Response to our Haitian brothers and sisters

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PLEASE allow me a space in your valued chronicle to express my longstanding concerns as it relates to our collective social response to our Haitian brothers and sisters. Recently I was privy to a group of professionals discussing the current Haitian immigration crisis in our country.

The Heaven that I have read about will classify those who conveniently disguise hatred with "national interest" as undocumented! ...for every Haitian -for -hire, for every Haitian vote courted (across all administrations),for every early Abaconian farm made to thrive under Haitian supervision - therein has existed a silent demand for "dem set".

I am no less "true true" Bahamian because I advocate for these people.

I am a son of the Universe with a deep appreciation for the dignity of ALL people - dignity and respect is human birthright! Nobody is "illegal" - "undocumented" yes, and should be processed quickly by the laws of this sovereign country - - but this sub human vitriol, and rabid exclusion across these islands towards Haitians negatively consume too many of us. I am hoping that our nation's leader doesn't bow to the overwhelming pressure to broadly discard these humans as if they are secondary.

He would be wise to know that it is the nature of this village to disrobe him as quickly as they have made him king.

His must be leadership that considers the future and humanity. I also hope that, in his administration's wisdom, it becomes clear that It took us decades to get here - it will take measured, humanitarian and internationally compliant means to get us out.

Measured! All I wish for us to remember is that in our staunch positions, we should appreciate that we all share the same needs as human beings - we all have our fears, complexities, wear our badges of honor, seek love and validation, battle insecurities - - but are generally decent enough. Rule of law protects us, and I appreciate what is inscribed on our sacred doctors.

What I can't appreciate is the snide that comes with the xenophobic dialogue. Ironically and in daily corporate, "indigenous" Bahamians are snubbed by less qualified "documented" suitors who clog upward mobility for Bahamians with superior skill sets.

It is other Bahamians with clout and influence who invite and greet these folk with gifts and remuneration triple to ours ...they enjoy our hue steered confidence and hospitality - hospitality from the same ones who call Haitians all manner of darkness.

It would be glorious to experience this decades old uprising in corporate where the take over of sorts is sanitised and appeased by big titles and small pay for the locals.

I have my scars and continue to heal and grow as we all do, but I challenge myself daily to be a better man and to act as consciously as I must.

No scripture or creed - just basic innate goodness that we all have. That's my human duty.



October 8, 2019.


joeblow says...

*"I am a son of the Universe with a deep appreciation for the dignity of ALL people - dignity and respect is human birthright! Nobody is "illegal" - "undocumented" yes, and should be processed quickly by the laws of this sovereign country - - but this sub human vitriol, and rabid exclusion across these islands towards Haitians negatively consume too many of us. I am hoping that our nation's leader doesn't bow to the overwhelming pressure to broadly discard these humans as if they are secondary. "*

Since the law determines legality, there is, by default such a thing as illegal. Many are in Fox Hill because they have broken laws. Entering this, or any country without travel documents automatically means you have entered illegally. You can be treated with respect and dignity and still be illegal!! Try taking some cocaine into a police station to sell and see if there is no such thing as illegal. Your statement is idiotic. Laws create an ordered society. This has nothing to do with race or culture but abuse of immigration laws which just happens to be of large numbers of a particular people from a certain country, and people are getting tired!

Posted 9 October 2019, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The Tribune is going to be deluged with articles like the one above and true to form The Tribune will publish most of them to stir the pot as they seek to boost circulation and profits. It's why The Tribune grants so much coverage to the likes of QC Smith and Rights Bahamas. LMAO

Posted 9 October 2019, 8:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Cas0072 says...

Any statement that is pro national interest or in favor of the enforcement of immigration laws are automatically classified as xenophobic, hateful, or some other dismissive buzz word. You self righteous lot zero in on and magnify the comparatively few extreme comments to “prove your point.” Many crimes are committed for very sympathetic reasons. The reason laws exist is so that emotion is not the order of the day, either way. The Bahamas is in this position partly because of all the humanitarian and sympathetic exceptions made for this one group over the years. Disagreeing with certain laws does not make it acceptable to break them. Exploiting this Bahamian tragedy to manipulate immigration laws is really low.

Posted 9 October 2019, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Mr Pratt, if no human is illegal why don't you move along to a less "xenophobic" country as an "undocumented" migrant? You won't because you don't believe your own words. It was emotional with no logical susbtance. It's impossible to have your life controlled by the value of currency, as most of us do including "undocumented" migrants, and also believe borders don't exist.

Until we have a single global currency, immigration will persist. And borders will be regulated to ensure countries are not overburdened or collapse under the strain of taking on populations they cannot sustain. Therfore, legal persons, and "indigenous" people will try to protect their efforts and those of their forefathers, that contributed to the limited resources of their country. Its not xenophobic, its self's the same reason why illegals migrate to other countries.

Posted 10 October 2019, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I guess Pratt will also support the frontier men who took land from the native american indians?

Posted 10 October 2019, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

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