Rushing gets you nowhere except annoy the public

EDITOR, The Tribune

SIRENS - flashing lights are supposed to be an exclusive area for fire, ambulance and police patrol vehicles and police outriders in an emergency or escorting a VIP if anyone does not know even those. Vehicles have to comply with the speed limits on the sections of the roads they are passing on and naturally they must not endanger the driving public.

We were promised this practice would stop.

Quite often a black SUV has been seen as it flashed past on Prospect Ridge and Saunders Beach…to us a Ford SUV - I suspect the Minister and that is the Minister of National Security as it is always between Prospect Ridge and Saunders Beach.

Is he very unpunctual or just showing off? One big ego trip?

Early in the mornings, traffic is heavy, add a vehicle with siren blasting wanting to get to downtown faster than anyone else endangers the driving public – speed limits even in emergencies must be adhered to.

The public still waits for a response on the BMW with CD plates - is that vehicle authorised to use a siren and flashing lights? Are all CD licenced vehicles permitted to use sirens?

New Providence is 27x7…believe me, rushing gets you nowhere except annoying the patient driving public.



January 10, 2019


Sickened says...

I believe Trump is in that black SUV!

Posted 16 January 2019, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Wish it was a black ( trump would want white) hearse.

Posted 16 January 2019, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

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