Taxi drivers: We’re clean


Tribune Staff Reporter

BAHAMAS Taxicab Union President Philip Watkins has dismissed a tabloid report that taxicab drivers are defecating and urinating in their vehicles while parked at Prince George Wharf as “old news” and “irrelevant”.

However, he said there were one or two “isolated incidents” of this nature reported about two years ago, but the issue had been addressed.

Meanwhile, Road Traffic Controller Ross Smith told The Tribune yesterday that the last time he heard of a taxicab driver eliminating waste on the docks was in 2016.

Yesterday, a local tabloid reported that taxi drivers park on Prince George Wharf at night and sleep in their vehicles in an attempt to be first in line at 5.30am, when the docks open to tourists.

Because there are no available restrooms, the tabloid alleged the drivers instead relieve themselves in their vehicles and throw the waste in the nearby sea.

Both Mr Watkins and Mr Smith heavily downplayed these claims.

Mr Watkins told The Tribune: “What has happened is there were one or two isolated incidents reported maybe about two years ago of a few drivers who engaged in such behaviour.

“Now this morning (Monday), I got confirmation from…Mr Derek Hudson and Mr Frederick Wallace who is the chairman of (the Prince George Dock Taxi Drivers Committee). More than a year ago they, along with the (former) Minister of Transport Glenys Hanna (Martin) and the (Department of) Road Traffic, put a different system in place.

“And so, for over a year now, no driver sleeps out on the dock.

“So I don’t know who gave (the local tabloid) that (information)— that’s old news and irrelevant in 2018.”

Mr Watkins continued: “The report I got is that (taxi drivers) normally go out there now about three in the morning. About two years ago, there were drivers who would be there from like four or five in the afternoon until (the next day).

“But that (no longer happens). The drivers go home now, they get their vehicles clean, they shower, they come to work.

“The (local tabloid) could’ve called and I could’ve verified that for them. But I guess they want (to) sell paper talking stupidness,” Mr Watkins said.

When he was contacted, Mr Smith declined to comment on calls for taxi drivers to be banned from parking on the wharf overnight. However, he suggested that the time for drivers to begin their days could be postponed from 5.30am to a later time.

Mr Smith said: “Persons who come there overnight, I don’t know whether or not they can be banned. Unless we make an order to ensure that people only come at a certain time of the day, maybe that might be a resolution to people coming too early in the morning.

“Then you can better monitor (the situation).”


sealice says...

This is BS - the drivers leave the cabs parked in line for a little while only - have you seen them parked there all over the place cus just like when they driving they DGAF about anyone but themselves and ripping off tourists.

Posted 6 February 2018, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I believe the Taxi Drivers are clean. It is to bad that some will seek to discredit them'

Posted 6 February 2018, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

sam65 says...

I know one particular Taxi driver 735 Meadows who is the lowest of the low! He’s an adulterering,drug dealing, ex police officer who goes out off his way to seduce unsuspecting women and convince them that he’s a single man looking for love . . He then lures you in with his lies and robs you blind. He’s a con man and pathological liar!!! The Bahamaian Govt should really due Background checks and prosecute these Bahamian Lotharios!!! Just because your Uncle was a hog and your god father a former PM shouldn’t mean you are above the Law!!!!!

Posted 6 February 2018, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Taxi drivers are the bane of most if not all locals who aren't directly in the Taxi business. The plates should be seized or cancelled by the government and only reissued through a system where renewals are based on rider ratings. Break up the corrupt passive income of renting out public transport plates.

Their union is as I understand insolvent and accruing liabilities while they skim off cash and pretend they have no way to start paying down debt.

Posted 6 February 2018, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

This really doesn’t even sound like sense. Who would take a dump in their vehicle or urinate and keep it in their car overnight? Slow news day or hidden agenda?

Posted 6 February 2018, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamaPundit says...

The sad part is. The Bahamas is at WAR and its people don't even realize it.

Posted 6 February 2018, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Absolutely not! I would smell this before entering a vehicle and they would never get any paying fares. Very weird report. My only complaint on the Cabs is their AC a lot of times don't get very cold. In July or August a broke AC isn't good.

Posted 6 February 2018, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The problem with a/c’s is not that they don’t work but they are overwhelmed by the humanity and direct sunlight in the summer. Also the fact that there may be three, four five people in the vehicle and the vehicle is mostly stationary and usually traveling less than 30 m p h. And since the laws do not allow for dark tints the other option is to have an auxiliary fan installed on the Ac that stays on when the car is idle or moving at slow speeds. As for the person who made the report about the taxi drivers: they claim that no toilet facilities are made available to them because ‘technically no one is allowed on the dock at night.’try opening a business that engages hundreds of persons on a daily basis and not providing toilet facilities! In fact the new handicap laws require that any business operating onf levels other than the ground floor must provide an elevator for the handicapped. Can you imagine the expense this is for small and midsize businesses? And to maintain an elevator when they may have less than a handful of handicapped customers a year. But no toilet facilities for hundreds of cabbies?

Posted 7 February 2018, 4:53 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Why do we not have recognizable taxis anymore?????? ......... It seems that anyone can just buy a vehicle, rent a taxi plate and say that he/she is a taxi ....... It looks bad to the Bahamian public and the tourists may be wary of them as well ........ We need the New York taxi look with proper Bahamahost training.

But the tour companies have killed off the taxis like back in 1958 ......... and too many Jap mini-cars.

Posted 7 February 2018, 6:30 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

...fifth paragraph...."Because there are no available restrooms,....." does not matter if the last incident happened 2 years ago or until right now ...cause...if ya hav ta go ya have to 2 years is a long time yo hold it in...somethings fishy here.

Posted 7 February 2018, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Run in McDondld's

Posted 7 February 2018, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Or the Cabinet Office building???????

Posted 7 February 2018, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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