Thanks for the invitation, Brave . . . but FNM’s rebels staying put - for now


Deputy Chief Reporter

WHILE saying there is no immediate need for him to now cross party lines, Free National Movement MP Frederick McAlpine yesterday said he was keeping his “options open” as relations between him and the governing party remain frigid.

Days after Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said at a party event it was time for former PLPs to return to the organisation, claiming that some FNMs who were once PLPs “want to come back home,” the outspoken MP said the invitation was “commendable” and was “what real leaders do”.

However, he said, he did not know if the comments were specifically directed at him, adding that he had not officially spoken with anyone in the PLP about becoming a member of the opposition party.

Golden Isles MP Vaughn Miller added that although “politics makes strange bedfellows”, leaving the party under whose umbrella he was elected was not on his radar.

Expounding on his comments made Saturday, Mr Davis declined yesterday to reveal if there were any FNMs in talks with the PLP, saying he did not want to breach confidential conversations. However he told this newspaper he is aware there are disgruntled FNM ministers and MPs.

“I don’t know if I would consider it,” Mr McAlpine said yesterday in an interview with The Tribune. He was asked if he would ever consider leaving the FNM as the invitation was extended from the PLP leader. “I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I would leave my options open.

“I think the Bahamas is searching for something. I don’t know right now if they can find it within the FNM or the PLP but I know that the Bahamas is searching and they want something better and I don’t know if the parties today are up to par to give them what they are searching for. The Bahamian people voted for change and they seem to think that they got much of the same.”

Asked about his relationship with the FNM, Mr McAlpine said his party has a communications problem.

“Still to this day communication seems to be a big divider, whether it’s with individuals or collectively there seems to be a major barrier.

“I mean you would have thought that by now reaching out to me, you would have thought that that would have happened. That has not happened. From the day I voted against (an increase in) VAT, that’s not happened. Leadership has not reached out.

“It would have made good political sense to reach out not just to me but perhaps to some of my other colleagues as well.”

The backbench MP said while there may be some in the party incensed by his refusal to tow the party line, many in his constituency have been encouraging and supportive.

“I would venture to say beyond my constituents, people in Grand Bahama have been very encouraging in many ways.

“I would hope that whatever decision I would make, I would first contact my constituents and speak with them, but at this time I don’t see the reason for me to have to make any decision at this time,” Mr McAlpine said.

When he was contacted yesterday, Mr Miller said his level of displeasure with the FNM has not got to such a level that he would consider leaving the party.

He said: “Nobody spoke to me. I can tell you that.

“You know I am new to this. This is my first time so you hear a lot of things from a lot of quarters (but) it’s not to that point. But what y’all say, politics makes strange bedfellows?

“But I am doing my best to represent the great Golden Isles constituency. That’s where my focus is, so that statement (from Mr Davis) wasn’t referring to me.

“I haven’t given it that much thought. That’s not presently on my radar,” Mr Miller said when The Tribune asked him if he would consider the move.

Expounding on his comments made Saturday, Mr Davis declined yesterday to reveal if there were any FNMs in talks with the PLP. However he said that Mr McAlpine, Mr Miller or even Centreville MP Reece Chipman could join his party if they desired.

“A lot of the conversations are held with me in confidence and I don’t breach persons confidence. But what I can say is that there are a number of disgruntled FNM MPs and ministers,” he told The Tribune.

However Mr Davis added that based on the conversations he would not say they were wanting to join the PLP, but he said the conversations were most likely them exploring and testing the waters.

“(Whether they join) that’s a matter for them. The PLP is a national organisation to which anyone could become a member. So if you want to join tomorrow you could join, it’s what you wish to do so if they wish, the party is there.

“Becoming a member requires some commitment and willingness to adhere to the philosophy, mission and governing documents relating to our relationship one to another.”

Mr McAlpine, Mr Miller, Mr Chipman and Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson all voted against the value added tax increase in June.

As a result, Mr McAlpine was fired as Hotel Corporation chairman while Mr Miller and Mr Robinson were fired from their parliamentary secretary posts for breach of the Manual of Cabinet and Ministry Procedure.

Mr Chipman had been fired previously in March as chairman of the Antiquities Monuments and Museums Corporation after defying Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ ultimatum to either tender his resignation or be fired.

All the backbenchers have at times held opposing views to those of their party.


joeblow says...

What sane person would agree to be under 'Brave's' leadership? For his own good and the good of the country, he has to go!

Posted 11 December 2018, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Brave should not invite them. They should stay where they are FNM.

Posted 11 December 2018, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

I have asked before, and I’ll ask again: Why does The Tribune continue to refer this guy as “brave”? There is nothing brave about him, there never has been, and The Tribune does not refer to any other Bahamian public figure by their nickname.

Grow up, Tribune, please.

Posted 11 December 2018, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

His Parents gave him the name. not the Tribune

Posted 11 December 2018, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

No matter ... the Tribune does not identify any other public official by their nickname. Why this guy? His parents gave him the legal name of Philip.

Posted 11 December 2018, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Chris "Fireman" Brown
Cynthia "Mother" Pratt

Posted 11 December 2018, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

Chris Brown is on the sports pages. As for Cynthia Pratt, why not just call every Bahamian woman “mother”? Why not just give everybody a nickname? What if Minnis decides his nickname is “Mr. Wonderful”? Should The Tribune refer to him as such in print?

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

FULLY AGREE....CLAMSHELL....its a Bahamian ting to have these nicknames....Dr. Minnis is seems.... Roc wid Doc.....names should not be part of the politician name cause its unfair advantage....think how difficult voter has to make choice between someone called "MOTHER" opponent.......or why "Brave" if the party almost got wiped out,an "Brave"...wod full speaking powers.. wwas a part of that administrstion...???...

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

" Fat Boy" & McAlpine--- the dynamic duo!
Oh lord, I can't stop laughing. Its amateur hour in the
House of Disembly.
I have a thought -- this time keep the "mace" & throw the
members out the window.

Posted 11 December 2018, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

@pingmyding, you just made me chuckle!

Posted 11 December 2018, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Why go on that sunken ship. . .only a dumb sailor will leave a ship afloat to swim to the bottom of the sea to board a "dunked" ship? Don't make me laugh. . .THAT PARTY HAS NO LIVING CHANCE WITH BRAVE AT THE WHEEL!!

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

In the US, they go from Democrat or Republican ....... to Independent.

Last US election, Bernie Sanders (an Independent) was a Democrat candidate for President.

When will we grow up politically in this country?????? ....... We need to embrace people for their views & policies (platform) and not their colours.

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I agree with you. . .but that ger be hard. . . Dr. Rollins is one of the "lil bit" er dem who have any view and policies (platform) longer than they nose. . .where we can see his/her "real guts". . .not just playing "tricks" on us!!

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Not going go deeper than to recognise the challenge facing the disgruntled among comrade elected and appointed bodies within the now turned into Minnis's, KP's and Carl Wilshire's red party - than to go all PeoplePublic admit you might have give 'set us free' shoutout PLP's comes ya politica rescues. ( Too hilarious be making such up how comrade Cecil does has be's twisting and a turning in he "free at last' resting spot }.

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Russell --- you really are an incoherent, babbling,bsing,buffoon.
(and thats only the nice things I can find to say about you).

Posted 11 December 2018, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

It's like learning a new language, but if you persevere, you will catch on!

Posted 11 December 2018, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The spirit of democracy is alive. And even pets know when it’s cold and wet outside nothing beats a roof over your head and warm food. Getting your own warm bed and a big thick blanket (or a/c) can come later.

Posted 11 December 2018, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

McAlpine cannot be stupid enough to jump out of the fire, into molten lava!

The PLP is finished. Nobody with any sense will vote for them in 2022. It will be new parties in 2022!!

Posted 11 December 2018, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

SP, I watching Freddie though, he seems to be an Andre Rollins in disguise, lot of balls, but he will be party-less if he don't shut up. Andre ruff up both leaders from both parties, suddenly he wasn't wanted by no body, a political sentence. Frankly I agree with you on McAlpine and he always says he is speaking for the people.... hummm

Posted 12 December 2018, 7:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

Bring back the UBP!!

Posted 12 December 2018, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

You blind aye? The UBP "jus tun" FNM!!! Free PLP and UBP put on they "masks" them and call they sef FNM! The trick is what dese PLP them ger do. . . disband and join some other group. . .join with the DNA and call they sef "WEENDAPLP" or the NEW PLP! Wait. . .they done been the NEW PLP. . .and we done see how that one turned out!! I see new parties acoming down the road. . .

Posted 12 December 2018, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

Come on Licks---It was over 50 years ago when the Free FMN & the UBP joined forces--Most of today's voters weren't born yet---Who do you foresee will head the "New Party"?

Posted 12 December 2018, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

McAlpine wanna be it but Davis will not concede to him. . .he going to the PLP. . .where he came from in the first place. . .with Chipman as his 2nd!! Cooper is a waste of time. . .he een too smart. Mac playing the fool. . .he can't take them FNM with him. . .if he go Davis will cause him to lose the election. . .if he stay where he is in the FNM he is powerless and impotent!! He and Chipman will be right at home in the PLP. . .but both have the same problems. . .doc and Davis!! Damned if the go and damned if the stay!!

Both men egos are too big for either parties. . .they would need to start their party. . .if you read between the line with Mac you will see that is where his head is. . .his head is too full of ambition for both parties!!! Mac is for Mac and Mac alone!!

Now my money is on the "dark horse" A. Rollins. . .he will be back in the FNM or he is the man to emerge on this new stage the FNM building for the future Bahamas. . .he is crazy. . .smart. . .strong. . .full of himself. . .don't play games. . .have no loyalty to he mar. . .and he already show that he can lead. . .born to be the leader. . .so much so that he can't follow. . .at least no mamby pamby sheep. . .ya have to be a bigger lion than him!! That man was born to lead this nation some day!!! His time is now. . .

Posted 13 December 2018, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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