‘Where’s the red carpet for Shaunae?’


Tribune Staff Reporter


ENGLERSTON MP Glenys Hanna-Martin last night complained about the lack of fanfare for 400m Olympic champion Shaunae Miller-Uibo on her return to The Bahamas last week after an extraordinarily successful season on the track and field circuit.

“Last night I attended a private event celebrating the outstanding, indeed phenomenal achievements of Shaunae Miller-Uibo,” Mrs Hanna Martin said in a Facebook post over the weekend.

“This young Bahamian woman has propelled herself to the top globally in athletics in what is a fiercely competitive environment.

“We know that it is her sterling determination, her extreme hard work, and her pure disciple that has made her incredible achievements possible.”

She continued: “Shaunae Miller-Uibo represents the best of who we are as a Bahamian people and at each and every outstanding attainment on the world scene she pulls out our beautiful Bahamian flag as a indisputable display and to demonstrate her very strong national pride and patriotism. Shaunae is a national hero.”

However, Mrs Hanna Martin noted: “She is home but there is little fanfare.”

“I wish to encourage the Bahamas government to raise the profile on Shaunae’s victorious homecoming so that she will know without a doubt the level of pride, love and appreciation the Bahamian people hold for her and that her country fully and warmly embraces her both home and on the international tracks. She is more than deserving of this. So are we.”

Romell Knowles, president of the Bahamas Olympic Committee, was harsher in his assessment in a Facebook post yesterday. Although he could not be reached for comment, he said in the post: “So the Ministry of Sports removed their name from a wonderful signature event which celebrated the Queen of the IAAF Diamond League, our very Shaunae Miller-Uibo. This was after the same ministry was too busy to meet with Shaunae, in the first instance.

“Michael Pintard the former minister of sports, realising his former ministry would not acknowledge the moment, rose to the occasion and welcomed with open arms the best athlete in the world to his offices....a wonderful celebration was experienced.

“The nation chief executive PM Minnis agreed to a courtesy call almost immediately but his sports ministry was too busy.

“The event organisers were charged $1700 to use the precinct of the national stadium, so it was switched to the national tennis centre.

“Despite the challenges, I along with scores of others had a wonderful time.

“As a result of a wonderful evening organised by Adrian Francis, the ministry of sports as an afterthought and SHAMED, plan to acknowledge the diamond queen on Monday.... don’t expect invitations to be hand delivered though, keep your phone in hand as it is likely you might receive an informal text.”

Mrs Miller-Uibo was undefeated in 2018 and is one of the favourites to be honoured as the IAAF female athlete of the year. Her season highlight came on July 20, 2018, when she ran the national record 48.97 in the 400m, becoming one of few women to run sub-49 in that event. It was the fastest time in the world in 12 years. She also dominated the 200m this year.


ConchFretter says...

Shaunae Miller-Uibo, congratulations and well-done on all of your success this year!!

Posted 17 September 2018, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

She married a foreigner, her children will not be bahamian.

Posted 17 September 2018, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

ConchFretter says...

If born in the Bahamas, they are...
(if born abroad, then you are right and they are not.)

Posted 17 September 2018, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

not true, even if her kids were born in the Bahamas, they will have to wait to apply when they are 18 because of the foreign father.

till then they get belonger's permit.

Posted 17 September 2018, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

Exactly' people don't understand the constitution. Her Children will not be Bahamian no matter where they were born, not until after they apply at 18. By that time, why even bother, they would be Estonian. I hope they're Olympians like their parents and craps on our stupid law.

Posted 18 September 2018, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Doesn't she have a right o marry who she wants? That being said, isn't it ridiculous those laws?

Posted 17 September 2018, 11:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

well i just mentioned because all bahamian women are disadvantaged, that is how much they love them.

it is sad that this world class professional has to make a living outside their own country, and, one day, her children might not be able to acquire bahamian citizenship.

the celebration is small potatoes compared to this.

otoh, a bahamian male could have children anywhere in the world and his children would get citizenship at birth.

Posted 18 September 2018, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

if she could tell Bahamians you can make so much more money winning races then you can running from de man..... now that would be a message the kids might listen to and encourage them to practice?

Handheld - why do we need to spend money on a professional Athlete running in cash winning races when she just came back from Europe and won everything?

Posted 17 September 2018, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Give the government a break. They busy buying a hotel they can't open and know they will sell for a loss and pursuing one criminal to the 'bounds of hell!'

Posted 17 September 2018, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

For the first time since independence the government's cabinet has no wannabe athletes, LOP used th run, as did BJ, Gay body built, the shuffling buffoon tried out at running. So not much attention going to go that way. Might be a good thing to be focusing more on academics.

Posted 17 September 2018, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

The woman glad for some peace and quiet, she came home to rest... that is a political move by that Englerston woman...

Posted 17 September 2018, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

Congratulations Shaunae!!

The poor reception by the Ministry of Sports is no surprise. Look who’s in charge. A change in Ministry doesn’t mean a change in the leopard’s spots.

Posted 17 September 2018, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

My grandmother always said, "The last place you want to be is where you're not welcome."

Take a hint Shaunae. The Bahamas is not for winners. Losers live here. You will stick out. You will be spat upon. As a woman you will surely get the short end of the stick. Women are supposed to be home, barefoot and pregnant, following the orders of their husbands.

My very best wishes to you for your future and to MP Martin for supporting you (and Pintard) - but trust me, these "lights out" islands ain't no place for you. The next fire at BPL they might blame on your Olympic torch. Don't give them that chance. Don't show up on Monday, be on the first thing smokin out the airport on Sunday. Take care.

Posted 18 September 2018, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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