Two killed, one injured in Pinewood Gardens shooting

TWO men were killed and another was injured after a shooting incident in Pinewood Gardens on Friday night.

According to reports, shortly after 8pm, a group of men were gathered under a car port at a residence on Saffron Street when two armed men drove up on a scooter. They fired at the group, hitting three of them, before fleeing on foot. Paramedics were called to the scene and transported two of the men to hospital in serious condition. A third man was confirmed dead on scene. A short time later, a second male was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Investigations are ongoing.


rawbahamian says...

If a curfew is not iniated soon then this will continue or a high profile official/s will have to be murdered before any pro-action is taken because we seem to be stuck in the reaction mode !

Posted 18 February 2018, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

it saddens me to read of so many violent deaths, But what ever we do, do not use these
deaths as a political football. Do not credit when they increase or decrease. It is to serious
for that It is not a PLP FNM or DNA problem. It is a Bahamian problem. The soil of our
Country is soaked in blood.

Posted 18 February 2018, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

So implementing a curfew would make a difference? How?. How many murders and crimes are happening in bold day light? Implementation of a curfew just would make criminals having an easier task finding their targets. Without the fear of crime being instilled in people then they will continue to commit crime continuously without any fear. This is a situation we all in the Bahamas have to work together to deal with and the government being the main primary factor in the center.

Posted 18 February 2018, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Pinewood has been relatively quiet since Election 2017 ...... What's happening now?????

Posted 18 February 2018, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Donald Trump Is blaming the 17 school killings on the FBI saying they spent too much time invistagating him rather than ‘doing their job’. And investigating the shooter. The FBI has indicated 13 Russians (no Americans) with interfering with American elections ( o wow)z. Israel has shot down an Iranian drone suspected of spying along with a vehicle it suspected of having the controllers for the drone. Then an Iranian jet crashed under mysterious circumstances ( the fifth airliner crash since the plane crash in Andros) and the next move is what

Posted 18 February 2018, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The aircraft that crashed is similar to the persuade by Bahamasair.

Posted 18 February 2018, 6:02 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

*The French ATR. ... the crash is regarded as ‘suspicious ‘ but because of the sanctions against Iran it may be to lack of service and spare parts.

Posted 19 February 2018, 7:14 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

The Privy Council's ruling against the death penalty is possibly being ignored by some people. Maybe they can fly over here and enforce their ruling.

Posted 19 February 2018, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

people" made much noise about police killings of persons who pull guns on them! I read a piece in the paper by one MS. Wallace who said that the police are killing black men. . .and one Ms Green who said that the police "should shoot to incapacitate"! I thought there goes two "dumb broads" who have their heads in the clouds. . .I WONDER WHAT THEY SAY TO THIS WANTON BLOOD SHED DONE BY THESE VIOLENT "BLACK" THUGS ON OUR STREETS. . .SHOOTING RANDOMLY IN OUR STREETS NOT CARING WHO GETS HIT!

It is a serious thing to "shoot ya damn mouth off with poor information"! For MS. Wallace. . . white dudes them een the one running around our streets shooting up the damn place! Go go get some white brudders them to start shooting up the streets and shooting at the police them. . .I will assure you that white brudders them will be getting shot too!

As for Ms. Green. . .girl carry ya dumb thinking tail a sit the hell down. . .it is called "center-mass" shooting. . .in cases where an armed person is intent to shoot you. . .never shot to "wound" unless you want that same person to shoot you dead. . .ALL POLICE, PARAMILITARY AND MILITARY FORCES AROUND THE WORLD ARE TRAINED TO DO JUST THAT!! If the situation "allows" for "winging" an assailant. . .then do so. . .the assailant decides what goes down! If the police ask a person to drop a gun. . .there is a possibility to slow things down! But if that same person "jump" out with guns "a blazing". . ."neutralizing" the threat (center-mass shots"). Now if Ms. Green has another answer for confrontation with an armed thug intent on killing you. . .she can tell us or just GO AN BRING THEM IN HERSELF!!

The young man in Blair estate who was shoot by the same man who he "wound" instead of shooting center-mass or in his head after he awoke him and his parents in their home at night! Ms. Green should carry her tail at that man parents home a comfort them by telling them that their son "did the right thing" by not shooting to kill that thug in his house! And the other writer. . .that he was a good "dead" hero because he did not kill a black man!

Posted 19 February 2018, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Well its time that these killings be STOPPED!!! I used to think there were many family, friends, etc, protecting these murderers... but last week a former Assistant Commissioner of Police, Paul Thompson, called the Guardian Talk show and said that there are some very serious terrorists who are committing these murders!!! I strongly believe Paul is correct! I think Paul was originally from either Jamaica or Trinidad and a long time ago when the late Randol Fawkes was charged with Sedition, he hired a Jamaican QC lawyer to defend him.

Back then, there were no QCs here and a police friend told me that that Jamaican QC was just about tearing to pieces EVERYONE who were giving evidence against Mr Fawkes. And the ONLY person who was handling himself very cleverly and sensibly to that Jamaican QC was Mr Paul Thompson!!!

Posted 19 February 2018, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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