Too many questions

EDITOR, The Tribune

Being a woman who likes to make lists of “Things to do”, here are a few items that never seem to get off the list:

Getting the Department of Beaches and Parks to take down the illegal giant billboard House for Sale sign in our neighbourhood (been trying since November);

Getting BPL to send me electronic statements (no answer on any of the phone lines since August);

Town Planning - where is the permit number for what is being constructed in front of the Chinese residence on Eastern Road?

Finally, off the list was enrolling in the two Factor Authentication with my bank after 1 1/2 hours on the phone for four accounts, but hold on .... the internet dropped while doing the last account, so back on the list is:Two Factor Authentication with my bank and NOW added Cable, why does my internet keep dropping?“Checking” out:



April 3, 2019


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

We live in a country that is now falling apart at every seam, mainly because it has been so poorly run by successive governments loaded with self-serving corrupt politicians. And only crooks or buffoons, and some crooked buffoons, want to run for elected office ever since Poodling paved the way for them 25 years ago.

Posted 7 April 2019, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Yeah Well Mudda, for quite a while I find myself agreeing with just about all of your comments... its like I cannot understand the Bahamas ANYMORE!!! One of the many problems that bothers me completely is that so many drivers speed so much on the roads of this small New Providence island, even in densely populated areas. Seems that anyone with a tiny amount of sense would know how dangerous driving in that manner is.

Posted 8 April 2019, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

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