Hospital roof repairs hit by funding crisis


Tribune Staff Reporter

HEALTH Minister Dr Duane Sands has explained why the government was not able to carry out full roof repairs at Princess Margaret Hospital ahead of Hurricane Irma, saying the health sector has many high priority infrastructure issues that need to be addressed but has funding challenges due to previous “reckless” spending.

He also said due to the state of vulnerability brought on by a series of decisions by the previous administration, his current tenure as health minister has been rife with tough choices.

His comments were in response to questions on the government’s decision to carry out minor repairs to PMH’s roof, despite the need for a complete overhaul.

The Elizabeth MP contended that his ministry has at least $20m in needed repairs that have to be addressed.

“Difficult choices were made to restore medical supplies and services, restart stalled ward renovations, etcetera,” Dr Sands said. “Roof repairs followed in order of priority.”

The Public Hospitals Authority Managing Director Herbert Brown had written to former Financial Secretary Simon Wilson on May 26 warning that outstanding repairs at health facilities throughout the country needed financing. He reminded government of a previous letter, dated November 30, 2016, “regarding Hurricane Matthew claims totaling $920,733.70 of which $642,567.70” related to critical capital works including urgent “roof repairs for the Princess Margaret Hospital and the Rand Memorial Hospital”.

Mr Brown, in an email exchange with The Tribune this week, acknowledged that the cost of repairing PMH’s roof was $556,100. A quote he identified as the “lowest of the bids received”.

He added that in the interim, in preparation for hurricane season and in the absence of funding, PHA’s Capital Development Unit was able to carry out some repairs “so as to avoid leaks in the event of any rains”.

However, he wouldn’t disclose how much was spent on the project.

Presented with the claims yesterday, Dr Sands said: “The approach of Hurricane Irma mandated that the incomplete roof repairs be fast-tracked to ensure the integrity of PMH. Funding challenges identified in May 2017 included needs for major repairs after Hurricane Matthew.”

He added: “It is unfortunate that the health care system was placed in such a state of vulnerability by a series of governmental decisions for spending that were intemperate and at times even reckless.”

Dr Sands said the systemic challenges facing the healthcare sector is something his ministry attempts to address daily.

In the face of the perplexing issues, Dr Sands said he was weighing all options.

In July, Dr Sands said flooding from a broken pipe took the CAT scan and ultrasound machines out of commission causing significant delays to those needing diagnostics.

In addition, he said there were no available beds on the female medical ward and unfortunately some patients had to sleep in cots in the hallways because “there was just no room”.

Dr Sands, at the time, said the “perfect storm” was caused by years of “dumb and inappropriate decisions” and he is “honestly not sure” when a solution to the “mess” will be found.


TalRussell says...

Comrade Health Minister Dr. Duane, has you tried calling up PM Minnis?

Posted 28 September 2017, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I knew it all along doc Sands nor his FNM Government has a solution to anything.;
They duped the "it's the people's time" voters and in the words of Jeremiah they allowed themselves
to be duped. the same goes for "no gun to his head" Dames. They wanted to win at all cost.
and now that they have they all play the game blame. Doc you have the money fix the roof

Posted 28 September 2017, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

At least they aren't robbing us blind like the last government. That alone means that our economy is hundreds of millions better off every year the FNM remains in power. SUCK ON THAT... FOOL!

Posted 29 September 2017, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

You above posters actually thought the FNM Government had the solutions to the last reign of Pillage Loot Plunder! How could you possibly have had that impression? Seeing as you both are so fond of quoting passages from The Bible, why don't YOU pull some miracles??

Posted 28 September 2017, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands explanation of the government not being able to carry out full roof repairs at the Princess Margaret Hospital ahead of Hurricane Irm, is because of the lack of funding due to previous reckless spending by the previous administration.

I would the Minister to tell the Bahamian, what does he call spending $2.6million on insurance premiums to only be able to collect $250K, then telling the Bahamian people that the terms would have to be revised. Mr. Minister that was RECKLESS spending on the current administration, as a Cabinet Minister, you are apart of the decision-making process as to where money is spent. I don’t wish to hear what was done, tell me where the money is being spent now, after borrowing a large sum of money, that I have yet to seen justified in terms of policy, decisions or infrastructure upgrades.

Mr. Minister is your excuse to not being able to fix a roof honestly going to be the previous governments reckless spending after borrowing $1 billion, because if that is the case you don’t deserve to be in the seat in which we elected you to be.

Mr. Minister, I have a suggestion, if the entire cabinet did not rent buses to tour New Providence (to be talked to like children at Albany) or take the entire cabinet to every Island then maybe there would be $500k for your to completely repair the hospital roof. I might have voted FNM, but STOP the EXCUSES it TIME to WORK

Posted 28 September 2017, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

tell_it_like_it_is says...

I support the current administration for the most part, but honestly though does Sands ever stop making excuses for not doing his job? Election is over, what are you going to do NOW?

Posted 28 September 2017, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

We were about to pay for the renovation of a hotel, but we can't repair a hospital roof??? WOW!!

Posted 29 September 2017, 7:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

The money so desperately needed for the PMH roof repairs was possibly diverted to the students of Dominica by our 'shoot-from-the-hips' PM. Minnis really should have sent a US$200,000 hurricane relief cheque to the government of Dominica. What he so hastily went ahead and did, without thinking it through, is going to cost our country a whole helluva lot more at the end of the day. Hasty poor judgement indeed, entirely inconsistent with the interests and needs of our own people at this most financially troubling time in our history.

Posted 29 September 2017, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

doc also plans to visit and tour Dominica for what? put that money to better use After all
you folks said the cupboards are bare . But you can find the money for what ever you all
wish to find money for.

Posted 29 September 2017, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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