Left in the dark: BCA ‘not invited to key Pointe meeting’


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE government’s engagement with Bahamas Contractors Association (BCA) officials on The Pointe project remains unsatisfactory, BCA President Leonard Sands said yesterday, claiming the association was not invited to a key stakeholder meeting last week despite four attempts to uncover when the meeting was to be held.

Mr Sands’ discontent contrasted with the feelings of Labour Minister Dion Foulkes who told reporters the government is nearing an agreement on how the BCA will interact with the management of The Pointe going forward.

“I had a very constructive meeting last week with the top management at The Pointe,” Mr Foulkes said. “I also had several conversations with Mr Leonard Sands and I think we are coming to a type of agreement as to how his association will interact with the management at The Pointe. I am discussing with my cabinet colleagues for a holistic approach to how we are going to make sure that the Heads of Agreement, the provisions are enforced.”

Mr Sands, nonetheless, insists The Pointe is in breach of labour ratio requirements in the Heads of Agreement. He said BCA members pressure him continually to advocate for greater inclusion of Bahamian workers on the project.

While the government has acknowledged The Pointe lacks the agreed 70-30 workforce in favour of Bahamian workers, officials say more Bahamians have not yet been hired because of the specialized work required at this stage of the development.

“We were advised that there would be a meeting,” Mr Sands said.

“The date originally was two weeks ago on a Wednesday but the Friday before that Wednesday we got a communication from the Department of Labour that the meeting had been cancelled so we asked when is the meeting if it had been rescheduled? At no point in time were our questions answered. We followed up and asked again. To this date no response to our communications has been received.

‘What’s been interesting is for other matters we called the office and we were advised then that there was a meeting a week ago Monday and we were not there. We were advised that at the meeting there was representation from The Pointe, the chief executive was there, their attorneys, the Minister of Labour, the Director of Labour, everyone except for representation from the BCA. We were advised that they tried to reach us but no one could reach us. But that seems interesting to me since we were corresponding via email and we received no update in that form.”

Mr Sands said the association wants to help the government find ways to accomplish the goals of the Heads of Agreement, “nothing else’.

Regarding last week’s meeting, he said: “I have no idea what was agreed, what was discussed, where the direction of components of labour is heading, what they advised in terms of what they can or cannot do in terms of finding the right people - nothing.”

Mr Sands was once the Free National Movement (FNM) candidate for Bain and Grants town but he withdrew months before the 2017 general election. Yesterday, it appeared Mr Sands was at odds with the Minnis administration with his criticism.

He decried the condition of the male restroom at Potters Cay Dock on a Facebook post over the weekend.

“I make no apologies for this statement that I am about to make,” he said. “The Bahamian people fired the previous government for not doing their jobs. It seems to me that some members in this government cannot do the job…I can personally have this matter fixed in less than seven days. I cannot because this facility is government property. I have no authority.”

Education Minister Jeffrey Lloyd responded under the post.

“Leonard Sands,” Mr Lloyd wrote. “You not talking bout people doing their jobs eh? You, Leonard? You want us –– ME AND YOU –– to go there??? I think a space for critical, unvarnished SELF-EXAMINATION may help you.”

It didn’t end there.

“Yes sir, I have faults,” Mr Sands responded. “Yes sir I may have to look at my inner man introspectively. The only thing that I sought to have done was to have the matter either resolved or somebody to care enough to explain why it hasn’t been resolved.”


sealice says...

PRLP say we no havey spreaky with Baheelens......

Posted 23 May 2018, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Wake up my fellow, but sadly Bahamian Idiots !!! When you can perform your work at a reasonable price, properly and with a reasonable profit margin, then and only then will others be interested in your services.

I've been involved with foreign investors in the Bahamas for over 20 years, there biggest complaint, simply the gouging by contractors, not meeting schedule, and poor quality workmanship. And they all recognize that a few Bahamian contractors are more than able and more than qualified, but sadly these ones gouge them to death.

Ask yourselves why else would foreign companies be so keen to bring more people, a hint, it's not because they enjoy having to house and babysit their home country staff, no, its because we are a pirate nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 23 May 2018, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Hold on!!! People from foreign don't play sick twice a month and have to do school run to pick up their auntie's cousin's kid, and be on the phone half the day cause dis' one get shot and that one daughter in hospital again???

Posted 23 May 2018, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The bottom line here is that the Red Chinese are calling all the shots - certainly not Minnis or Foulkes. It seems we have a puppet government that is subservient to the wishes of the Red Chinese no matter what those wishes may be. It's pretty much the same in most other countries with governments that the Red Chinese can simply buy. The Minnis-led FNM government is not too dissimilar from the Christie-led PLP government when it comes to the wheeling and dealing behind the scenes with the Red Chinese that invariably short changes the Bahamian people. My oh my, please say it ain't so!!

Posted 23 May 2018, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

I can't believe the comments on here by Bahamians against Bahamians. We eat our own. Haitians stick together, defend each other, take our jobs, our country, our flag, and laugh all the way to the bank.

With our self destructive attitude toward each other - they deserve to win.

Posted 23 May 2018, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

How can you be surprised at the comments; the first step to improvement is to admit the problem. Our people are mostly lazy, entitled and have horrible attitudes and do not , I repeat do not think, unless it's to figure out how to scam.
Were literally beholden to other governments / institutions ie. IMF, China etc etc as our "leaders" have borrowed us into unsustainable debt. While there is no evidence that leaders of any sort are the "best & brightest", it is quite obvious that leaders have the ability to garner support from the people; so the people we have chosen and voted to lead us, are a reflect of our own stupidity. We've not had a leader who was worthy of anything since independence.
Look around, we don't really have anything to be proud of. I challenge you to list some accomplishments that we can say as Bahamians "we did this". Just give me one thing for us to be proud of????

Posted 24 May 2018, 6:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Cainn says...

A quote right out of a Nazi play book

Posted 23 May 2018, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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