Post office 'relocated to Town Centre Mall by January 1, 2019'


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE relocation of the general post office to the Town Centre Mall is now expected to be completed by January 1, 2019 and on budget, Transport Minister Renward Wells has revealed.

In an interview with reporters Friday, Mr Wells said construction and repair operations are in-line, and on pace to allow for a January 1 move to take place. He said that all cost metrics presented to date reflect that all renovations necessary to the project with fall under the $3.5m budget allocated by the property’s owner after a rental agreement was reached with the government.

Mr Wells said: “We have had to relook at the design for the post office………. it was our intention to just simply look at moving the boxes, the existing boxes from the post office, down to the Town Centre Mall, but in looking at that we realise that was not going to be possible, so we are actually buying, well the government isn’t, but the actual owner of the post office is buying the post office boxes and we are looking at increasing the number of post office boxes at the Town Centre Mall by some 10 percent so there will be availability for additional boxes for Bahamians.”

He added: “So now our time-line is for the first of January for the move to take place. And it is important that we get that done because at the end of the day, the Bahamas is going to be reviewed by the international postal organisation who audits every country in regards to its postal operation, and the last time they were here, the Bahamas didn’t fare very well.”

He continued: “So, we are looking to be able in February, at being able to pass that audit with flying colours. That is one of the reasons why we took the decision that we took, in regards to the post office, to ensure that we meet our international obligations.”

Mr Wells also revealed that in the lead-up to that move, staff at the general post office will stay on half-day work schedules as a result of continued adverse working conditions at the present East Hill Street complex.

Mr Wells said workers have done their best to brave the hazardous working environment, insisting that they need not be in those conditions more than is necessary to keep postal operations functioning ahead of the move.

“The staff is still on half-days and rightfully so,” he said, “I mean we can’t expect, like I said to you’ll during the debate, we can’t expect for folks to work in the kinds of environment that I have seen.”

“The conditions of that post office is horrendous and so at the end of the day, we don’t want folks in that environment any longer than they have to.

“And really, I would have to say, becoming Minister of Transport and Local Government, with responsibility for the post office, I so appreciate the hard work and dedication the persons in that post office department who, regardless of the circumstances under which they are working, are still coming in and seeking to sort all of that mail.”

He added: “They are doing a fantastic job in trying to get ahead with even those half days. The post persons are really putting in an awful lot of time, even on the weekend.”

He continued: “That is my outside time-frame now, for the entire move to take place by January 1. And I invite you to go down there…. it is an active construction site, but you will be able to see the renovations that are actually taking place in terms of the paving of the yard, the external works and even the internal works that is taking place within the Town Centre Mall.”

“We are still on budget for what we had anticipated.

“The outside budget was, as I said, some $3.5m and we are on target to still be within that.

“But the government of the Bahamas isn’t bearing that cost, as a part of the agreement with the owners, they agreed to give it to us at the price that they were giving it to us and to do all the renovations work necessary for the move,” he furthered.

Construction efforts at the Town Centre Mall commenced early last month.

The lease agreement signed by the government allows for the use of portions of the mall at $12 per sq ft.

Town Centre Mall, at 203,000 sq ft, was once listed for sale at a cost of $16m.


TalRussell says...

Ma comrades, leave your trust in Imperial red shirts cabinet under your pillow and according crown minister Renward, likes the fantasy figure of early childhood - Landlord Brent is goin' slip some extra Christmas cash under ya pillows. { Not possible make this fantasy red shi# up }.

Posted 8 December 2018, 12:12 a.m. Suggest removal

tell_it_like_it_is says...

Conflict of interest, conflict of interest, conflict of interest...<br/>
Brent is famous for these types of conflicts of interest. But I guess when he does it, that makes it okay. Rules don't apply to everyone in our little country [and wait... don't tell me... they're getting a good deal right?] <br/>SMH

Posted 8 December 2018, 8:01 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Sad that we will get our Christmas mail in January and February (again) .......... but it is better in the long run than East Hill Street ................ Wonder whatever happened to the Phil's building ........ and what will the Government do with it????? ...... May I suggest Road Traffic or Passport Office??????

Posted 8 December 2018, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

.....any Public Government Office in congested DOWNTOWN....whichin...Public taxpayers taxes goes to pays the Rent on top Public has to find money an pay for Car walk good access these same Govt Public offices....

Posted 8 December 2018, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Sweet Jesus, holy Mary mother of God… along with each 91,409 comrades voting red 10 May, 2017.... Where only in we colony islands can such grouping comrades - shakes they heads to read all about such a in the giving spirit of a jolly landlord to we Imperial government...... Likes, how badly had massive left empty over long period years of paying tenants space - been left deteriorate to the extent whereby it would require $3.5 million in interior and exterior renovations and refits. Truth is, we government, could've outright purchased the entire shopping center for far less than the lease obligations to the "Jolly" Landlord, who he self tried unsuccessfully sell it.... and he just happens be one minister Renward's most substantive colony of islands crown colleagues. { There is no need make such $3.5 millions nonsense up }.

Posted 8 December 2018, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

I could live with the conflict of interest if only somebody could actually guarantee that someday we’ll actually have mail delivery. And heaven forbid that someday you could actually subscribe to a magazine in the Bahamas and actually have it delivered, rather than stolen.

Posted 8 December 2018, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

From the days of Pindling to the present day---He who has the gold makes the rules!!

Posted 8 December 2018, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma Comrade GotOutnTime, to Pindling's credit there is no debating the man's did brungs a permanent fix resolution to we then badly lacking from neglect Sir Stafford and POP Symonette's desire continue renting from UBP landlords to provide proper facilities post office - when Ping built a brand spanking new "people owned" modern post office complex. Amen!

Posted 8 December 2018, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

Greetings Tal---Bearing in mind the exploits of the Governments of the present century some people might not mind having the UBP back.

Posted 8 December 2018, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma comrade you talkin' likes it's Englishman's colonial time to party like it's Sir Stafford's and Pop Symonette's - pre Pindling 1967?

Posted 8 December 2018, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

Das tru!!

Posted 8 December 2018, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

So happy that relief is in sight for those poor postal workers. Conflict of interest or not, they deserve relief. Great job government for delivering. Now let's pass this international inspection!

Posted 8 December 2018, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Upon reflection, with Bahamas governments it IS better to rent as successive governments have no idea how to maintain and everything they build becomes a write-off LONG before normal depreciation is completed, in Nassau AND the Family Islands. Civil servants, including elected officials, who work at government facilities see the neglect daily, but do not seem to care Sad, but another example of failure of decades of 'majority rule'.

Posted 9 December 2018, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

But they have no problem going on strike when the building already run down ......... Where are the on-site plant managers???? ....... And it's not the MOPW daily responsibility either ............ We like to pass blame too much.

Posted 9 December 2018, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma comrade DDK, Independence didn't let we islanders down and it has been there all the 42 years to boost who we are as a people which in many ways has taken us to new heights in others to nowhere. Case in point, why do we still need maintain a House of Assembly and Senate chambers for our elected to gather and we sure as hell need brungs fundamentally changes ways we decide every four years who gets screw the people all over again..... Think about it, are we not tired of going into year 2022 with having limited we selves
make decision to reelect PLP's as governing party or de we maintain status quo to keep Imperial reds in power.

Posted 9 December 2018, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

They were unable to sell this building. Wells should stop with his cost to rent. Mr: small
Things knew all of the bids so he under bid. Now him and his will be singing all the way
to the bank,

Wells will do well to give his future some thought, His political career may be coming to
an end very soon. Then what are you going to do wells?

Posted 9 December 2018, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I guess he will say he is a Christian again. He seems to have put that aside.

Posted 9 December 2018, 8:39 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Wells tell so many lies he is very confused. he does not know than January l,
is a public Holiday, doc knows

Posted 9 December 2018, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Thought they said the movie (move) was to be before Christmas. And as Brent Symnonette rakes in his Millions in Post Office bootleg money, has the government decided how it will deal with the contract is has for the property on the opposite side of the round-about? It’s a real eyesore

Posted 10 December 2018, 7:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Islangal1 says...

But when I left The Bahamas 4yrs ago this building was also falling apart. Has something changed? Did they upgrade this building?

Posted 10 December 2018, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

I was at the opening of the main post office when we were addressed by the
so called Dame Doris Johnson.
She claimed it was the " eighth wonder of the world ".
God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.
Brent could you spare me fifty cents for Christmas?

Posted 10 December 2018, 8:37 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Open January 2019.????
This must be SNL.
Heres looking at you Brent.
(You should all be aware the Symonettes are all French
descendants).----and look at the state France is in !!!!
The English have been kicking their hip for 500 hundred
years and now you know why.

Posted 10 December 2018, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

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