Medical marijuana - why are we waiting?

By Ava Turnquest

Tribune Chief Reporter

FORMER Minister of State for Legal Affairs Damian Gomez yesterday called the government’s position on medical marijuana “ludicrous” and “illogical” given the medicinal use of derivatives from other scheduled drugs like cocaine and opium.

Mr Gomez questioned why the government was waiting on a report from the Bahamas National Commission on Marijuana (BNCM) concerning medicinal use given the widespread research and adoption of specific therapies around the world.

According to the World Health Organisation, there were 933 new cases of cancer in The Bahamas in 2018, with 482 people dying from the disease last year.

“That would be even more of a reason to have deployed at the earliest possible time medications that are beneficial, inclusive of marijuana-based medicines,” Mr Gomez said.

His comments come as the Medical Association of the Bahamas gets to work drafting a position paper on medical marijuana.

MAB President Dr Marcus Cooper acknowledged officials were “dragging our feet” when it came to drafting legislation but sought to temper public anxiety that the country was missing out on major medical breakthroughs.

Mr Gomez said: “It’s ludicrous to me that you can have marijuana-based eye drops that is beneficial to the optic nerve but because it’s marijuana it’s outlawed? That doesn’t make sense.

“It’s illogical if everyone around us is recognising, ‘hey this has medicinal purposes’ and they’re using it for those persons, what is it for us to discuss?”

Mr Gomez continued: “Now you may have discussion on recreational uses because that’s no longer a health issue, that’s about choices. But for the sick and those who are attempting to get better, they should be given every possible means of recovering, and be able to access it locally. This is just basic.

“If cocaine and cocaine-based medicines are perfectly legal to administer by a physician, what could be the argument for a doctor not legally being in a position to administer marijuana-based medications?”

Marijuana, termed Indian hemp in the Dangerous Drugs Act, is classified in part II of the act alongside coca leaves, crude cocaine, and raw opium.

Legal pathways already exist for marijuana’s medicinal and scientific use in the country as the Dangerous Drugs Act provides an opportunity to request imports for a specific purpose.

Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan told The Tribune last year the ministry’s records do not indicate that an application to the Dangerous Drugs Act for “Indian hemp” has ever been made.

She said a number of factors could contribute to the lack of applications, and highlighted a lack of awareness and stigma.

Yesterday, Dr Cooper said the MAB’s position paper will specifically address benefits, risks, alternatives to current treatment, and guidelines, if any, related to medical marijuana.

“We know there are a few indications now that cannabis and cannabinoid products have been successfully used in. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence but the science and literature only support a few indications,” Dr Cooper said. 

“So we’re going to be looking at those areas where the evidence supports its use and comparing to current therapy to see if there really is a benefit.

“The ball is rolling we have started already.”

Dr Cooper continued: “People think we’re behind because we’re dragging our feet and we are as far as drafting legislation to address that, but there are no medical breakthroughs that are happening. It’s only now that people are decriminalising and legalising it that they can do research, and that takes time. 

“So yes people are coming out and saying ‘this helped me’ but we don’t prescribe medication just based on that. We want to make sure we do it properly because it’s not without risk.”

The Minnis administration created BNCM to investigate and report on Bahamians’ views on cannabis. The group was expected to submit its first draft on Bahamian attitudes on the controversial plant— the first step in a larger debate on the prohibition of medical and recreational use — this month. However, the commission has been granted a three-month extension.

The Regional Commission on Marijuana, which presented a report to CARICOM on the social, economic, health and legal issues surrounding marijuana in the region last year, recommended that in a regulated framework, marijuana should be treated like tobacco and alcohol.

Despite the assessment being done, Mr Gomez feels the government should have moved more swiftly on the issue.

“One would have thought that by now the government would have moved to pass whatever necessary legislation is need to legalise medical marijuana,” he said. “They don’t need to wait for a commission for that. In the same way that Novocaine and these other drugs are administered, you can’t just go and get it you need a prescription, and it’s supervised by a doctor. I don’t see that as being problematic.

“Now we may need to go further so that pharmacies are enabled to buy those particular medications and in the initial stages we may need to import so you would need some legislation dealing with bringing the drug from the Jamaican institution that does it until we set up our own. 

“And then from that point onwards our local institution would be the entity that sells the drug ultimately to the patients. It is not about recreation, this is about medicine.” 

Cannabis and cannabinoid products have shown success in treating chemo therapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and seizures, according to Dr Cooper, who said those treatments were well-packaged and easy to identify.

The MAB president noted the government will be challenged in efforts to decriminalise or regulate the plant for other medicinal purposes, pointing out complex formulations will be difficult for law enforcement to differentiate from contraband.

“Nobody has ever died from smoking marijuana,” Dr Cooper said, “that’s true, but there are medical and psychological risks associated with THC in particular.”

The MAB’s position paper is several months away, Dr Cooper said, but the association hopes it will coincide with the BNCM’s position paper on legalisation.


geostorm says...

I dont understand, Gomez was a member of the previous government. Why didn't he push to make it legal then. These guys can't be serious!

Posted 27 May 2019, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

zephyr says...

When in opposition, be the shameless idiot as much as you could. What did Gomez had to say about the subject matter between 2012 and 2017?

Posted 27 May 2019, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

We are still waiting because, as always, we are slow, lazy and oh so politically correctly cautious!

Posted 27 May 2019, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Gomez sees medical marijuana (in liquid form) as a stepping stone to out recreational use of marijuana in smoke form. The PLP have obviously decided that dumbing down voters with a D- public education system is not enough. Time to dope them up and cloud their heads forever more so that they can be even more easily manipulated by the PLP agenda. LMAO

Posted 27 May 2019, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

"out" in first sentenec s/b "outright"

Posted 27 May 2019, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

I understand your argument, but how do you account for the millions of persons who use mary jane and are educated, learnt and successful.

I don't see it as any different from the liquor we practically push down young people's throats. Less dangerous, given that any underage person could walk in any bar or liquor store anywhere in this country and no one will ask them if they are old enough. In my experience young people are abusing alcohol an making serious mistakes. We find it socially acceptable to be paying 50$ in numbers a week on minimum wage.

But I suppose all things in moderation or I guess your body your choice.

Posted 27 May 2019, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Most of the marijuana being grown today is not the same as the marijauna of 30+ years ago. The genetically engineered marijuana being grown and sold today has potency levels many times greater than the days of yore. And the medical research community has established beyond a shadow of doubt that smoking today's marijuana on a a rgular basis exposes one to the likely development of incurable mental disorders like schitzophrenia.

Posted 27 May 2019, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

True. There are man made and chemically altered breeds arising: flocka, etc. They are dangerous exceptions and more akin to the methamphetamine and chemicals purposely added.

Regular marijuana grown from a seed until it blooms is certainly not the things you are referring to.

Posted 27 May 2019, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

baddog says...

They should legalise are medical benefits from the hemp plant and what for the commission to report.
It would benefit thousands of Bahamians. Some people is just plane stupid.

Posted 27 May 2019, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Medical marijuana is not a cure all and only benefits a small group of people with specific illnesses. Many don't seem to understand this simple fact and in this country, doctors will be writing prescriptions from patient pressure if only to stay ahead of their competitors. This creates the opportunity for abuses to occur. Level heads must rule!

Posted 28 May 2019, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Well then those doctors should be reported and their prescriptions pad rendered null and void, just as is done now and every where in the world when doctors are found not honoring their oaths to do no harm. It is no secret and the subject of much debate in the USA where doctors who are being paid/incentived by pharmaceutical companies to push opiods, acne meds aimed at teens, anxiety med, etc at their patients.

Posted 28 May 2019, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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