A COMIC'S VIEW: T’was the Night Before Christmas, 2018


T’was the night before Christmas when all through the House,

Every MP was stirring, from ‘super hero’ to ‘louse’.

The stockings were hung in the smokers’ room with care,

Hoping an ‘official’ OBAN deal would finally be here;

Junior ministers, and ‘suspect senators’ avoided their beds,

As visions of WTO money danced in their heads.

Doc sat in the kitchen, bouncing Anthony, no longer ‘Ace’ on his lap,

Saying “A year later, and they still say, I talking crap”;

When out of the blue there arose such a clatter,

And Brent screamed “Don’t forget my Post Office matter,”

Away to the window Symonette flew like ‘red flash’,

Tore open the shutters, and started counting his new cash.

The moon peered down on Bahamaland below,

As Doc gazed up wondering,

“Why Ferreira still, so slurry and slow?”

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear?

Four PLP MPs plotting a return, in the rear.

With a brave-hearted leader, so lively and quick!

Saying, “No PLPs goin’ to jail, we far to slick,”

And faster than ‘Freddie Mac’ stopped towing the party line ,

Doc shouted, “That Our Lucayan deal , sounds mighty fine!”

“Now Dionisio! Now Jeff! On Duane! Carl ! and Marvin!

“Just do what I say and you and yours won’t end up starving!”

Meanwhile, green with envy, spying grinch like from way across the land,

Mortimer mumbled something ‘bout DNA and “one last stand .”

Laneisha stood up, crying in her tissue,

“They done move me, without even a bye or we ga miss you !”

Travis sprung up, and just broke of running, “I thought I was smart, dudes round here cunning.”

Peter was in the corner, playing blind, dumb and deaf!

Thinking, “When da IMF finish, we’ne ga have nuttin left!”

Doc stood, his mouth twisted up like a bow.

The hair on his head white as snow!

He started shaking, and jiggling like a bowl full of jelly,

Saying, “Man, I red the media once, now the Press all in my belly!”

And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself,

And slowly put the Mace back on top of the shelf;

The look in his eye, and a twist of his head,

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke not a word, but sat down all forlorn,

Then said, “Mudoes, next election I could gone?”

Brave rode away, like the down of a thistle,

Saying, “These FNMs just as wutless, so you point and I’ll whistle!”

Doc got in bed, then BPL cut off all our light -

Merry Christmas everyone, and remember to lock your doors tight!


pingmydling says...

Bah Humbug!!!!!!
Your not a poet
but you don't know it.
( now thats pure Shelley& Keats)
Inistay don't give up your day job, the worlds not ready for another
poet laureate yet.

Posted 22 December 2018, 6:38 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

**Peter was in the corner, playing blind, dumb and deaf!
Thinking, “When da IMF finish, we’ne ga have nuttin left!”**

This is the crux of the problem right here ........... KPT better speak up or resign.

Posted 22 December 2018, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Wish we had options to replace them with so they could all resign!

Posted 22 December 2018, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Extending a warm and happy Christmas greetings to always touched by a well compiled make for humourous read, penned by our comrade Naughty. A safe and healthy journey to you and your precious loved ones - throughout New Year 2019.

Posted 22 December 2018, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

those greetings make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside -----UGH !!! Don't step on
the puke.

Posted 23 December 2018, 3:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma comrades, obviously you are clueless when it comes to how difficult it is to remain uneducated and not fall trap those wanting to education others. A perfect example is what in hell can they possibly teach you at the College of Bahamaland that should be so complex a study that they would need 36 months attendance brungs clarity to their students?

Posted 24 December 2018, 1 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Christmaa haa been canceled this year due to high VAT, high rent, and high light bill. I simply refuse to celebrate it.
Just this Saturday i was walking along Robinson Road and this old lady in a kindly tone wished me a Merry Christmas. I struck her right in the mouth !!!
I understand the police and her two adult grandsons are all looking for me :-)

Posted 24 December 2018, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

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