PLP Convention: Opposition to bring no confidence motion in House against PM


Tribune Staff Reporter

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said the Official Opposition will bring a no-confidence motion in the House of Assembly against Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

“What we are going to do is require members of the FNM to go on the record and vote,” he said. “They are going to be forced to demonstrate whether they are on the side of the lies or on the side of the Bahamian people.”

He was speaking during the final night of the PLP’s two-day convention on Friday. The Democratic National Alliance, during their recent 10-day of activism campaign, asked Mr Davis and the PLP to bring such a motion against Dr Minnis.

Mr Davis also gently distanced himself from former Prime Minister Perry Christie in his speech. The FNM has often made references to the Christie-Davis administration and has been intent on linking the two former law partners together.

Mr Davis said: “Friends, when all the lies have been exhausted, the history books will show that Perry Christie’s government did a lot of good. I am confident about that. Perry Christie is a good man and I’m proud to call him my friend. I know he cared and continues to care deeply about this country. I’m proud of the work done in that Cabinet, too – BAMSI, the National Training Agency, raising the minimum wage, RISE, doubling the number of scholarships, and so much more. We sometimes stumbled, we didn’t solve all the problems we set out to solve, but we did a lot of good. You know, I didn’t always agree with him when he was prime minister. He’d be happy to tell you the same. We shared a lot of goals but didn’t always agree on how to get there, or how hard to push for change, or how big those changes should be. He did things his way, but anyone who knows me knows I’m my own man and always have been. I have my own vision. I have my own story.”

Mr Davis spoke about his humble beginnings, recalling his difficulty finding someone to teach him the law. His grandfather, he said, could not read or write and his parents left school at 13, barely literate.

“My mother was a maid and my father cleaned horse stables at Hobby Horse Hall before becoming a fireman at the airport, and later a taxi driver. I’ve been a packing boy, a gas station attendant, a mechanic’s helper, a carpenter’s helper,” he said. “When I got a job in a bank, it was the first time I needed a suit, and my godfather made me one by hand. When I was knocking on doors, trying to find someone to teach me the law, we didn’t have a telephone in our house for them to call. I was this close to not finding someone to take me on. I was qualified to study law and I had the will to work hard, but I also needed someone to take a chance on me. We all need that. When I see a child walking in the road because he doesn’t have any money for the bus, I’ve been that child. I know what he’s thinking. I know what his parents are dreaming about. And I know the barriers that are standing in his way. Knocking down those barriers, so that child can dream big – that’s why I’m here, that’s what gets me up in the morning.”


realfreethinker says...

Grand theater. This is a joke right? BRAVE?

Posted 27 July 2019, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

What a croc. You guys didn't vote no confidence in the worst PM in our history but you wanna vote on Minnis???

Bunch of crooked, lying, tiefing, hypocrites....

Posted 27 July 2019, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Are THEY allowed to waste even more of The People's Time than they usually do in the HOA in this manner? What a crock!

Posted 27 July 2019, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Just what I'm saying. Stop wasting time.

Posted 27 July 2019, 11:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Gravy Davis can try as hard as he may ........... but he will never be PM, Tainted.

Posted 27 July 2019, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

Can someone maybe the Tribune tell Brave Davis that he was elected leader of the official opposition and Not Prime Minister. Please also tell him that the official opposition has four members in the house and the government has 35. Please also ask him who is he trying to impress. They have spend the last two years attempting to divide this country. He ought to borrow his words to Obie that he can't win.

I believe that Brave is smart enough to know that he cannot win an election, but may not be smart enough to know that there really is no benefit to the part in opposing him as to not have a leader in parliament would take the PLP backwards 55 years.

I simply wonder then whether Brve is aware that the real election for leader will be at the next convention, which will truly see the leader emerge that can present a possibility of winning an election and he Brave will likely be a casualty in that war. He can make all the noise he wants because this last convention essentially paves the way for his retirement. What he ought to do over the next year and a half is talk peace and attempt to unite this country as unfortunately after the PLP defeat at the last general election, much hatred and hurtful speech emanated from his camp.

Posted 27 July 2019, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade "Brave" is the self-proclaimed comrade de facto leader of the PLP because he is the most confident and likable one of, and in he self, yes, no ... The "3" occupiers party's top positions are all yellow gold star keepers ... Such confidence will be missing off ballots yet be cast once 2022, or before, general election bell does get rungs .....

Posted 27 July 2019, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Hurtful speech you must be talking about Minnis who calls black people African Monkeys
does he know he is talking about him self.

Who goes around calling their own Country corrupt and does corruptible things beyond
any could imagine.

As for lies doc lies can be listed for all to see. they are on record.

Posted 29 July 2019, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Mr" Christie did things to improve the lives of the Average Bahamian. Can any of you say
the same for doc or the FNM Papa who sold BTC and said no Bahamians need apply.

The university of the Bahamas. Urbane renewal and BAMSI a musical festival is also
a good idea.

The truth is you all deserve doc and the visionless FNM Government, Soon it will be
said "the last to leave Turn off the lights". I forgot the lights are always off.
BAH MAR also. The PLP worked hard to have Bahamians employed.

Posted 29 July 2019, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

What a big joke . . . THE PEOPLE WILL NEVER ELECT MR. DAVIS AS PM!! If yinna don't believe me. . .just wait a lil longer when the BAMSI AUDIT comes out. . .we all will be further reminded why this man should not be elected. . .EVER!!!!

Posted 30 July 2019, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

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