Power plant still has a hole in its roof from Hurricane Matthew


Tribune Staff Reporter


PAUL Maynard, president of the Bahamas Electrical Workers Union, has warned of potential flooding at Bahamas Power and Light’s Clifton Pier Power Plant after damage sustained during Hurricane Matthew last October was never repaired.

In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Mr Maynard said BPL would be “in trouble” if the roof on the control room to the Clifton Pier Power Station is not repaired before Hurricane Irma’s potential landing in The Bahamas this week.

He said even if repairs began today, they would not be done by Friday, when Irma is expected to hit.

“The roof is a mess and it has been like that since the last hurricane. Back then, we were told it would cost $100,000 to fix so I don’t know what it would cost now,” he said.

“At this point, even if they make attempts to repair the roof now, it won’t be done before the hurricane comes. The best bet is to open up the other side and let the breeze blow through. They will have to make an attempt to deal with this and place bricks over some plastic to guard the equipment, that’s what we will have to do. The repairs are urgent and we would be in trouble if this hurricane hits because we are still weak from the last hurricane.”

Mr Maynard said the damage to the roof is mainly over the administrative office, but if that office floods the water can damage the engines.

“The equipment in the office is what we would have to worry about but the machines would not be fine if that office floods,” he said.

“We have a bunch of pumps and we can pump the water out if we need to but honestly we just need to get rid of that power station altogether. We need to change the engines. This issue should have been dealt with a long time ago and now we are just coping.”

Last December, Mr Maynard raised the alarm about conditions at Clifton Pier, when he threatened industrial action if the government did not immediately repair the damage to the plant caused by the passage of Hurricane Matthew in October.

At the time, Mr Maynard said the situation at Clifton required “urgent attention” and the environment was too dangerous for his members to continue to work.

In December, he said the covering on the smokestacks at the plant was “peeling” and falling to the ground. He said at any moment, one of the metal plates could “hit one of the workers” severely injuring them.

Days later, BPL confirmed plans to repair the external structure of the damaged smoke stacks at the company’s Clifton Pier plant.

The engines at the Clifton Pier Plant have not been operating at full capacity for several months. BPL has been relying heavily on the engines from the Blue Hill Power Plant, which have caused a significant increase in electricity bills.


PKMShack says...

You no better than who is the blame. Took all this time for you to make this a story

Posted 4 September 2017, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

And you Paul Maynard have a hole in your head!

Posted 4 September 2017, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Utter disgrace.

Posted 5 September 2017, 12:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Why the employees elected him to represent them is beyond me. He is always looking to cover his own afterburner.

He just told us yesterday how wonderful Pam Hill was because she did everything he asked for , he also told us how he asked for a 1.4 million bonus and got it. How he forget to ask them to fix the roof?

But as per usual when disaster is imminent he make sure to sQueak up to let us know, it een my fault

Posted 5 September 2017, 7:02 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Typical of everything in this country.Have a Carnival but don't fix what is necessary. And yet on Eleuthera weeks and weeks have been spent at huge cost ripping a hillside just to get a level surface to build this so called hospital. Doesn't anybody think these things through. A classic case of our eyes are bigger than our bank balance.

Posted 5 September 2017, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

if they using the same plan as pinewood it'll be a flood zone.....

Posted 5 September 2017, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

They ripped up the hill to build a hospital?? Are they crazy? I just drove Tonique Williams highway the other day, lamenting how they destroyed all those hills out there. They've made Nasssu a flatland. Persons under 20 never saw those hills.

Posted 5 September 2017, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Mr. Maynard thank you for again reminding us of the multiple failures of the PLP whilst in power. in power... the powers hardly on....

Posted 5 September 2017, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Clifton Power Station needs to be totally re-fitted with new LNG turbine engines ........... hole in the roof is a moot point ........... That should be the focus of the new BPL Board and Dezzie

Posted 5 September 2017, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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