Row ends with man shot dead


Tribune Staff Reporter

POLICE are investigating the circumstances surrounding a shooting that left a man dead on Monday night. 

According to reports, shortly after 8pm, a man was standing on Pitt Lane off Sandy Lane, when he got into an argument with a man who was known to him, who shot him multiple times before running away. 

Paramedics were called but were unable to resuscitate the man; he was pronounced dead at the scene. 

The Tribune understands the victim is 44-year-old, father-of-two Kurtwood “Bruno” Brown, however, his identity was not released by police. 

This latest killing has pushed the murder count to 86 for the year, according to The Tribune’s records. Murders have increased compared to this period last year, when there were less than 80 killings reported at that time.

The victim’s childhood friend, who gave his name only as “King”, said Mr Brown was a good, down to earth person. 

He said: “He was my friend all my life and he grow me up. We had a good relationship. We were tight and close. He always talked a bunch of garbage and kept everyone laughing. I lost my friend and honest to God they took this to another level now. He doesn’t bother no one.

“He was a good person and he was a chef. He was the best chef in the world and around here. He cooked for everybody, every day when he was living. We had grill outs all of the time and whatever you wanted him to do he’d do. Our last grill out was (Monday).”

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call police at 919, 502-9991 or the Crime Stoppers hotline at 328-TIPS (8477).


Sickened says...

Please also report if the people who are shot are gang members. That way we will know whether or not we should be afraid or sad.

Posted 16 October 2019, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I am sorry to read of another lost of life to violence. The murder rate exceeds
last years count. because it is not a political problem. Not PLP FNM or DNA,
it is a Bahamian problem. it is serious. Is it mental illness?

Posted 16 October 2019, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

The news report on Guardian 96.9FM read like
Come and holiday in sunny Beirut.
Belfast, so lovely in the autumn.

Basra, such lovely sunsets.
Beautiful Barat, the Albanian mountains.
Bahamas, **but would you risk it?**
Civil Unrest is a widespread feature following natural catastrophes. Pushes some volk over-the-edge.
In some cultures, the elderly are the most vociferous. They, are equally, the cohort suffering the largest psychological damage.
The elderly, being exactly that: weak and frail of body, feeble and tired of mind, growth hormones, something in the far away distance. Brains that are literally antiquated antiques. That cohort (in some societies) spend the **First 28-Days** (first moon cycle) roaring and shouting their heads off... left, right and centre. Spewing out all manner of anger, with each one so angry, they cannot EVEN listen to the other old angry volk who are shouting their heads off too, and nobody listens to anybody, whereas, everybody insists that théirs in the Final Solution.
The U25s have the growth hormones coursing their their arteries. 25yrs, (possibly slightly earlier for females) it's the age the brain ceases to develop and grow. That cohort aren't fully aware of the entirety and finality of the death. Just look how many of thém perish behind the wheels of cars, compared with any other age group.
None of those will ever have witnessed anything like this in their lives. Greyhair (ie, old men, with bald heads and with thay silvery, grey band of hair growing across the mid back area) will all line up to educate younger ears, about 《how it goes》. The youth, witnessing total breakdown in the temperament of their elders, remain silent.
Looking. Learning. Watching. Listening.
The lesson taught thus far, is that D-Day was caused by a bunch of dirty, foreign, asylum seekers.
It is thém, who caused all this, apparently.
Besides that? Black Market's always turning.

Plenty of persons' illicit operations, especially in the Black Hole Market of High-Cost, Low-Weight, trans-shipment of high-end SA merch will have been totally disrupted.
Merchandise already shipped, or moved, to meet market demand; and which, was not yet PAID-IN-FULL, is destroyed. Just like everything else is.
That won't be a good enough excuse for others, in the know. Some business operations, after all, cannot be insured.
The video evidence, of the Grey estate DeathSquad operating on the night of Sept 6th, **is clearly sectarian**.
Watch the video. It's indiscriminate. The gunshots start, before the car halts. Bullets in every direction.
One Male, struck by the initial hail, falls. One assassin approaches him and puts two rounds in his head, followed by another 6 rounds to the chest and torso.
That's hatred. Pro-killers/SAS don't waste bullets like that.

Posted 17 October 2019, 1:58 a.m. Suggest removal

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