Man shot dead on Ragged Island Street


A MAN is dead after being shot shortly before 3pm Tuesday on the corner of Ragged Island Street and Andros Avenue.

Police said a five-year-old child was hit by the shooter’s vehicle as it fled the crime scene. The child was taken to hospital.

The adult victim, believed to be between the ages of 25 and 30, was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to Superintendent Shanta Knowles, the young man was standing on the corner when a grey vehicle pulled up and the passenger/s in that vehicle opened fire in his direction.

Although the victim was able to run a short distance, police said he was “hit about the body” and collapsed, eventually dying of his injuries.

Supt Knowles confirmed the victim is known to police.

While police did not release the identity of the victim on the scene, The Tribune understands that he was recently released from prison.

Speaking about the child who was injured by the fleeing vehicle, Supt Knowles said: “The child was taken from the scene to a medical facility and we will update you as to the child’s condition once we have that.”

When asked if police considered the incident to be gang related, she added: “We are working this case in isolation. At this time, we cannot say that it is connected to any of the recent matters, but we will continue to investigate.”

Supt Knowles said she also stood by the statements made by the commissioner of police in a press conference on Sunday, when he suggested the public has no need to fear moving about New Providence despite the spate of gun violence.

“We don’t want the public to feel afraid or held hostage in their homes because of incidents that are occurring,” Supt Knowles said.

“We have manpower on the streets, our operations have not we’re confident to know that our teams of officers are on the streets and are working.”

Yesterday’s incident came after 14 people were shot at a party in Montel Heights around midnight Sunday. There were no fatalities in that incident.

Also two men were shot dead in the front yard of a house on Prince Charles Drive on Friday. The victims have been identified as Ian Porter, 48, of Stat Estate and Raymond Adderley, 46, of Blue Hill Heights. Porter had been previously wanted by police for murder. On Thursday, a man was shot dead around 11pm while on Solider Road.

Anyone with information on these incidents is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 328-8477, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991/2, or the nearest police station.


Giordano says...

This is long stationary scenarios that is consistent with the lack of visible & obviously, invisible "On Foot Police Patrol" together with the also long standing "Failure to Address Minor Complaints" by the RBPF with all various ineffective satellites Police Stations located in differents communities while high authorities like the Police Commissioner & Minister of National security keep claiming that their teams of officers are working on the streets.
I agree,they are working but in Post-mortem way,with the wrong approach,without sufficient staff or "Man Power" which,by the way,ironically are visible in high number,ONLY after the lifeless human body lays on the side of the streets or in the bush,an abandoned house or anywhere in badly neglected neighborhoods by the presence of the " Almighty Teams of Police officers" usually the ones like in cowboy style or civil clothes also those in Kaki uniforms and several others in suit & neck tie,walky -talky,personal paraphernalia like Ipad,julrie,perfume and all of that,including "Big Belly Ones" honoring their Post-mortem,in front of camera presence,to be on national television naming or announcing,placing a number on the ultimate victim of murder ,so far for the year, lying down,many times on the side of the street with a very poor human dignity like the majority of us in The Bahamas.
This is such abominable,unacceptable,disgusted,repeatable,dramaticunwanted scenarios that should STOP.

Posted 3 July 2019, 6:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Mr.... (or Ms.) you have fully summed up the case as it relates to the "law enforcement" branch of our criminal justice system.

Maximilien Robespierre said that, in order to protect freedom, it is often necessary that it be taken away.

Posted 3 July 2019, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Why are people still living in Ragged Island after it was totally destroyed by the 2016 hurricane? I thought govt was going to give them crown land wherever they wanted to move to elsewhere in the bahamas?
Willy nilly leadership. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made.

Posted 3 July 2019, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

Ragged Island Street not Island

Posted 3 July 2019, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Giordano says...

Inexcusable scenarios of murder or crime.
We need more Police Patrol on the streets walking like anybody else,period.
Also in an apparent "Saturation
of Police officers wearing uniforms and a gun,exercising improvise checking point all over the place.

Posted 3 July 2019, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

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