London Terrace roadworks to start on Monday morning

THE Ministry of Public Works/Bahamix will be carrying out road preparatory and paving works on London Terrace starting Monday morning and continuing through Thursday from 9am to 2:30pm. The resurfacing of London Terrace will extend from Montagu Avenue to Shirley Street. There will be full road closure implemented for the duration of the works.

During that time provision for access will be made for residents where necessary. Motorists have been asked to avoid the area if possible. “You are asked to be aware of and acknowledge the posted traffic paving signs in the area,” the Ministry requested.

“If you have any inquiries or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 242-361-3882/242-361-3886 Bahamix apologizes for the late notice and any inconvenience caused,” said the government release.


lazybor says...

Very good

Posted 11 May 2019, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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