Henfield ‘must do more’ after anti-gay slur

By Ava Turnquest

Tribune Chief Reporter


ACTIVIST Erin Greene yesterday suggested parliamentarians adopt an anti-hate speech campaign after a senator used a homophobic slur on social media.

Senator Ranard Henfield used the slur in a bitter war-of-words with another Facebook user in the comment section of his post detailing a stabbing incident on Friday of last week.

His account of a brawl that started outside Lil Caesar’s in Carmichael and continued inside the establishment has gone viral - along with claims that he grossly exaggerated the ordeal.

Mr Henfield has since declined comment on those accusations.

The post was made on his personal account, but Mr Henfield posted an apology for the slur to his official senator page.

He said used the derogatory phrase in anger because the commenter made disrespectful remarks about his mother, adding he only got into the argument in a bid to distract the user from a “malicious attack” on another commenter - a senior citizen.

In the now-deleted thread, Mr Henfield told the Facebook user he was keeping him engaged so that the police force’s Cyber Crime Unit could track his IP address.

“The things he was telling that lady about under her skirt left her embarrassed, offended and disappointed,” Mr Henfield posted to his official Facebook page.

“In an effort to deflect his anger to me, I engaged him. He went off on me as expected and discontinued his attack on her. It made a turn for the worst when he crossed the line again and said that he wants to get sexual with my mother!

“In that moment, I blew my top and used a derogatory phrase in response to him.

“It was an offensive phrase and I apologise for using it in response to what he said about my mother.”

Noting that people are entitled to free speech, Mr Henfield said he deleted the post not only because of the user’s derogatory comments but his own “disrespectful” response.

Yesterday, Ms Greene acknowledged the apology but furthered it would be more impactful if it was accompanied by action.

She took the outspoken senator to task over his comments earlier this week, posting a screenshot of the comment to her own page.

“Action (should be) intended to repair the damage caused by this hate speech,” Ms Greene told The Tribune yesterday.

“An action could be the adoption of an anti-hate speech campaign, led by Senator Henfield and his parliamentary colleagues, including the speaker of the House of Assembly.

“This would be an appropriate response to this unfortunate incident, as the Commonwealth of the Bahamas takes its seat at the UN Human Rights Council. It is also an opportunity for the senator and the state to reassure all members of the LGBTI community that the state understands its obligation to protect all vulnerable and minority communities in the country.”

Ms Greene added she was “deeply troubled” by the phenomenon of pitting one vulnerable group against another, which she called a divisive mechanism.

“Nothing justifies the use of sexist and homophobic slurs,” she said, “not even defence against sexist speech.”


TalRussell says...

I don't wish go beyond saying that sometin' about this has bad rungs it.
Sorry read this about the comrade red/independent senator - certainly falls unacceptably short social media civilly standards - expected be set by ruling party's privileged few appointed to upper red chamber.

Posted 29 November 2018, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

There was a time when the Senate was considered a place for gentlemen and ladies ....... Now its trash just like the House of Assembly ............ We are quickly losing respect for all of our time-honoured institutions.

Posted 29 November 2018, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma comrade, lowering time honoured colonial standards - should certainly be brought attention we beloved Queen, across the pond.

Posted 29 November 2018, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Those in the house and senate are representations of a larger dumbed-down society that lacks social training. I'm surprised that haven't been any fist fights yet!

Posted 30 November 2018, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

rawbahamian says...

The Pundling era started the lowering of standards "Ma Comrades" when Pindling threw the Mace out of the window of Parliment and every gummamunt has follwed through with that same disrespect after your God Pindling , Talrussel set the pace !!!

Posted 29 November 2018, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma comrade, you need understand significance young opposition leader Pindling's - teaming up Milo B., to threw Mace - clear out window House to smash on pavement below where crowd had done gathered.The day things began shift away from governing Bay Street Boys.... might never have happened had Pindling, and Milo B., left Speakers Mace untouched... a masterful unexpected political execution that even surprisingly shocked hell out some their PLP House MP colleagues with even more political status at the time than the young Ping.

Posted 29 November 2018, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

The senator must feel like an idiot. All this over a face book spat with an anonymous poster.

Posted 29 November 2018, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

I am sick of gay rights activists trying to determine the boundaries within which society should operate so as not to step on their very sensitive feelings. If Mr Henfield used a word that Greene found offensive, ignorant or belittling it does not equate to HATE SPEECH. For something to qualify as hate speech it should have at least two elements: hate and there should be a speech, not the use of one word!! Those designations are used to attempt to shame individuals for using one word while activists like Green themselves are not ashamed of their lifestyles. Where do you draw the line?

Posted 30 November 2018, 7:58 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Green is the most hateful, spiteful, snobbish, wretch in his country .......... if this is what gays are like, we don't need them here at all ...... Fweddy???

Posted 30 November 2018, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

another truly ignorant comment by sheeprunner in 2 days.
you need to take your medication dude.

Posted 30 November 2018, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Will this country ever not be homophobic????

Seems many of our young people are secretly gay and afraid of their own sexuality.

My rooster only crows for the female sex, so I know who I am. Homosexuality does not scare me since I know who I am. Why be afraid of who you are? Stop listening to these moron pastors and start figuring stuff out for yourself....

Posted 30 November 2018, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Speaking against something does NOT mean someone is phobic or afraid of it. When a person speaks against teenage pregnancy or drug use, crime etc it is not because of fear of it, but because of the negative impact these things have on society. People constantly conflate this issue!

Posted 30 November 2018, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

What did the Senator said? I don't know how to decide this issue. . .

Posted 30 November 2018, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Maynergy says...

Protections Against Discrimination for LGBTQ Bahamas

Protections Against Discrimination for LGBTQ Bahamas

First thing first:

Set up The Bahamas Commission on Human Rights

Still have questions?

Write to pwgenesis@gmail.com

A landlord tells a tenant that his same-sex partner cannot be added to the lease, but allows other tenants’ oppositesex partners to be added to theirs.
An employer denies an employee parental leave when her same-sex partner gives birth to their child, but provides other employees parental leave when their opposite-sex partners give birth.
A student is called homophobic names at school, but school leadership refuses to take action.
A manager of a restaurant tells two patrons of the same sex who are showing affection to stop or leave, but does not treat opposite-sex couples showing affection the same way.
A supervisor misgenders a transgender man and repeatedly calls him “her” or “Ms.” at work when he has made it clear that his pronouns and title are “he and him” and “Mr.”
A transgender woman is barred from using the women’s restroom at a restaurant out of concern that other patrons will be uncomfortable.
A company enforces a policy that requires men to wear ties or women to wear skirts.
A manager learns one of his employees is intersex and starts making derogatory comments that she is not a "real woman."

For more info contact us for assistance in naviugating this issue today

Posted 30 November 2018, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Maynergy says...

People are people no matter what is their lifestyle.
Acceptance is most paramount as we celebrate people of all lifestyles and pref·er·ence.
No bodsy business if stick within the legal guidelines of acceptability
Every family has to deal with these matters internally and resolve their issues within normal
discourse and norms.

Posted 30 November 2018, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

People are people, but we do not have to embrace a persons lifestyle that may have negative implications for greater society. We cannot permit a minority to impose values that may be to the detriment of society as a whole. The concept of actions and consequences seems to escape many who consider themselves adults!

Posted 30 November 2018, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

In the stone age if Dumbo Dan ran towards the Sable Tooth Tiger the rest of the tribe didn't follow him. Natural selection at its best. Why should 95% of society follow the 5% with mental problems now?

Posted 3 December 2018, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Here we go "The Judas" "The Deceiver" The "We March" one day it will be revealed
what the "We March" was all about.

Posted 30 November 2018, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Gabor says...

Let's outlaw free speech all together because voicing your opinion may upset someone else.

Posted 3 December 2018, 9:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Maynergy says...

"No One Left Behind."

There are unlimited power in the office of the Prime Minister as outlined in the constitution.
However, very timid political men so far have sat in the office and made the office of the Prime Minister a laughing stock in the Commonwealth of nations.
The Prime Minister governs under emergency law and he has not instituted/initiated any real changes in order of how the country is effectively administered.
Example: The PM should have set up an orderly format for public transportation in New Providence and retired the Jitney business services that is owned and operated by "private concerns".
Mass transportation is a national security concern and the people must benefit forthrightly.
See "Behind Grey Curtains" which effectively set up an organised and orderly administered Island Transportation Services (ITS)

Posted 28 July 2020, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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