Police officers rewarded for their gallantry, long service and good conduct.


CONSTABLE 3975 Deshana Burnside received a medal for gallantry for an act of bravery in the midst of serious danger, one of more than 400 officers who were presented with medals at Government House this week.

On Wednesday and Thursday, 280 officers were awarded medals for meritorious service, while 219 officers were given medals for long service and good conduct.

On January 10, 2018, Const Burnside was on duty with another police officer who was injured by a young man attempting to evade police. While fleeing, the suspect jumped into the waters near Long Wharf but could not swim. Const Burnside followed him into the water and brought him to shore where he was then taken into custody.

Speaking at the Royal Bahamas Police Force medal ceremony yesterday, Minister of National Security Marvin Dames congratulated the officers for their “bravery, selfless service and dedication to duty.”

Mr Dames said the medals not only symbolised an “individual accomplishment,” but also exhibited a “record” of each officer’s service.

Also highlighting the challenging nature of the profession, Governor General Cornelius A Smith thanked the police force for the “tireless service” they have provided to “maintain the peace” in the country.

“Without a doubt, it has not been an easy pass for we know that such service was and will continue to be a great sacrifice to both yourselves and to your families and your loved ones,” he said.

“We know too, that your duties often require you to work around the clock and oft times in dangerous and life threatening circumstances, yet you have persevered despite these many challenges.”

“It is my understanding that the awards which you will receive...will express our appreciation as well as attest to the level of your sacrifice and hard work for gallantry, as a result for acts of bravery and great courage in circumstances of extreme danger.”

Characterising the ceremony as a “small token” of the country’s appreciation, Mr Smith also said he hopes the medals will be a “source of pride” and motivation to officers so that they will continue to “uphold the lofty motto of courage, integrity and loyalty.”

Yesterday, Mr Dames also repeated figures released by police last week which show a nearly 20 percent drop in crime for the first half of the year.

Mr Dames said the “tireless efforts” and “high level of professionalism” exhibited by officers over the past two years has contributed to a reduction of crime in the nation.

“Crime during the first half of 2019 has dropped by some 17 percent. Murders are also trending downwards by some 17 percent,” he said. “A total of 184 firearms and over 2,000 rounds of ammunition were taken off of our streets. More than 4,664 pounds of marijuana, along with 104,000 marijuana plants were seized to date,” he said. “Despite these efforts we’re... aware that there remains much work ahead,” he added. “Yet, this high level of productivity and progressiveness is exactly what our government set out to achieve when we came into office in 2017.”

Acknowledging the stresses that come along with being on the force, Mr Dames also encouraged officers to maintain a “healthy work life balance” and urged them to “give 100 percent” on and off duty.


birdiestrachan says...

Did Mr. Dames promote them or just gave them a medal?? a promotion is far better.

Giving them a medal is just a show for No Games and CA Smith,

Posted 26 July 2019, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

Once you have 18 years or more you qualify and its automatic...for long service, in the case of no disciplinary actions against you, the good conduct.. some of them are worthless, but they did the time ahah

Posted 26 July 2019, 8:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

It's such a shame that some in our country has a predisposition to call police worthless, wutless or whatever, but as soon as they have a problem they expect those same worthless policemen to come to their rescue and solve their problems: such hypocrisy. These officers gave their lives to serve the country and a medal is a small tangible way to say thank because if it be for some of us they will never get a thank you for their sacrifices so let's just for one say thank you to our officers and stop the name calling.

Posted 27 July 2019, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

@Apostle, you are so correct. We are just ungrateful.

Posted 27 July 2019, 7:22 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... but I thought those things were EXPECTED from them!! How about medals for something exceptional!

Posted 29 July 2019, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

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