Estimated cost of Rand repairs and renovations around $20m


Tribune Freeport Reporter

HEALTH Minister Dr Duane Sands revealed that initial estimates of the total value of repairs and renovations of the Rand Memorial Hospital in Grand Bahama would be in the region of some $20 million.

On Friday, Dr Sands, with State Minister for Grand Bahama Senator Kwasi Thompson, and Minister of State for Hurricane Recovery Iram Lewis, toured the hospital to inspect the progress of work taking place at the hospital, which sustained severe flood damage in early September during Hurricane Dorian.

The large portion of the public health facility is temporarily closed to the public until repairs and renovations can be completed.

“We have said that based on our initial estimates that the total value of repairs and renovations would be as much as $20 million. Some of that is in cash and some of that is in kind; there are a number of people working on this, and it speaks to the work being done at a cost.”

Additionally, the minister said that they are expected to accept a new modular facility next week donated to the Ministry of Health for both Grand Bahama and Abaco.

“The MOH has agreed to have all of donations for health audited, and we will present that audited report once approved,” said Dr Sands.

He hopes that the hospital renovations would be completed before Samaritan’s Purse’s tenure ends in March 2020.

“We would like to have a number of services returned to Rand Memorial Hospital at that time,” Dr Sands said. “Realistically, we must be out of the temporary facility when the hurricane season starts again. We are under the gun.”

The minister added: “This is an urgent situation and we will work as aggressively as we can – and yes, we are going to work through the holiday season to get this done.”

In East End, the tent facility would be replaced with a modular structure in early January, according to Dr Sands.

“We believe that the facility is either in GB or is about to be shipped to GB. We also identified a similar modular facility for McLean’s Town, and the eastern parts of GB just like we have done for Moore’s Island, and Treasure Cay. So, there are many moving parts, and we are trying to coordinate this so that nothing gets missed or lost.”

Minister Sands stated that the Ministry of Health has accepted a donation of a newly constructed clinic for High Rock, which is now in the process of being designed. He noted that once architectural renderings are finished and the cost determined, it would be put out to bid.

It is anticipated that once the new clinic is built, he said, that there would be some consolidation of the number of clinics in Grand Bahama.

“Never waste the crisis; we did not ask for Dorian, but Dorian removed a lot of infrastructure. They say when you’re served lemons make lemonade and we are going to make the most of this to improve the level of services provided to the people of Abaco and Grand Bahama,” he said.


TalRussell says...

Yeah, no. What's**left* that's be the financial responsibly** of the **Quasi** government **FREE** port?
Whatever happened to the clause written by comrades **Sir Stafford and Wallace** into the **Hawksbill Creek Agreement** about the **Quasi** government **FREE** port, being **FREE** and unencumbered by the **Colony of Out Islands central government?**
You just can't make this up, you can't .... and, likes how much dollars did the Port flip over the Airport to **Whampoa** for?

Posted 14 December 2019, 12:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Why doesnt the government insure these facilities??????????????????

Such idiots.

Notice anyone with a mortgage is required to carry insurance. Banks need to ensure they will get paid, or if they foreclose, they need to ensure the building is still standing.

These government idiots could better protect us, they borrow like mad to spend like drunken sailors.

We'd be much further ahead to have no government than these crooked stupid idiots that we have been "run by" since independence.

Posted 14 December 2019, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade red shirts opposition leader supposed PLP's Insurance of the Bahamaland Agriculture and Marine Science Institute’s (BAMSI) fire damaged dormitory **does not exist.** You can't make this lack of **leaving a government property without adequate Insurance** up, you just, can't make it up **how Minnis said back then that the PopoulacesOrdinary are already taxed heavily and cannot be asked to replace an uninsured government building at a cost totaling a whooping $2 to $3 million dollars.** In fact, just during this past Wednesday's House confidence vote, the now PM Minister's House MP's **couldn't resist the brungin up the no Insurance of BAMSI to justify, why Minnis is much more worthy to remain as we colony's prime minister, over both comrades Perry and Brave.**

Posted 14 December 2019, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

Amazing how the Bahamian govt does not maintain anything from vehicles to buildings and then spend other peoples money like water to fix it .

Posted 14 December 2019, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

So, what you are saying is the final cost will be 60 million?

Posted 14 December 2019, 9:27 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Has government ever gotten the final construction cost correct? Can anyone answer that ,or is that a rhetorical question?

Posted 14 December 2019, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yeah, no. **What did all the crown ministers know, and when were they first told it?**
, What can you say about the someone's, who made all the decisions about something as important, especially when it involves the **50 families out there** who don't even know the scary that **50 of their family members** have been cold storage warehoused in some parked outdoors in some diesel fueled refrigeration morgue's trailer unit ** what could now be entering its 103 day,** by those comrade health officials, acting under the full authority the colony's central government. You cant make this you, you just, can't.

Posted 14 December 2019, 11:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

They probably haven't spent $20M on the Rand in total on the last 20 years. Now all of a sudden .... LOL

Posted 16 December 2019, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamaPundit says...

Yep. This is it in a nutshell. All of a sudden a $1 candy bar costs millions to replace. Suspicious.

Posted 16 December 2019, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

...and of course us yard workers get no numbers

Posted 16 December 2019, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma comrades can you just imagine what them delicious Mortimer Candy Kitchen's candies would be costing today had the government nationalised it, yeah, no .....

Posted 16 December 2019, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

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