Reno Smith denies claims of ballot box tampering


Tribune Freeport Reporter

ASSISTANT Parliamentary Commissioner Reno Smith has vehemently denied rumours on social media about alleged tampering of ballot boxes in Grand Bahama by senior civil servants and other private citizens, calling it “foolishness”.

Dr Michael Darville, the Progressive Liberal Party’s incumbent for Pineridge, also released a statement denying the “false rumours” and claims. In the wake of these allegations, international election observers arrived in Freeport on Monday to observe the general election on May 10.

On Sunday, text and voice messages were circulated on Whatsapp of a woman alleging that certain high-ranking individuals on the police force and in government were discovered tampering with ballot boxes and were taken into police custody.

The allegations were also circulated on Facebook.

The Tribune contacted Police Inspector Terecita Pinder, press liaison officer, who denied the allegations on Monday.

Mr Smith held a press conference in response to the allegations, calling on persons to “cease and desist” from spreading such rumours.

He denied that Dr Darville or Urban Renewal 2.0 official Michelle Reckley were in the vicinity of the police headquarters in Freeport on Sunday at the time when the ballot boxes were being packed by the new Acting Parliamentary Commissioner Charles Albury with the necessary documentation for the May 10 election.

“Dr Michael Darville, who served as minister for Grand Bahama (this term), is a private citizen and has no jurisdiction over the election process, Parliamentary Department or ballot boxes, as well as Michelle Reckley who served as deputy director of Urban Renewal; she has nothing to do with parliamentary department or those boxes,” Mr Smith stressed.

He assured Bahamians that the boxes are presently under 24-hour protection in the armory of the police station in Grand Bahama. He said a police officer is assigned to each ballot box.

Mr Smith explained that on Sunday Mr Albury and his team travelled to Freeport to assist the Parliamentary Registration Department in Freeport in packing the ballot boxes with the register of each constituency and the general register for Grand Bahama in preparation for the May 10 election.

After packing of the ballot boxes with the necessary items, Mr Smith accompanied Mr Albury and his team to the airport for their scheduled return chartered flight to Nassau when supporters of the Free National Movement confronted them.

“We saw several party supporters of the FNM who then came to Mr Albury and I, and asked what was going on. I asked what were they referring to, and they indicated that they were informed that we were there counting the ballots from the advanced poll and tampering with ballot boxes to which we vehemently denied,” he told reporters.

“All we were doing were securing the ballot boxes with the relevant documentation so that on May 10 when the boxes are delivered to the returning officers, then onto the presiding officers, they would open the same and verify that everything is ready for the election to proceed smoothly.”

Mr Smith added: “It is ironic that people would think that you were stuffing ballot boxes, if they do not know they should become aware on Election Day all boxes are opened for all and sundry to see that nothing untoward took place or was placed in the ballot boxes.

“All persons are allowed to touch, examine, and feel to make sure there are no false compartment, because once the presiding officer seals the box no one then will be allowed to touch it other than persons who would be voting as they put their ballots in the box.”

Mr Smith stated that there are preparations required leading up to the election that must be made.

“It is terrible and we understand rumours are part of the Bahamian culture, but it is a nasty culture that we need to do away with. We know that some persons do not have a life and lack excitement.

“But to accuse senior civil servants and other private persons of doing something untoward is ungodly, it is uncalled for….and if I had the energy, time and no life I would prosecute someone, but I don’t have time for foolishness - it is garbage.”

He added: “We are here to try and do the government work to make sure everything is done in decency and in order. We ask persons to cease and desist and let’s try to make this a smooth election.”

Meanwhile, Dr Darville noted in a statement that he has been the victim of a myriad of accusations leading up to the election.

“These rumours are nothing more than desperate attempts to attack my integrity, smear the reputation of the Progressive Liberal Party and manipulate Bahamians into voting for them (the Free National Movement),” Dr Darville said.

Meanwhile on Election Day, Mr Smith said the Parliamentary Registration Department has asked all returning officers, assistant and presiding officers to kindly use their discretion when dealing with the elderly and persons who are physically challenged by not allowing them to stand in the line.

“We want to advise the public that no one is jumping the line and that we have asked them to accommodate the elderly, disabled, and pregnant, and to please allow them to go straight to the front of the line.”

Mr Smith said that that police force will be in full force at the election polls.

He also confirmed that international observers are now in Grand Bahama and will be at the polls to observe the process.

“We are making preparations for their smooth accommodations. We were initially told they would remain in Nassau, but I guess what happened on the weekend might have, I can’t definitely speak to it, but it might be why we have international observers coming to Grand Bahama.”

Mr Smith has served as an international observer in Bosnia and Herzegovina for that country’s election.

“I know what is expected of international observers. They are not to make any political utterances and they will make a report at the end of the election to the incoming government or whoever is elected. We will do everything to accommodate them and make them feel comfortable,” he said.


bahamiangoddedd says...

Reno Smith, Assistant Parliamentary Commissioner, boy the PLP gat all their ducks in a row! Time for ALL of them to GO! 11 more hours to the start of the EXTERMINATION!

Posted 9 May 2017, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

**"It is terrible and we understand rumours are part of the Bahamian culture, but it is a nasty culture that we need to do away with. We know that some persons do not have a life and lack excitement.
#“But to accuse senior civil servants and other private persons of doing something untoward is ungodly, it is uncalled for….and if I had the energy, time and no life I would prosecute someone, but I don’t have time for foolishness - it is garbage.”**

According to Loudmouth Reno ........ it is foolishness and ungodly and garbage to challenge the integrity of senior civil servants ........ Soooo, who made him a saint?????....... or Jesus???

We have our evidence Reno ........ the PRD hidden cellphone video of the tampered ballot boxes in Nassau ........ If they did it in Nassau ...... what makes us believe you won't do it too???

Posted 9 May 2017, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

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