China: our help is a ‘win win’


Tribune Staff Reporter in BEIJING

BEIJING – The intense opposition to Chinese-backed investments throughout Latin America, the Caribbean and the Bahamas was yesterday dismissed by a senior official in China, who maintained that all such operations are sanctioned on the premise of being mutually beneficial to all sides.

“Our objective is not to replace some countries or to engage in vicious competition, so I think (those) concerns are not necessary,” said Han Jing, counsellor for the Department of Latin America and Caribbean, an auxiliary office in the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Addressing a small cohort of regional reporters in Beijing for a month long programme, Mr Jing pushed back against notions China was attempting to impose its ideals and socialist philosophies onto small, developing countries it has looked to aid.

Detailing the history of China’s efforts in the region in the wake of its “Opening Up Policy,” Mr Jing insisted it was a matter of “mind-set,” calling on persons throughout the region to view trade relations between China as they are – a “win-win” for all sides.

He told reporters: “We should not and must not view our relations through the lens of competition.

“China has always been committed through peaceful development and win-win results. The win-win results is the right approach and philosophy and we should look at this probably.”

In addition to developments it has authorised in the Bahamas, the Chinese government, through various subsidiaries and state-sponsored projects, has facilitated or caused the creation of dozens of major projects throughout the region.

In Trinidad and Tobago, China signed off on a major, but controversial arms sale in 2014.

The sale was met by intense opposition, as many speculated over whether sale was, in fact, essential to the development of Trinidad and Tobago.

That was followed by an agreement to purchase a long-range maritime patrol vessel facilitated by Chinese loans. At the time of the move, it was the first sale of its kind in the region.

Meanwhile, in Jamaica, Chinese workers completed a $720 million four-lane highway connecting the north and south sections of the island - the single biggest Chinese investment in the Caribbean. 

According to Jamaican reports, as a return for the investment, Chinese companies were granted the right to build three luxury hotels on land granted along the road and manage the roadway’s toll pass.

The project offered little to no job opportunities for Jamaicans, who at the time of the deal were faced with unemployment rates up to 13 per cent, according to reports.

Concerns also arose after developments in Suriname, Barbados and Dominica.

Responding to the concerns being raised in the region, Mr Jing on Monday said: “China’s cooperation with other countries is based on whether or not such cooperation can bring common interest to our people and our respective countries.”

When asked directly how China benefits from its efforts in the region, he said: “I think our benefit comes at all levels. From the political front, we have gained supportive partners on the international stage.”

He continued: “We have benefited a lot from the partnerships from an economic sense. (Latin America and Caribbean) products are favoured by our people and China’s investment, technology and projects in the Caribbean is also beneficial to (regional) countries.”

This comes on the heels of a Tribune report which delved into $200 million development of The Pointe in downtown Nassau, owned by China Construction America. 

The report raised questions of a possible breach in the terms under which the project is to be carried out in relation to the ratio of foreign workers to Bahamian. 

Dozens of Chinese construction workers pour on to the site daily but the Bahamians who should be working along with them are virtually nowhere to be seen. On Friday our photographers monitored who went on to the site and with the exception of three or four Bahamians and a guard at the gates of the development, everyone else appeared to be Chinese.

Under the terms of the heads of agreement signed with the project’s developers, 70 per cent of the workforce is supposed to be Bahamian and at the “peak” of construction that number should be about 200 people. Government officials have said they will look into the matter. In February, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said CCA was living up to the worker ratio component of the agreement. 

CCA was also the general contractor for the Baha Mar resort in Cable Beach. The multi-million-dollar Thomas A Robinson National Stadium was facilitated through a gift from China and built by Chinese labourers.

Chinese assistance was also used to construct the Airport Gateway Project in Nassau and the North Abaco Port Project.


TalRussell says...

Ma Comrades. the XXIV Beijing's Winter Olympic Games slogan is 'One World, One Dream'.

Posted 10 April 2018, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

There is no equality in this at all. The benefits China gains far exceeds those of the countries it "befriends" and "invests" in!
China is willing to give a little to get a lot and our people are gullible enough to swallow the bait hook line and sinker!

Posted 10 April 2018, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Your help is a curse on our nation and a reminder of how easily the PLP's pockets are lined with foreign money glued to the walls with Bahamian Blood!

Posted 10 April 2018, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

Hyperbole much, sealice?

Posted 10 April 2018, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

New4068 says...

Wanna send some wake up to those who still don't know.
The Chinese are incredibly wealthy, smart and sophisticated. Far beyond the tiefs in Parliament.
Did you know??? They have roads in African countries that only THEY can drive on? Yes! Seen this first hand. Zimbabwe for example. They paid that crooked Mugabe to rape their land of natural resources. In doing so had an agreement that any roads built by them to remove said resources could only be used by Chinese or permitted workers!

They have one goal. Rape third world countries that can be bought out. And they do it well. FNM, PLP, ALL dem have fat accounts paid by China because they care nothing of Bahamian people or their Bahama Land!

Sealice, you got it dead straight.

Posted 10 April 2018, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

"Meanwhile, in Jamaica, Chinese workers completed **a $720 million four-lane highway** connecting the north and south sections of the island - the **single biggest Chinese investment in the Caribbean.**

**According to Jamaican reports, as a return for the investment, Chinese companies were granted the right to build three luxury hotels on land granted along the road **and manage the roadway’s toll pass."****

Seems like they are getting some of that investment back in the roadway toll pass alone.

Posted 10 April 2018, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

realitycheck242 says...

China is simply rising to the global world power its growing economy will allow it to be after being allow to join the WTO in december 2001 and to think all of their economic growth started post Mao TSe Tung death in 1976 is nothing short of miraculous. There is just too much need in smaller less developed countries for chinese investment to be turned down. They are offering what the other world powers refuse to offer at this time with much less repayment strings attached.

Posted 10 April 2018, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

China does not invest in the Caribbean for charity ....... We represent 30 votes at the UN ....... and the "power of the purse" concept is REAL

Posted 10 April 2018, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

*Repost:* Minnis and Symonette should both be hog tied and whipped in public. The sad reality is that the Red Chinese have always considered black people to be the bottom rung on the ladder of humanity. They quite literally laugh at us as being much inferior to themselves. They have done the same all over the African continent and are now doing likewise throughout Central America and the Caribbean. They regard us as dumb and easily exploitable by way of the corrupt populist politicians we generally elect.

Posted 11 April 2018, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

"They regard us as dumb and easily exploitable by way of the corrupt populist politicians we generally elect."
Based on the recent Izmerlian Baha Mar debacle, not to mention what is currently happening at the Pointe,I would say they're quite justified in that regard.

Posted 12 April 2018, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Chinese are more racist than the Americans ......... Go figger

Posted 11 April 2018, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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