Cut out the speed bumps

EDITOR, The Tribune

I understand that there is currently a proposal before the Ministry of Works to install even more speed bumps on the eastern end of New Providence, specifically on Sassoon Drive. I am writing this open letter to the Ministry to voice my objection to this plan, as well as to offer several suggestions to alleviate what someone, somewhere has determined is a problem.

Although the route to/from Prince Charles via Winton Highway and Sassoon Drive is more widely travelled since the installation to the (in my opinion) absolutely ridiculous HUMPS on Culbert’s Hill, as someone who drives this route daily, I do not see the need for a repeat of the draconian measures used on Culbert’s Hill, where there are 15 very high HUMPS in the space of approximately one mile. Many residents of the eastern end of the island now avoid Culbert’s Hill and take a variety of alternate routes, often driving in the opposite direction of where they wish to travel. This is an inconvenience and an unforeseen consequence of the work done on that road.

Further, I live in close proximity to Culbert’s Hill and have experienced an unfortunate increase in traffic noise at our home, as vehicles slow down and gear up at these very high HUMPS, especially those located on the hills. Larger vehicles and trucks still have to use this route which is a major north/south thoroughfare. This is presumably another unforeseen consequence impacting residents of the area.

My suggestions for several sensible, measured steps include:

1) Repaint all stop signs and road markings, trim trees, especially at intersections on all affected streets

2) Repave Winton Highway, which is like a washboard since the W&S Corp dug it up years ago, fill in the holes and repair the sides of the road, that are now falling off into the bush

3) Repaint the speed bumps on Winton Highway so they are properly marked and visible

4) Replant the traffic signs that are lying on the ground or leaning against utility poles

5) Properly patch the holes at the intersection of Hill view and Sassoon

6) You could consider making a four-way stop, and/or a properly marked raised intersection at the Hill view/Sassoon crossing, similar to the one at Winton Highway and Culbert’s Hill

7) I would concede the possible need for one speed bump on Sassoon Drive near Twynam Close, just north of Prince Charles.

I was involved when the Winton Highway speed calming exercise was carried out many years ago when jitney routes were suddenly changed. The Ministry would not move forward until a meeting of all residents in the area was held where their representative presented several options to all attending that meeting. We had to reach a consensus on the number and location of both a raised intersection and speed bumps. We then had to go house to house afterwards, to ensure that there was no objection from those home owners near where the bumps were finally located. Is this still the policy of the Government? If so, I am voicing my objection to a repeat of what was done on Culbert’s Hill.

An alternative would be to bulldoze out five to seven of the HUMPS on Culbert’s Hill and to lower the height of the remaining ones. I have been informed that the HUMPS were done “to code” but surely some discretion could have been exercised!

I trust that the relevant authorities at the Ministry of Works, will review and consider these and any other suggestions, before reaching a final decision. Hopefully, the myriad of problems confronting drivers on our roads island-wide (think potholes for a start) will be prioritised over these unnecessary bumps.



January 13, 2019


RaineSean says...

With all due respect, I live on Sassoon drive. The increased flow of traffic on Sassoon drive is not an issue. What is an issue is the ludicrous speed of those that now use Sassoon Drive as their personal Indy Car circuit. Each morning vehicles whiz by me and many other locals walking for exercise doing 50 or 60 miles per hour easy. And when anyone tries to tell these speed demons to slow down they are given obscene finger gestures or sworn at. There is a regular in a White Kia Soul that I have witnessed pass multiple cars lined up at the stop sign of Sassoon and Hill View and run said stop sign with no regard for property or human life. Sassoon Drive is a lawless free for all and it is only a matter of time before someone dies.

Posted 28 February 2019, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

Re Sassoon Drive, I am not familiar with that area so I can't comment.
HOWEVER- this reminded me about Cable Beach.
There is no doubt that 'Someone' is going to get killed or seriously injured if they don't put speed bumps on Cable Beach, opposite the Sandals entrance.
From the Post Office roundabout to the corner where Island Luck now has a building & it needs to have traffic calming strips On BOTH sides of the road.
The Zebra crossings are not visible enough at night, and people speed across them with blatant disregard all the time.

So many pedestrians running across that road all over the place (because there is no point waiting at a zebra crossing when noone stops!) and there are two restaurants that have people practically sitting on the curbside. It is terrifying to sit there.

The amount of times I've seen near-misses and people slamming on breaks as people turn into Sandals or stop for staff and visitors going to Sandals and the Waves Hair Salon come to think of it!

Posted 28 February 2019, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says... Bahamians even know or care about how to use a four way stop? The roads are lawless!

Posted 1 March 2019, 8:18 a.m. Suggest removal

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