2017, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Christie denies the treasury is broke because if they win the election they will instantaneously double the VAT to 15%. This will generate some additional $800 million for the government in 2017 but will create more problems by years end because it will cause the economy to contract and shrink. The tax burden will be too heavy on persons who are paying and the cost of living will be out of the reach of many. Unemployment will increase and the people will rebel.

Posted 4 May 2017, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

No John. You have it all wrong. It was Minnis who was over heard saying, "Well if we win the election and find there is no money to govern, then we will have no choice but to increase VAT to the 15% rate initially proposed by the Christie government. After all, if the voters give us a mandate to govern, then we must have money to do just that!"

Posted 4 May 2017, 10:18 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

mudda ya starting to tell untruths now. Your DNA can't and ain't gonna win so let that fantasy go. That shipped has sailed. I still think you are BRAN McCartney

Posted 5 May 2017, 8:34 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Your credibility is incredible!

Posted 5 May 2017, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

I think you have it exactly right, John. It would not be pretty. Let all the sensible ones hope for the best next week.

Posted 5 May 2017, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Who's the dude in the picture??? All I see is a nose!

Posted 5 May 2017, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Please ease up on puffy Christie. Bernadette will be the first to tell all of you that her Perry is considered by many of his 'dearest friends' to be a real cream puff. Just ask that deviant tax dodger Ishmail Lightbourn or the one they call 'Fweddy Boy'.

Posted 5 May 2017, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

You have made an interesting observation here. For the longest time Christie felt terribly let down by Sean McWeeney, Rubie Nottage and Sharon Wilson when the Bahamian people voted overwhelming against the referendum on changes to our constitution - a very costly referendum that had as its deceitful objective the paving of the way for same-sex marriages. Apparently Christie was in fact so dismayed that he spent countless hours dawdling with his pinky ring in the weeks immediately after the referendum as if it were somehow a pacifier. Some say he got the ring from one of his so called 'dearest friends'.

Posted 5 May 2017, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

News to me but I've heard many other unflattering things about Christie's preferred life style in recent years.

Posted 5 May 2017, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

So, can he tell us how much is actually in there????

Posted 5 May 2017, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Guess that's too much to ask though. ( suck teet) (sigh.........)

Posted 5 May 2017, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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