Speaker: China should consider developing southeast Bahamas


Deputy Chief Reporter


HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie yesterday recommended to a People’s Republic of China delegation that its country consider developing the southeast region of the Bahamas to shift the population concentration from the northwest Bahamas.

It was also his suggestion that China help this country with relocating the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services from New Providence to Little Inagua.

Speaker Moultrie made the recommendations during a courtesy call with Dr Cai Dafend, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China.

Dr Dafend and a 14-member delegation held brief discussions in the Senate with the Speaker, his deputy Donald Saunders and Chief Clerk David Forbes Friday.

At the time, the Chinese official announced his government would give an additional $500,000US to the Bahamas for Hurricane Dorian relief efforts.

Following the visit, Speaker Moultrie explained that the intent was to seek mutually beneficial opportunities to advance the people of the Bahamas and citizens of China.

“There has been a concentration of our population in the northwest Bahamas (and) Dorian has interrupted that development,” the Nassau Village MP told reporters yesterday. “Abaco is the fastest growing island in the Bahamas and, of course, Grand Bahama has always been considered the second city.

“Well, two of the three major population centres in the Bahamas have been affected by Hurricane Dorian and so I for one believe in the concept in looking for the good in even the worst situation in the midst of all of our sorrow and mourning as a result of Hurricane Dorian.”

He continued: “We see opportunities for the remainder of the archipelago to develop as we restore and redevelop Grand Bahama and Great Abaco so that it could be a greater population distribution and the southeast Bahamas is the port of entry to the Bahamas from the south.

“That is why I gave my personal recommendations to the Chinese that perhaps one of the considerations as we move forward in a joint development of both nations to look at the possibility of developing the southeast Bahamas and making another economic centre in the southeast Bahamas so that we can get a better distribution of our population throughout the archipelago. We think that will auger well not only for the Bahamas but for the entire region.”

“I also recommended that we should take a look at removing the correctional facilities out of the capital and putting it in one of the remote places in the Bahamas and I suggested Little Inagua of course because that is strategically positioned at the gateway to the Bahamas from the south.

“We seem to have more problems coming from the south with respect to illegal immigration and with respect to poaching of our Bahamian waters. So we believe that if we put the proper facilities at that gateway we can better protect ourselves and our sovereignty.”

In prepared remarks during the courtesy call, Speaker Moultrie welcomed the Chinese delegation.

“Over the years, the Bahamas has enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with China. Our foreign policies evinces mutual respect through the recognition of exclusive jurisdiction and sovereignty. Both nations honour the rule of law and pursue international relations that are in the best interest for the advancement of our people and the development of our nations. The Bahamas is supportive of the One-China principle.

“Accordingly, the Bahamas remains open for business with China and we invite the world to our shores and to our archipelago of more than seven hundred islands and cays,” the Speaker said.

As he thanked China for whatever assistance it could provide as the country seeks to rebuild after Dorian, Speaker Moultrie said the Bahamas could benefit from scientific research on the impact of global warming; research on the development of marine industries, educational grants, cultural exchanges and technical assistance; industrial development of the southeast Bahamas; infrastructural development throughout the country especially a deep water harbour; a maximum security correctional facility.


BahamaPundit says...

There you have it folks. Selling out to China. This gentleman offering China a "deep water harbour" in the south east Bahamas is code for saying we're fine if you put a naval miillitary base there. These fellows are unreal! No loyalty to the US at all. No loyalty to Bahamian sovereignty at all. Bahamian leaders have become so darn lazy and unindustrious, they're basically begging to be enslaved and colonized, instead of developing their country themselves.

Posted 20 September 2019, 11:51 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Why was this meeting with the speaker and not the PM? Moultrie obviously does not understand the geopolitical implications of his statement. There are far too many idiots in the House of Assembly!

Posted 21 September 2019, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

I am wondering if anyone in the House of Assembly has a brain at all.
Moultrie's words are those of a male adolescent mind. He has no place in anyone's business but his own. His words continue to show the world what a fool he is, and yet the Bahamian people allow him to embarrass us day after day.

Posted 23 September 2019, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*Accordingly, the Bahamas remains open for business with China and we invite the world to our shores and to our archipelago of more than seven hundred islands and cays,” the Speaker said.*"

He didn't come up with this on his own. Unbelievable. Christie offered them a few acres in Andros, he's giving them MICAL"*dont it all seem to go when you don't know what you gat till it's gone. Paved paradise to put up a parking lot*". Nation for sale 2019. Take a bet on who's getting the sales commission

Posted 21 September 2019, 6:22 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Sounds like Treason.
China down south will strip the ocean of everything edible.
Hell, they already are under some political cover.

Posted 21 September 2019, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Goldpaw73 says...

I agree with on of the other comments.These so called leaders are lazy and have no vision.They have no plan but always looking for hand outs and help from foreigners.There is a saying nothing in particular life is free.Having said that and knowing the track record of the Chinese and how they conduct their affairs as it relates to "helping"countries,They will want slot to in return I'm appalled and astonished that this man would float such a ludacris idea.There are enough Bahamians here with the wealth of knowledge and resources to develop the Southern Bahamas.The government just needs to help and encourage these individuals much more

Posted 21 September 2019, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

I cannot believe Minnis had this big dunce sell the country out to China when it was the Americans that went all out to save our backsides after Dorian!

We the people cannot sit quietly by and allow ourselves to become slaves to China.

Posted 21 September 2019, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

annakmegan says...

Horrible....they just want to kill the Bahamas and its beauty...
Business with China...One of the worst environmental and animal offenders on this planet...if not THE WORST...
I hope the people of Bahamas will tell their politicians to drop China asap....

Posted 21 September 2019, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

> Following the visit, Speaker Moultrie explained that the intent was to seek mutually beneficial opportunities to advance the people of the Bahamas and citizens of China.

> “That is why I gave my personal recommendations to the Chinese that perhaps one of the considerations as we move forward in a joint development of both nations to look at the possibility of developing the southeast Bahamas and making another economic centre in the southeast Bahamas so that we can get a better distribution of our population throughout the archipelago. We think that will auger well not only for the Bahamas but for the entire region.”

> “Over the years, the Bahamas has enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with China. Our foreign policies evinces mutual respect through the recognition of exclusive jurisdiction and sovereignty. Both nations honour the rule of law and pursue international relations that are in the best interest for the advancement of our people and the development of our nations. The Bahamas is supportive of the One-China principle.

> Speaker Moultrie said the Bahamas could benefit from scientific research on the impact of global warming; research on the development of marine industries, educational grants, cultural exchanges and technical assistance; industrial development of the southeast Bahamas; infrastructural development throughout the country especially a deep water harbour; a maximum security correctional facility.

It'a all too obvious that the brutal Xi-led communist regime governing Red China had great input into the prepared text read by Speaker Moultrie to the Bahamian public and the rest of the world. Of much greater significance though is whether PM Minnis will chastise Moultrie and correct (retract) the outrageous positions Moultrie has officially espoused on behalf of the Minnis-led FNM government and, by extension, the Bahamian people.

That suggested maximum security correctional facility in Little Inagua that Moultrie speaks of is nothing but a feeble effort (code wording) to disguise what would undoubtedly be a deep water naval base facility for Red China's military.

Minnis seems to be playing off the U.S. against Red China for his own personal self-gain. It doesn't matter to him whether he's extorting the U.S. or Red China, or ideally both. Are we witnessing the efforts of Minnis and his cohorts to get their own goodies in pretty much the same way that Perry Christie and his cohorts got their own goodies? And what about the rest of us who will have been betrayed? Yes indeed, the term 'high treason' does come to mind from Moultrie's recent official remarks made on behalf of the Minnis-led FNM government.

The U.S. Embassy in The Bahamas no doubt sent an urgent coded and highly classified message to President Trump's new national security advisor. We elected Minnis and therefore it is the face of every Bahamian that is about to be slapped hard by a very heavy hand, and deservedly so.

Posted 21 September 2019, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamaPundit says...

I would have to agree with you that these were not his remarks. These remarks were likely the result of months of planning behind closed doors with Minnis, his cabinet and the Chinese. The wording was tweaked by experts to sound harmless and logical. In actual fact, the concepts espoused in the speech come straight from the China Belt & Road handbook. These are China's words. They are clear and concise to anyone in the know: the Minnis FNM is joining China's Belt & Road global hegemony and allowing them to millitarise the south east Bahamas complete with warships, nuclear subs, advanced radar and probably drones and fighter jets. This is spitting in the face of the US that has warned against this course of action and aided us so much with hurricane Dorean. This speech has been in planning for years and has nothing to do with hurricane Dorean; in fact, it may have been agreed as part of the closed Baha Mar deal. Look at the large size of the Chinese delegation! (Dr Dafend and a 14-member delegation). This plan is likely already in the active stage and building has already commenced. The people must protest. These statements must be retracted ASAP.

Posted 21 September 2019, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

It's perhaps worth noting that Speaker Moultrie's outrageous remarks are probably totally in line with the sentiments of our brain-dead Creole speaking Minister of Foreign Affairs, namely Darren Henfield.

Posted 21 September 2019, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Does the Speaker know that Little Inagua is a protected Land and Sea Park??? ........ He is an Inaguan.

He is really showing his dumbness with these remarks about Chinese in SE Bahamas.

Posted 21 September 2019, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Why don't they provide incentives for Bahamians abroad, to buy and build in the devastated areas? Why do we have to sell a portion of the country to China? Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

Posted 21 September 2019, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

This man is obviously bereft of his senses and must be relieved of his duty immediately. He has no concept of the adverse consequences of such a situation.

Posted 21 September 2019, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

It is highly suspect that the Comrade House Speaker, all on he own stepped-out to sound bugle call for the People’s Republic of China's demographic transformation that will totally shift the colony' northwest population concentration, yes, no .... demographic transformation is something the People’s Republic of China, has become all too familiar at doing ....

Posted 21 September 2019, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Seaman says...

Where the hell this piece of sh__ coming from? He is as dumb as the Clueless PM and DPM. Has he not seen what the people of the United States are doing to help Abaco and Grand Bahama? It was 10 days before we saw a Government official in the Abaco Cays. The Minister of Finance talking about Vat deadlines for Abaco...while he sits and plays with his balls and sleeps good. It's time for the people of Abaco to stand up, even if we must do so with armed force. We must get rid of the heartless crew of the PM and DPM. Sit back Government and let us rebuild Abaco at no cost to you. Stay the Fu#$ out of Abaco. What say you Tal?

Posted 21 September 2019, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

The Speaker is talking nonsense. The Bahamas should want nothing to do with China. They do not follow the rule of law and have no regard for human life or the environment. They should have never been allowed to have a presence in the country in the first place.

No, no, no to Chinese influence. Take your dirty money back to Beijing!

Posted 21 September 2019, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...



Posted 21 September 2019, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

The Administrator needs to remove this failed attempt by China to comment here.

Posted 23 September 2019, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

TroyWJohnson says...

This idea does not make sense on a few counts
1. The islands in the southeast are more prone to the effects of hurricanes
2. What effect will this shift have on tourism with the new capital being so far away from our number 1 source of tourist - the USA
3. What effect will this shift have on food supplies, construction and building material and anything that has to be shipped.
4. The speaker is from Inagua right? Hmmmm boy I believe he sure would benefit from a move like that. Could be wrong.
5. If he was serious about a shift in population why not look at Andros. Size and proximity alone are ideal

Posted 21 September 2019, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

HEY, HEY HEY.... You'll talking about my fellow Eugene Dupuch Law School graduate like that? He was one of the selected; and consequently, became an honorably elected. Furthermore, don't you'll have any respect for a former graduate of the 'THE' Government High School?

I am the stone that the Bahamas Bar Council rejected.

Posted 21 September 2019, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

We should consider re-evaluating how we approach “corrections, rehabilitation & reintegration” of many nonviolent convicted felons, especially those involving ‘drug offenses’. Having all our facilities in New Providence is also problematic, including our major corrections facility (HMP).

“Developing” the southeastern Bahamas is a good idea, but loosing that family island charm is a danger that we must avoid. The northern Bahamas must be rebuilt taking into consideration the new realities of recent storm strength and sea level rise. It is also important that our business and immigration practices conform to just & moral codes.

In this time of national crisis we should avoid knee-jerk reactions. Having China or any other Nation “Develop” any part of our country is not palatable to any right thinking Bahamian who is a student of history. The Bahamas should be developed by and for the benefit of Bahamians and those who love the Bahamas. Partnering with those who have our best interest and the best interest of our local and global environment can be a part of that, but the words of our Speaker diminishes his office and sullies his reputation. Let us think before we speak. Our leaders owe us even more deliberative opinions, forged from studious and collaborative evaluation and consensus. Our future can’t be determined by the willy nilly pronouncements of ill-informed politicians, no matter their position.

Posted 22 September 2019, 12:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Well stated!

Posted 22 September 2019, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Jesusiscomingsoon says...


Posted 22 September 2019, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

And we wonder ehy this country has been going backwards for so long! Was it china who were on the ground within hours of dorians destruction, was it china who had 5000 national gaurdsmen ready to deploy, was it china who has been piling in the relief goods into the Bahamas? FFS this is the calibre of our supposed government. No wonder Donald stopped giving out TPS after one week!

Posted 22 September 2019, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Notwithstanding the folly of Moultrie's statement, in my opinion, the ant-Chinese sentiments are not warranted.

Posted 22 September 2019, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

@Godson: You must be a white Bahamian lucky enough to also hold another country's passport.

The brutal Xi-led communist regime of Red China is seeking to colonize the Bahamas for the very same reasons they have colonized virtually every nation on the African continent over the past two decades. These reasons in the case of the Bahamas are all too well known:

1) To secure a cheap source of labour for Red Chinese businesses coming to our shores, and it doesn't matter whether that cheap labour be of Bahamian or Haitian ancestry.

2) To obtain access to our marine resources (fish, lobster, etc.) for the benefit of the more privileged Red Chinese people back in mainland Red China.

3) To allow Red China to gain a strong strategic foothold on the southeastern door step to the U.S. for its military; to eventually include naval, missile and drone bases with facilities for air support as well.

4) To have the Bahamas more fully align its voting rights and interests in international organizations like the U.N., OAS, etc. with the interests of Red China.

5) To subject the Bahamian people to absolute rule by 'bought' corrupt political leaders of Red China's choosing; a puppet Bahamian government to do Red China's bidding with military support if necessary to maintain Red China's control over the Bahamas and the Bahamian people.

Most Bahamians do not realize and appreciate the following:

a) Even the most basic human rights are not respected in communist Red China.

b) There is no rule of law in Red China - the Xi-led communist regime rules supreme with essentially zero tolerance for dissidents.

c) The Red Chinese people are a very closed society with over 5,000 years of history that they truly believe establishes them as the most supreme people living on the planet today; accordingly, they believe they have the right to wage whatever warfare may be necessary, including economic or kinetic warfare, to achieve their stated goal of worldwide dominance.

d) As a result of c) above, the Red Chinese people tend to be racially intolerant and highly protective of their race; for them the colour spectrum of races in order of superiority and importance to mankind are seen to be: Yellow Chinese (themselves), White (Europeans - Caucasians), Other Yellow Asians (Lighter the better), Brown (Once again, lighter the better), and finally Black.

Posted 22 September 2019, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Well_Mudda_take_sic, notwithstanding your assertion, my ethnicity or social status should not weigh in on my concerns for the Bahamas and my willingness to express them. And notwithstanding the fact that you are anonymous in addressing me, I have come to respect and find your comments in your postings worthwhile to read. But I am, indeed, Godson Johnson.

As it relates to China, I will not dismiss the most ancient civilization on earth as irrelevant; and I do not view China as a Xi-China. Chinese philosophy and the consistent advances of the civilization gets my attention as worthy of my observation and respect. If only, i may learn something from China towards successful longevity. I won't be able to learn from them if I hate (anti-Chinese sentiment) on them.

And considering your outlined points against China, are we Bahamians are to believe that the USA has a distinct and different agenda to those that you have outlined above?
*i.e.*(.4) To have the Bahamas more fully align its voting rights and interests in international organizations like the U.N., OAS, etc. with the interests of Red China (USA?).

Posted 22 September 2019, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Unfortunately, after the China - Perry Christie - Sarkis Izmirlian fiasco, Bahamians have a strong after taste for dealings with China, and like Perry Christie, they have made themselves their own worst enemies in the eyes of many.

Moultrie statement was an unimaginable asinine, stupid, blunder that has further eroded the peoples' trust, damaging the FNM.

Posted 22 September 2019, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

this een no blunder.

our political process sees us every five years handing over our islands and our treasury to the dumbest and the greediest. Don't know who's worst them or us.

Posted 22 September 2019, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

This set may not be the greediest but they sure are the dumbest. In any event, one of their Cabinet Minister once told me that he is out to fix himself so that he never has to worry about money again.

Posted 22 September 2019, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

SP, while Bahamians may have a strong after taste, they have a remarkably short memory, and an inability to process true information. Not all, but most.
Just saying. Do you not read the papers?

Posted 25 September 2019, 7:06 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The Comrade House Speaker, might want direct his energy towards explaining to out islanders, if it was just case that it was **beyond government's first responders capability** that resulted in the government's complete breakdown responding to stranded out islanders post Hurricane Dorian, and even at his very hour have miserably failed to commence with the recovery untold number dead bodies.
**Why is it that **civilian first responders equipped with little more than a desire render help as soon as possible were able do reach places and things help out islanders that seemed beyond the scope, reach and capability the government** ... and, I don't know if this question has or will every be **truthfully answered by the governing politicians, or their appointed and hired officials,** yes, no ... Comrade House Speaker, was it just case of the out islanders elected and politically appointed. not giving a good goddamn?......

Posted 22 September 2019, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

How are JimmyZ's comments not blocked?

Posted 23 September 2019, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamaPundit says...

Time for Bahamian leaders to stop seeing this country as their startup get rich quick scheme IPO. It's a country; that's it. If you want to get rich, start a business and do the hard work.

Posted 23 September 2019, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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