Minimum wage is a no-brainer

EDITOR, The Tribune

Speaking as an employer, the minimum wage is a no-brainer. If you get more funds in the pockets of working people it not only enriches their lives, it boost the economy. Working people spend their money with the local economy thus generating revenue for the country/Treasury.

People on the political right, wealthy people, will always criticise raising the minimum wage stating it will have an adverse effect on the economy. They will praise tickle-down economics where rich people get huge tax cuts and these extra funds will find their way down to the working class. Unadulterated poppycock and statistically false.

The wealthy are just plain greedy, they want the cake and the cherry on top too.

With regards to politicians anywhere in the world who get tried for corruption - newsflash, nothing every happens to them. The Establishment looks after its own. Guilt or innocence is irrelevant. Jail time almost unheard of so expect no different outcome here.

And as regards dorian, people have stated the building regulations should be changed to withstand these monster storms. Not necessary - just enforce the regulations we already have. It has been well reported that the Government Complex and clinic in Marsh Harbour fared undamaged by Dorian’s might. Why? Because they were built well and to code.

Training and education, as always, the key.



October 23, 2019


momoyama says...

You are very right in your analysis of minimum wages and their effects. Now go and try to convince this government of dunces.

Posted 31 October 2019, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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