Minnis suspends need to make insurance payments


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has suspended the obligation to pay health, medical and life insurance premiums as long as the state of emergency is in place and for 60 days afterward.

“Should any insured event occur giving rise to the liability of the insurer to pay a claim to the insured, the insurer shall honour the claim and only deduct the renewal fee and any deductible from the money paid under the claim,” his order released Tuesday says.

Dr Minnis has also suspended the obligation to file documents with, pay fees to and renew a licence, visa or permit issued by any government entity, statutory body or regulator. This will be in effect for the duration of the state of emergency and thirty days afterward. However, this does not apply to matters applicable under the Customs Management Act, Value Added Tax Act, Real Property Tax Act and National Insurance Act. This also does not apply to the obligation to pay for child support and maintenance and other civil payments ordered by courts.

Attorney General Carl Bethel, asked about this yesterday, said the order does not apply to Road Traffic Department requirements since that department is open for licensing.

Dr Minnis has also suspended provisions under the Limitation Act for the rest of the state of emergency and 30 days after.

“Basically any civil claim, in tort, contract and even judicial review applications have time limits, after the expiration of which suit cannot be brought, unless they can invoke special rules which allow a judge to extend the time beyond the general limit,” Mr Bethel said. “(This order) means that the limitation on suing for breach of contract, or to eject a squatter is all suspended for the period of the emergency so people don’t lose their rights to sue because the courts are closed.”

Dr Minnis has also suspended requirements to pay fees or may declarations under the International Business Companies Act for the duration of the state of emergency and 14 days after.

The suspension obligation is backdated to March 17.


concerned799 says...

Not that I have love for insurance companies, but how will this affect their ability to finance and make payouts? And if they fold and declare bankruptcy will the government then take over their claim obligations?

There are a lot of questions which need thinking thru here I feel.

Posted 1 April 2020, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**What did Papa know that this premier, doesn't?**
Ma comrade Concerned, best your most important question be answered by Papa Hubert a former prime minister and his then attorney general who must have weighed option **legal liability** of advising Policy Holders **not be paying their insurance premium obligations** to a bankrupted insurance company. Papa and his AG, **opted encourage Policy Holders to keep paying their insurance premium obligations.** You've thought premier - would've thought consult with Papa. Nod once for yeah, Twice for no?

Posted 1 April 2020, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

wonder if you going to quit taking vat out of what little money we got in the bank e3very month ?

Posted 2 April 2020, 8:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

One thing is for sure: The hospitals are going to end up needing much more government support than the very well-off shareholders of health insurers!

Posted 2 April 2020, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

My...my...my...tut...tut...tut....the govt with all the highfalutin big time legal words and all the resources the govt could muster...couldn't even win the high importance cases they did...and now even seems case they sued and lost ...even turning now and sue them.

Posted 2 April 2020, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

notacausualobserver says...

How could the Prime Minister, Put something like this in effect? No need to pay premiums, even temporarily and still be covered. The insurance company, a private concern, can't cancel, but have to honor the clients side terms of the contract, but not the other party. Illogical.

Posted 2 April 2020, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

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