Same sex marriages and abortion

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A local “failed“ politician who postures as a minister of The Gospel, Frederick McAlpine (FNM-Pineridge) had long sought entry into the House of Assembly as a representative from Grand Bahama.

He tried to secure a nomination from the PLP, allegedly several times, without success. He then moved over or across to the FNM, no one is sure of which, shortly before the last general elections.

To his surprise and that of many others, inclusive of myself, he was elected in the FNM’s landslide.

Almost from day one, after being sworn in, this now FNM sought to embarrass the Prime Minister and his administration. He’s behaved like a loose cannon in the House and on the outside carries on like a natural political misfit, in my considered view.

In almost two and a half years in parliament, he’s yet to sponsor a single piece of legislation designed to improve the lives of Bahamians in general and his Pineridge constituents in particular.

His own constituency association has, apparently, abandoned him in the same manner the good people of the Centreville Constituency Association has jettisoned Chipman.

Now, in a bald naked attempt to remain relevant and to set the tone of the debate going forward, this purported man of The Gospel is advocating homosexual and lesbian “marriages” and state sanctioned killing of innocent unborn human beings aka “abortion”.

This is beyond the pale and should and must be roundly condemned and called out by the so-called Bahamas Christian Council. I will not, however, hold my breath for this to happen.

McAlpine’s congregation, if he has one, should get rid of him. This political crank, apparently, either does not know and practice the scriptural tenets of the Bible or he is an apostate of no mean order.

The Bible and other sacred writings are clear: homosexuality is an abomination both to God and man. Abortion is the taking of a life created by God Himself, without any justification. Yes, the legal pundits and armchair scholars of jurisprudence make “exceptions” for abortions: where the life of the mother is in danger; the pregnancy is the result of incest or a rape and/or where there is medical evidence that the fetus is not less.

Personally I am against all forms of abortion save where it is necessary to save the life of the mother. Abortion cannot be, logically, regarded as a woman’s health option. Call it for what it is: murder of the unborn. God is not a God to be mocked and played with. In my opinion, McAlpine has acted the part of the arse who spoke to Bailam in biblical days and he used what should have been ‘“thus saith The Lord” to advance his demonic-inspired secular agenda. As far as I am concerned, he is a spent political and religious wimp.

There are more pressing issues that we Bahamians should be addressing. The FNM should either invite the remaining so-called FNM Members of Parliament to a one day conclave or retreat down at the Sheraton or the Holiday Inn in the downtown area and read them the fabled Riot Act. They must be told, in no uncertain way, that they were elected on the FNM’s banner and platform and that if they no longer wish to support, constructively, the party’s agenda and the democratically elected leader of the party, the Most Hon Prime Minister, Hubert Alexander Minnis (FNM-Killarney), they should be invited to simply leave the organisation and go their own way.

The FNM and its leadership have to remain focused on recovery; reconstruction and redevelopment of many areas throughout the Abacos and Grand Bahama. We must not forget, in addition, that Ragged Island, et al, is still reeling from Matthew some years ago. This is no time for political and societal distractions.

The welfare of the nation takes priority over any single individual. God, Who is a God of order and decency, said it well in the Bible: “Choose thous this day whom thou will follow”. To God then, the Giver of Life and the Creator of Adam and Eve (not Adam and Bobby) in all things, be the glory.



October 17, 2019.


geostorm says...

Bodie you said a mouth full. The member for Pineridge really needs to get his head checked. Of all these issues to tackle, he chooses the homosexual and abortion agendas.

Posted 18 October 2019, 8:37 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Gay marriage, immigration, ragged island areexcellent to keep the public distracted until the midterm budget vat increase to 20%.
The above letter also contributes to the ruse.

Yep, McAlpine may need his head examined, but please let him not use Bodie's doctors, whose methods have not worked all these years.

Posted 19 October 2019, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

The danger to the evolution of humanity is the failure to separate church and state.
In my humble opinion, the only thing that truly holds our species back is the manipulative male leadership steeped in superstition rampant across the globe. Show me a group of vehement religious people, and I'll show you a lot of uninformed, dogmatic, unthinking hypocrites. The Bahamas is no exception to this rule. .

Posted 19 October 2019, 6:10 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

So mote it be.

Posted 19 October 2019, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Absolutely correct. Why was i not surprised when i reached the end of this letter to find the particular author's name inscribed there?
As the song says ... Dog Don't Bark at Parked Car.
Representative McAlpine is one of the few who are actually speaking up about serious issues in this country. Mr Bodie mentions hurricane recovery, yet i don't recall hearing him being upset by the 700 acres of pine trees covered in oil in East End and the government's order that they not be removed - actually halting a removal effort while it was ongoing.
There are some subjects (like gays and abortion) that most in the Bahamas wish to sweep under the rug and keep there - regardless of the consequences. Suicides, death threats, murders, even just lost productivity and creativity - these are all acceptable as long as the gays are kept quiet and the teenage girls can keep making new church members every 9 months.
One has to wonder if Floyd, Mathew, and Dorian were 3 warnings sent to the Bahamas? Maybe the next one will come right up the center and wipe the whole country out?
A future Noah's Arc type story where God will rid us of our slavemasters once and for all and Bahamians finally be able to breathe fresh air as free men and women. Bow and let us pray.

Posted 19 October 2019, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Spoken like the true **medievalist**...

Posted 20 October 2019, 6:39 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

To help people like you who don't believe in contaminated water supplies…

Posted 20 October 2019, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

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