I never received one single cent, insists Grimes

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Trustee Valentine S Grimes said he never received “one single cent” from any ministry relating to work Priton Bahamas Limited did in a subdivision on Carmichael Road and insisted his role in this regard was minimal.

Mr Grimes is listed as Priton’s agent, according to documents tabled and read into the record of the House of Assembly on Wednesday by Housing and Environment Minister Romauld Ferreira. This came during a row between Mr Ferreira and Official Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis.

Yesterday, Mr Grimes said he took exception to the minister dragging him into the matter because it imputed malfeasance on his part.

He insisted his only part in this situation is his law firm is the registered office for Priton and also incorporated the company.

“I have seen the documents (tabled in the House of Assembly),” Mr Grimes said yesterday. “But it leaves the suggestions that I acted in some capacity in reference to the Ministry of Works, which I had nothing to do with.

“I want to categorically indicate that at no time I had anything to do with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Works.

“I never submitted any invoice to them nor did I receive any funds from them, not one single cent and so I was saddened to see that I was dragged into this.

“My law firm is the registered office for the company, we incorporated them, but I was not involved and I never collected one cent for me or on behalf of anyone.”

The documents tabled in the House of Assembly showed Priton’s bill was heavily reduced after Ministry of Public Works officials were unable to prove it had completed work it claimed to have done on work in a Carmichael Road subdivision.

The company claimed to have completed work in the amount of $2,192,019.84. However, upon investigation by officials only $367,288.61 worth of work could be proven. Several big items were slashed, including a line item for trucking services and fill. Priton claimed to be owed $867,649.71 for this service, but the ministry had only agreed to $311,913.89.

Salaries were also slashed from $981,500 to a recommendation of zero from officials.

National Insurance Board contributions in the amount of $18,944.42 also had the same recommendation.

This was documented in a memorandum from the Ministry of Public Works.

“The ministry’s technical team has reviewed the documents submitted by the Department of Housing with respect to the PPP agreement with Priton Bahamas Limited for the development of the Carmichael Road Subdivision,” the memo dated June 26, 2018 read.

“We note that Priton is claiming $2,192,019.84, which is broken down into 11 different items for work done to date on the above mentioned subdivision. The Ministry of Public Works can only recommend $367,288.61 be paid to Priton Bahamas Limited; any additional amount would have to be subject of negotiations between the government and Priton for which the ministry stands ready to assist.”

The memo further attached a minute paper from a senior engineer depicting the breakdown of the claim and the ministry’s recommendations.

An invoice for $4,744,359.41 from Priton was also tabled in Parliament. It was dated December 31, 2018 and notes this money was owed as of January 1, 2019.


birdiestrachan says...

it is to bad that this man would stand in the Parliament and do his best to damage
the reputation of so many. but they will all learn soon enough that when one sows
the wind one will reap the whirlwind,

Posted 1 February 2019, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

There is so much more here to be properly investigated regarding Grimes role in this scheme to defraud the Bahamian government, i.e. Bahamian taxpayers. But does The Tribune possess the investigative resources necessary to ferret out the facts? Or is The Tribune once again content to simply tease us with low cost tip-of-the-iceberg news that it has no intention of following up on? In other words, are The Tribune's owners once again going to prove to us that they are penny wise but newsless? LMAO

Posted 1 February 2019, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

i so agree with you "Well mudda". Investigative journalism is unknown in this country.

Posted 1 February 2019, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

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