Roberts suggests poll problems work of Ingraham ‘operatives’

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts blamed the confusion and chaos of advanced poll day on a last minute decision to scale the event back to one polling site, rather than two, in New Providence.

He suggested this decision was not the fault of the government and insinuated it could have been the work of “operatives” of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Meanwhile, Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said Wednesday’s chaotic poll proves the Christie administration is unable to govern.

In a statement released yesterday, Dr Minnis criticised the government’s failure to maintain a “free and fair” poll, saying it has jeopardised democracy.

For his part, Mr Roberts attempted to shift responsibility from Wednesday’s vote from the governing to party to the FNM.

“The Progressive Liberal Party commends the Bahamian people for a magnificent and spirited display of their democratic rights during the advanced polls on May 3, 2017,” Mr Roberts said.

“The PLP is happy with the level of support demonstrated and is satisfied that we won the day.

“It is, however, regrettable that former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham openly boasted from a rally stage about having operatives in the public service at his beck and call that he can use to sabotage the work of the government,” he continued.

“With Bahamians clearly looking to the future, Ingraham returned from retirement but could not articulate one plan to move this country forward.

“Our intelligence reveals that the decision to abandon the use of the Thomas A Robinson National Stadium in favour of the obvious inadequate Kendal GL Isaacs (Gym) was at the root of much of the delay, confusion and frustration on advanced polling day.

“The public notice indicated two locations and mysteriously, that decision was overruled at the 11th hour. Who made such a decision and why was that decision made? It could not have been in the public interest.

“We are satisfied that Ingraham and his operatives will fail in their nasty, gutter and underhanded attempts to sabotage the legitimate work of the government for selfish political gains.

“Ingraham’s diabolic plots, underhanded schemes and threats of institutional victimisation not only remind Bahamians of why they got rid of him and the FNM, but will fail miserably because Bahamians understand what is at stake in this election. They know it is the security of their future that is at stake and the FNM is not offering the plans that matter to them,” Mr Roberts said.

As reported previously, Wednesday’s early vote was filled with confusion. Polls did not open until about 9.20am, although voting was supposed to start at 8am. As a result, voting was kept open until 7.20pm.

Some voters claimed their names were not on the advanced poll register, even though they said they applied to vote in the early poll.

Voters also queued in long lines for hours, as they waited to carry out their constitutional right.

In light of these issues, Dr Minnis said the Christie administration has disrespected the people of The Bahamas.

“Bahamians’ ability to vote in a free and fair election is a sacred right that gives our country the assurance that democracy prevails over dictatorships,” he noted.

“Unfortunately, this corrupt PLP government does not respect this right for the people.

“Constituents were made to stand in long, unyielding lines for hours with the polls opening late and the ballot boxes not even arriving on time. Weeks ago, the PLP made another empty promise.

“This time it was Sherlyn Hall who promised the public that the voter register would be clean after we discovered hundreds of discrepancies; however, scores of constituents registered to vote in the advanced poll were left off the register, according to several parties.

“This is yet another symptom of the endemic failures under this disastrous PLP government. Their clumsy, ham-handed mismanagement of the advanced poll is another example of their incompetence at best and at worst, an intentional voter suppression effort. All these years in power and the PLP hasn’t lifted a finger to assure responsible governance, yet they will do anything to maintain their grip on power.

“The people everywhere demand that this government remove any and all obstacles to legal voting and maintain a free and fair election for all Bahamians. Their assault on democracy cannot and must not be tolerated. On May 10, we will stand together to vote out this inept PLP regime and nothing will stop the people from having their voices heard,” Dr Minnis added.


B_I_D___ says...

Truly a sad sad individual...can we make sure he gets voted out and stays OUT of politricks?

Posted 5 May 2017, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

> “It is, however, regrettable that
> former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham
> openly boasted from a rally stage
> about having operatives in the public
> service at his beck and call that he
> can use to sabotage the work of the
> government,” he continued

.Is this PLP ever responsible for anything that goes wrong under their governance? After 5 years they still blaming Ingraham for leaving the country in financial shambles even though it is now even worse than ever before. Four financial downgrades to junk status. National debt increased by 2 $ billion. The murder rate is about to hit new record highs this year, if the PLP remains in office Could be over 150 killings. Unemployment is higher than it was when they came to office. BoB was robbed, raped and ravished. VAT money unaccounted for, despite what *lying* Halkitis says government did with it. Over 100 million went into BAMSI and not properly accounted for..When will the dormitory be rebuilt? Same with the hurricane relief affair for friends, family and lovers. MAY 10, 2017...A VERY IMPORTANT DAY IN THE LIVES OF BAHAMIANS!

Posted 5 May 2017, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Did Ingraham send 2000 election agents to vote early??????? .......... That is what Hall said created the problem ...... He said "I got instructions to allow the agents to vote early"

Posted 5 May 2017, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

hnhanna says...

LMAO at the PLP always blaming other people for their failures

Posted 5 May 2017, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiangoddedd says...

11 more hours before we rid the Bahamas of this disease called the PLP. 11Hours and counting. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK!!!

Posted 9 May 2017, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

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