SUNDAY COVID-19 UPDATE: One newly confirmed case

On Sunday, the Ministry of Health announced that there is one additional confirmed case of COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 47.

The newly confirmed case is a 36-year-old woman of Cat Cay, Bimini with no history of travel. She is in isolation at home.

There have been seven confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama, 38 in New Providence, one in Cat Cay and one on the island of Bimini.

The death toll remains at eight.

Health officials are continuing to follow the condition of the other current COVID-19 positive cases.

Members of the public are once again reminded to follow the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Order announced by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis to reduce the spread of the virus, including physical distancing.


Eve says...

Did the new victim know the woman who died from it in Bimini?

Posted 13 April 2020, 2:03 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*Turkey’s president has rejected the resignation of the country's interior minister who took responsibility for a poorly timed announcement of a weekend lockdown that prompted thousands of people to rush into the streets to stock up on supplies.*

*The 48-hour lockdowns across 31 cities — which were aimed to contain the spread of the coronavirus — **were announced just two hours before taking effect** on Friday night. **Thousands of people rushed into the streets to stock up on goods**, many without wearing mandatory face masks as closely-bunched crowds sparked criticism of the government’s planning.*"

It seems no matter how many countries flubbed this, every country flubs it, and then says, our leader did a great job, look at those other countries they didn't get it right either.

People respond predictably to abrupt, draconian changes. They panic. Whats the solution? A game plan, a series of what if scenarios. So people know *if we get to this point this will happen, that point that will happen*. Let people know the amount of food and water they should have on hand, just like we give guidance for a hurricane. Plan for distributed distribution to those persons who will not have the resources for the minimal stockpile so that they don't panic. Let people know how it will work, ahead of time. Involve the persons in the supply chain so they know how to plan and sufficient time is given for them to restock. Empty shelves also create panic. And dont go to them a day before the announcement include them in the what if analysis planning. So when they see the signs they have already designed their action plan. All you have to say is "Level X" and they know what to do. We created an entire ministry of disaster preparedness for this.

It has always been my contention that Mr Lewis was the wrong choice, I shouldn't say "wrong", it was a nearsighted choice, a response to the "current" disaster rather than a view to appointing someone who could handle any disaster. He would have been fine if it were the ministry of rebuilding for a hurricane. You need a logistics person heading that ministry. Handling disasters are all about logistics. There are some positions that just cant be about learning as you go. You have to come with the skillset

Posted 13 April 2020, 6:14 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

What is starting to scare me is random articles about cats and dogs which "MAY" contract covid. But the evidencevis weak.

Just like one day we were suddenly required to wear masks. One day we will wake up mandated to kill our pets.

The yenta accross the road will call the policecto say we are harboring our long time potcake at home.

This is "the matrix". Maybe I will choose the blue pill.

Posted 13 April 2020, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Animals have tested positive, most famous is a tiger at the brooklyn zoo

Posted 13 April 2020, 7:13 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*The yenta accross the road will call the policecto say we are harboring our long time potcake at home.*"

I am also slightly disturbed at how excited people are to call the SS to report on their neighbours. It seems oddly reminiscent of something.

Posted 13 April 2020, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Im glad ppl think disaster preparedness is important now after we allowed politics to sully and diminish something that is probably necessary due to geography, mother nature, time, reality of globalization and the movement of people - especially when you working with limitedassts.

Covid required lockdown and quarantine. More importantly, the dissemination of information. Unfortunately, information, good information, cant be spread when he continue to raise and 'baby' an ignorant and naive populace. We have to say it at the feet of our leaders. I find it strange, dangerous, alarming, that after thr first lockdown ordercame the PLP leaders would get on tv and say they dont know why the govt is impeding on Bahamians civil liberties as there is no evidence that bahamians arent social distancing. Now this weekend they now say the govt should electronically monitor and track quarantine patients to ensure they are social distancing. This is a problem. This a problem to any kind of progress. The reality is a segment of this country believes certain ppl when they speak and encouraging ignorance and stupidity to attack and demean is par the course in this country.

Furthermore, as this issue of the food stores go, people provably panicked. But, i do t believe everyone who cued up i them lines that first week needed to. The whole of nassau couldnt of been on their last porkchop. Further, social media, what bahamians take asverified and accurate news, was filled with pics of extravangant dishes.

Posted 13 April 2020, 7:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

We always had a ministry of disaster preparedness and it was always important. It's called the Ministry of National Security. I've said on a number of occasions that Marvin Danes acts as if he's the police commissioner, as if crime and murders are his only concern. When in fact he should be concerned with anything that threatens the Bahamas.

To be honest, I'm not really sure what the current incarnation of the ministry of National disaster is. Haven't heard much from it in this crisis. My personal belief is the ministry was set up to funnel collection of potential millions of donated money. I'm quite often wrong and I could be off with that too.

As to the panic, don't think "everyone" panicked. But enough did to cause a real catastrophe. We have 200,000 people in Nassau if everybody was at the food store last week they'd still be queued up. If everybody was driving up and down we'd have traffic jams everywhere all day. Like Christmas.

I know of persons who make annual trips to the US to stock up on supplies, they weren't on the lines. There are others like them. I believe everyone that went needed to. It's a really sick privilege that believes needy people will stand on a line for 4 hours for food just got kicks. There's another disturbing narrative going around, *they didnt get a trolley full why they in the foodstore*? Persons may have been making extravagant meals but bet your bottom dollar there were persons who ate bread and water for 5 days.

Posted 13 April 2020, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

I may be incorrect but it seems that ministry's jurisdiction activates after an event -whether that it because we allowedall the politics and noise to reduce the scope of their work during the parliamentary and public debate. Further, i dont recall this country ever going on lockdown. Didnt they had to go pass legislation just to empower the PM to do what he did? Worldwide, persons are unsuee, every week the mayor of new york and governor seem at odds as one has the power to veto to other, to do this or do that, governors of other states asking federal govt for this, trump positions on the issue of masks in the first instance was that states were suppose to have their supplies.

Luckily for us, we have one govt to blame for everything and demand everything from

Posted 13 April 2020, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*the ministry's jurisdiction activates after...*", "*Didnt they just....*"

All true! And completely different from **preparation**. MND's entire existence is preparation *in the event of*. Months ago they told us they'd updated the national disaster preparedness plan for *every possible scenario*. I assume that meanz you sat around the table with your team and examined all the disasters that have taken place at any point in the world, Id even get some biblical scholars in there, then you plot out whats likely to happen locally along with some mitigation strategies. Pandemics are not unheard of. Tidal waves are not unheard of. Insect swarms are not unheard of. Earthquakes are not unheard of. objects falling from the sky are not unheard of...gas explosions are not unheard of. sinkhole? When the unthinkable happens, while the general public has the right to say omg this has never happened befire! MND has to say here's the plan, here's what we're going to do. The one clear and evident failing of this current administration is their inability to plan. I'm not sure why that is, they have access to brilliant people...

Don't believe you can use anything going on in the US right now as an example of an appropriate response or an excuse for a poor response from us.

And you are assuming that everyone would react the way Minnis, Trump, Johnson have. We only have to look back at Hurricane Katrina to see what a change in leadership means to crisis management. Just Because it's a crisis and it's possibly never happened before doesn't mean there isn't a good way to go about things.

I remember when Obama was in charge he organized a committee of writers. Fiction writers. Their task was to come up with story lines for threats to the US and they would examine whether their defenses were prepared for the scenario. He's not there now, but I believe if Obama were in charge we would have seen much more proactive action in the US. for one they would have taken the situation seriously from November when they were first warned. By January when cases started showing up they would have been kicking into high gear. More than likely there would have been a united global effort to contain the virus.

Posted 13 April 2020, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

I dont think everyone who towed the line didnt need to, i believe that everyone didnt is my point, we can disagree. Persons alsi indicated to me that they intended to have as much of a regular easter sunday/weekend as they could.

Posted 13 April 2020, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

Case numbers in the world are flattening. Iran, China, S Korea are opening up stores again. Sweden never closed theirs or their businesses. Hopefully this country with a max number of 5 cases in one day can stop the foolishness and open up the country again. I really hope I can get some milk on Tues or Wed. It has been two weeks.

Posted 13 April 2020, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

you have to ask the question what are those countries doing in addition to a quarantine. We're currently on a hamster wheel. How can you open if you don't know everyone who's sick?

Posted 13 April 2020, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

Canada has now joined the US and Europe in using the fast 5 minute test. It tests for antibodies so will only show who had it and who got it 5-6 days ago. Planning is much easier when you know who is now immune and who is sick. The people who are immune can go back to work. The people who are sick, isolate.

Posted 14 April 2020, 12:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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