VIDEO: Harvey Tynes urges Bahamians to vote against government


Tribune Chief Reporter

PROMINENT attorney Harvey Tynes, QC, railed against Prime Minister Perry Christie and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) as he urged Bahamians to vote against the incumbent government in a bid to save the country.

Citing the two failed referendums, violent crime and the introduction of Value- Added Tax (VAT), Mr Tynes explained that despite Mr Christie's likability, he has been a "dismal failure and complete disaster" this term.

Mr Tynes admitted that he voted for the PLP in 2012, but went on to describe the upcoming general elections as the last chance to save the country in a short video that was circulated on social media on Friday.

"I happen to like  Perry Gladstone Christie," he said. "The man has a big heart and a great sense of humour and I like people like that. Perry Christie happens to be one of my favourite people.

"Five years ago Christie begged us to give him a second chance; he admitted he had messed up his first time around. Christie promised us he would be our bridge to the future, I believed him. He seemed sincere," Mr Tynes said.

"I voted PLP, most Bahamians voted PLP. We chose Perry Christie to lead our country out of the mess it was in. Now five years later what has Christie given us in return?"

Turning his attention to the failed referendums on gaming and gender equality, Mr Tynes noted that in both instances Mr Christie lied about his administration's agenda and wasted millions of dollars on propaganda.

Mr Tynes campaigned against the gender equality referendum, arguing that instead of providing women the same rights as men when it came to the transfer of citizenship to their spouse; the provision should instead be repealed altogether. He insisted that Article 10 of the Constitution was a mistake that never should have been included.

"He also gave us VAT," he said, "a crippling tax burden on the poorest of our people who are now literally starving to death. He gave us a series of downgrades in our credit rating as a country to our current junk status and now we are in danger of our Bahamian dollar being devalued."

Mr Tynes said: "Meanwhile violent crime in our country has gone completely out of control and now comes the shocking news that senior well-paid members of Christie's cabinet are out there begging rich foreigners for personal favours instead of working to protect our interests as a people.

He added: "Let us face the truth, Perry Christie has been a dismal failure and complete disaster."

Mr Tynes' eldest daughter, Tanisha, is a PLP Senator.


OMG says...

I will never understand how a man of his age and whether you like him or not want to spend the dwindling days of his useful life working all hours and being subjected to constant and often justied criticism.

Posted 6 May 2017, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Whiteman says...

If I couldn't read I would have believe you, let me direct you to the central bank report and have you read through it and come back and tell us what it says in reference to vat and where that went as to crime there is no government who can say they can stop crime.
All government jobs is to create a climate that allows people to grow and the family and the village job to natured the child what I see happening the by way of the family and village is not taking advantage of the opportunity the government is providing.
We the family and the village feels so comfortable with the system we have created that when it fails we then have the opportunity to blame whoever is the government and reflect the blame from us
Mister you are a lawyer you make your all money from the reactions of people behaviors so crime is a plus to your pocket

Posted 6 May 2017, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Harvey Tynes QC is a man who is respected like Dame Joan Sawyer .......... When they speak, the country better take heed ........... This PLP and its SLOP spawn needs to be retired for the next generation .......... No need for Bahamians to experiment with the PLP anymore

Posted 6 May 2017, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

OMG, your comments are disgraceful! People with unbiased common sense should be able
and willing to appreciate Mr. Tynes' comments. He has been at the forefront most of his life
and has always been known to be honest and upfront when he speaks. Because what he is
saying is not what you want to hear, you have responded negatively.Should you reach his
age and i am hoping that you do,you will understand that at that stage of your life,seeking
favours,backbiting,and 'sucking up'are long past, all you want is what is best for your country,
for the sake of future generations.

Posted 6 May 2017, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

OMG was referring to Perry ...... not Harvey (brush up on your language skills)

Posted 6 May 2017, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

SOOO SORRY, SHEEPRUNNER, You are right! Now show me by bad language skills.

Posted 6 May 2017, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke

Thank you Mr. Harvey Tynes for having the fortitude to speak truth while the majority in your league stand by silently watching the destruction of our people and country at the hands of shameless, corrupt, tyrants.

More highly respected individuals need to realize that when the least among us are destroyed actually brings destruction that much closer to themselves!

Posted 6 May 2017, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Thank you Harvey Tynes for speaking the truth.

Posted 6 May 2017, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Why is the Voodoo Man all over the country campaigning for deadbeat PLP candidates???? ........... While Cat Island/Rum Cay/San Salvador is going RED right under his obeah hat????

Posted 6 May 2017, 7:31 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

There is a song that says "Let the life I live speak for me"

Posted 7 May 2017, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

So true Birdie ........ and Davis was speaking in Long Island last night and the light switch got pulled on him!!!!!!!! ........ We do not want that criminal here!!!!

Posted 7 May 2017, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The PLP is secretly conceding the election! This is because not only are there no polls showing them winning the election, but the public opinion is there is too much wrong with the PLP to fix, and make them a favorite to win and definitely not in two days. This may be one of the biggest spankings the PLP gets in its history and the election defeat will see many running to the hills as the unbelievable level of corruption is exposed. The PLP party itself will be almost disbanded and will remain lifeless for maybe as long as a few years. And by next election the party will be a completly new party.

Posted 8 May 2017, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

John ........... Perry was supposed to be the architect of a "New PLP" in 2002 ........ And look where that got The Bahamas ....... We do not need the PLP to exist at all anymore after May 2017.

Posted 9 May 2017, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

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