Woman dies in drive-by shooting

A WOMAN is dead after she was shot in the Peardale area off Wulff Road last night, police said. 

Shortly after 8.30 pm, the woman was standing in front of an unoccupied building at Peardale off Wulff Road alongside two men when the occupants of a white “Japanese” vehicle pulled up armed with a shotgun and shot them. 

The woman was pronounced dead at the scene while the two men were taken to the hospital in serious condition. 

The deceased is the 109th person to be killed this year. 

Before her shooting death, the country had gone six days without a report of a murder. 


John says...

Yes October was shaping up to be One of the least deadly months in 2017 but with 2.75 months left in the year the country is still set to record one of the most bloodiest years in its history. And to note that not only have several children been murdered this years but the victims of the previous two active murders have been women. A male who was shot in September died after the previous female victim. Of more concern is that both female victims seem to be the intended targets of the killers. Hopefully the country will not allow the night to pass without flushing out these bloody killers and chasing them into the hands of the police.

Posted 11 October 2017, 3:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Cainn says...

"but with 2.75 months left in the year the country is still set to record one of the most bloodiest years in its history. "

You seem to get a kick out your analysis of our crime problem John... almost like you're hoping to be right.

Posted 11 October 2017, 3:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Yes @John clearly has issues...if you know what I mean.

Posted 11 October 2017, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

With a name like yours you, Cain, seem to be the one hoping the numbers are right. If you have read my previous posts then you will note (1) I offered more suggestions than most on how to bring this killing situation under control. (2) I showed where the number of murders o since October of 2026 to present has hovered around the 11 plus average per month (3) I also indicated that (at that time) it was 8 months under the previous government and four months under the present government so neither of their policies seem to be effective in reducing murder. Finally Cain, I have had the experience of what it is like for a family to be called in the middle of the night to find a love one sprawled in the street. And to hear the roomies fly. For that family to have to bury one of their youngest and brightest sons. And after waiting months and years for answers the family doesn't know who killed their family member and why. I know about the trauma of young men losing Theo and three family members to murder and even more of their friends and coworkers. And dumb asses, like you Cain, who come here and get all Vicky and brand all young Bahamian men as sub human, lazy worthless killers when, secretly, you are the one the killer by nature. And even by the name you choose to post under, you make mockery of this most unfortunate situation.

Posted 11 October 2017, 6:51 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

@cainn confirm you are not a dirty, malicious slimebag and list your suggestions to end and/or reduce murders in the Bahamas.

Posted 11 October 2017, 6:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

@John: Get a job....if you can.

Posted 11 October 2017, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

baldbeardedbahamian says...

John, relax, it is good to have differing opinions expressed on this site. I sometimes agree with your posts and sometimes I don't but that doesn't make me a dirty malicious slimebag, or does it?

Posted 11 October 2017, 8:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

@John will tell you: "It does."

Posted 11 October 2017, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

In my usual 'racist ' way I will end with this: Maybe if more of the victims of murders in this country were white, then the profiles of all of y'all who chose to snicker and snare and smirk would be different. If you voluntarily call yourself a Cainite and/or support one who does then your intentions are not good, nor will they ever be!

Posted 11 October 2017, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

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