Davis: Police payments show FNM treasury claims false

LEADER of the Progressive Liberal Party Philip "Brave" Davis yesterday welcomed the long overdue payment of overtime to police officers.

In a statement, Mr Davis said Monday's first payment in this regard proves the Free National Movement's remarks about the state of the country's finances under the PLP were "false, irresponsible and reckless".

Mr Davis also said: "The PLP left the instructions in place to pay it (the overtime) and the FNM has now carried out our commitment.

"This payment is made today notwithstanding previous statements made by the FNM during the election campaign that the treasury was broke and that there was no money to pay the police. The PLP said then the FNM's statements were false, irresponsible and reckless. With the payment today, the facts prove that we were right. The FNM's statements have been proven to be patently false.

"The Progressive Liberal Party is firm in its belief that during the course of its last administration the PLP has managed the fiscal affairs of The Bahamas in a prudent manner that allows the current FNM administration to fulfil the obligations of governance without the imposition of new taxes.

"We will have more to say about our financial stewardship during the upcoming budget debate. We thank the police for their service in the face of peril and we assure our uniformed branches of our unwavering support."

On April 27, then Prime Minister Perry Christie announced that the government would finally pay Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) officers for working 12-hour shifts in 2013 and 2014, with the first payment of the outstanding sum to be issued on May 29.

He said the second instalment in overtime pay would come "in the next budget cycle," but was not more specific. He said officers who have died or are retired will be paid in full.

Mr Christie's announcement came five days before officers headed to the advanced poll to vote. The Police Staff Association had been fighting for four years for members to receive this pay. The police eventually won their fight in court.

However a few days after the announcement that the police would be paid, former FNM Leader and Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told supporters at an FNM rally that no matter which party won the May 10 general election, the government would not be able to honour the commitment because the money was not in the Public Treasury.

Many observers accused the PLP of using an election tactic with its last minute plan to pay police officers. However, it was the courts that had to order the overtime pay for the police. It was the PLP that held off payment

Once the FNM assumed office, officials said it would honour the commitment to pay police officers, something Prime Minister Hubert Minnis had promised on the campaign trail.

Last May, the Court of Appeal upheld a landmark Supreme Court ruling ordering the government to compensate police officers for working the 12-hour shifts.


cmiller says...

I wish Brave and Bradley would give us a two month break from seeing their faces or listening to their old man dribble. Isn't that why we voted them out??? Go away!!!!Please!!!!

Posted 31 May 2017, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

athlete12 says...

He's really proud to say they finally had enough money for a late payment. This is just bitterness. Promise to paying the police days before election was a political move and the country knows it. Does he want a apology? We're one nation.

Posted 31 May 2017, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

considering we are borrowing to do this... oh forget it.

Posted 31 May 2017, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

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